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Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC)


Our People

The many changes brought by MSC transition, including the establishment of new research initiatives, expansion of outreach activities and development of specialized centres, will render a career in the MSC more satisfying and meaningful. MSC staff will be provided with the time and tools they need to develop and deliver these service improvements, and there will be a new emphasis on strengthening and building research partnerships with scientists in other departments and agencies, and in Canada's academic community. New staff will be recruited to the MSC, and all employees will have better facilities and tools and greater access to training and professional development opportunities. Although there will be a need to relocate some employees and others will see their current job responsibilities change, there will be sufficient employment opportunities within the MSC for all staff. A human resources strategy and tools have been developed to manage the transition period.


The MSC is characterized by a diverse but primarily scientific and technical workforce. In 2002-2003, the MSC had a workforce of approximately 1 900 employees; of these, 94 percent were indeterminate full time. The average age of staff is 45 years; however, the age distribution is more critical in some occupational groups than others. Seven percent of employees are currently eligible for retirement; when the timeframe is extended to 2005, the figure is 14 percent.

MSC Workforce Distribution by Region

MSC Workforce Distribution by Classification

MSC Retirement Eligibility

Retirement eligibility based on 55 years old with 30+ years of service


People are the key to our success and therefore we are committed to concentrate a significant amount of energy and resources to make the MSC an exemplary workplace. Our efforts are focused on recruiting new talent, building on our existing knowledge and skills, ensuring an effective transfer of corporate knowledge, retaining critical knowledge and skills, career and management development and building a better workplace.

Employment Equity

Employment Equity and Diversity remain at the forefront of the MSC's priorities. A management action plan was developed at MSC - Headquarters and within each region, with the objective of achieving a representative workforce of the public it serves by 2005.

Nancy Cutler, National Director General, Policy and Corporate Affairs Directorate, co-chaired the Second International Conference on Women in Meteorology and Hydrology in March 2003. The conference, convened by the WMO and held in Geneva, Switzerland, was attended by more than 100 women from developed and developing countries. The conference's objective was to promote the role and status of women within the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) of WMO members. The conference also sought to promote a gender perspective in the programs and policies of NMHSs and a more equitable representation of men and women in the activities of the WMO.

NOMAD weather buoy

NOMAD weather buoy placed within the elevated platform of the new docking bay

Training and Development

First Annual Forecasters' Forum

More than 150 people, including 100 operational meteorologists, attended the inaugural MSC Forecasters Forum in Victoria in February 2003. The forum was characterized by the sharing of innovative ideas and practices and discussions of the evolving role of forecasters in the forecast production system. Other topics included the development of a meteorological community of practice, training, education and forecast production technology. Invited speakers from academe and the private sector also participated in the forum. The forum, the first event of its kind in 130 years of weather forecasting in Canada, was deemed a successful event by participants.

Meteorologist Training

The MSC has taken an active lead in the Meteorologist Operational Internship Program, a national training program for new recruits. The hands-on training, conducted at three training centres in Canada (Edmonton, Dartmouth and Montreal), gives participants the practical skills they will need to work in an operational environment. Upon completion of their training, graduates are placed in weather centres across Canada.

Severe Winter Training Program

The third MSC/Cooperative Program for Meteorology, Education and Training severe winter weather course was held in December 2002 in Boulder, Colorado. The course, developed in partnership with Canadian and U.S. scientists from government and universities, improves forecasters' capability to predict severe winter weather. Fifteen students representing the MSC regions, the Aviation and Defence Service and the CMC attended.

Safety and Health of Employees

Safer Working Conditions at Atlantic Region's Marine Facility

The MSC maintains a network of 11 moored NOMAD weather buoys on Canada's East Coast. All maintenance is undertaken at the marine facility in Bedford, Nova Scotia. Technicians are required to wear a body harness and be tethered to the buoys at all times. This practice slows down routine maintenance chores and repairs since movement is restricted due to the length of the tether. A docking bay was designed, built and installed in the facility to eliminate the need for technicians to be secured to the buoy while still adhering to Occupational Safety and Health requirements. A second bay will be installed during summer 2003.

National Water Program Technician Training

Twenty-nine new recruits from the MSC regions were trained as "field ready" employees for the Water Survey program through a hydrometric recruitment and training project. The two-year project was developed to fill current and impending vacancies in the hydrometric program by training new employees in all Occupational Safety and Health requirements, as well as in measurement equipment, techniques and standards. The ten-week long training courses included classroom, laboratory and outdoor instruction.


Each year, dozens of MSC staff receive awards for their outstanding contributions. Following is a list of some of the individuals who received recognition in 2002-2003.

External Awards

Her Majesty's Golden Jubilee Commemorative Medal

MSC recipients of the Golden Jubilee Commemorative Medal are Dave Steenbergen, Henry Hengeveld, Guy Fenech, Maria Ascenzi, Terry Allsopp, Darryl Lynch, Andrée Desormeaux, Charles Anderson, Howard Salomon, Gilles Richard, Denis Filiatrault, Marlene Phillips, Wendy Benjamin, Brian Wong, Kent Johnson, Mert Horita, Vaughn Williams, Julie Turner

PIPSC Steward of the Year Award

At the PIPSC Annual General Meeting in November 2002, Pierre Tourigny of the MSC was presented with the PIPSC Steward of the Year Award. This annual award recognizes the exceptional work done by one steward from each PIPSC region. Pierre was selected for consistently going "above and beyond" the scope of regular duties, thereby making an extraordinary contribution to the Institute.

Pierre Tourigny and Mark KohliMark Kohli presents Pierre Tourigny with the PIPSC Steward of the Year award

2002 Prize winners, the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society

  • Nancy Cutler, National Director General, Policy and Corporate Affairs Directorate, was appointed a Fellow of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) for her outstanding contributions to Canadian and global meteorology, for her strong advocacy for women in science and for her extensive and sustained contributions to the society.
  • Jacques Vanier, Regional Director, MSC - Quebec Region, received the Jim Bruce Achievement award for his outstanding contribution to the MSC.
  • William Purcell of Prairie and Northern Region received the Rube Hornstein Medal in operational meteorology.
  • Clément Chouinard of the Atmospheric and Climate Science Directorate and Jacques Hallé of the Atmospheric Environment Prediction Directorate received the Andrew Thomson Prize in applied meteorology.
  • The Patterson Distinguished Service Medal is awarded by the MSC to residents of Canada for distinguished service to meteorology. Professor Timothy Oke of the University of British Columbia is the 2002 recipient of the medal.

Internal Awards

Citations of Excellence: Olga Abramowski, Marielle Alarie, Bruce Angle, Jean-Pierre Bernard, George Boer, Équipe de diffusion du BSME de Montréal, Équipe de diffusion du BSME de Québec, Guy Chartier, Rob Cross, Julie Dion, Ivan Dubé, Adam Fenech, Al Gallant, Andrew Hunt, George Isaac, Kent Johnson, Rodd Klock, John Mullock, Michel Nadeau, NAV CANADA Team, Norm McFarlane, Linh Chi Nguyen, Pacific and Yukon Region Informatics staff, Marlene Phillips, Philip Raczynski, Peter Richardson, Jacques Rousseau, William Schroeder, Gilles Simard, Bill Sukloff, Bob Vet, Jean-François Voros, David Watson.

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Created : 2004-02-24
Modified : 2004-02-24
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Url of this page : http://www.msc.ec.gc.ca

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