International Joint Commission
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Public consultations by the IJC on the governments' review of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement

At the request of the governments of Canada and the United States, the IJC invited public comment in advance of the review of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement that will be initiated by the governments in March 2006. The IJC is pleased to provide information about the Agreement and the public comments it has received.

Press Releases

First-ever report on children's health and environment indicators in North America released today by CEC, IJC, and partners

IJC receives peer review of Lake Ontario–St. Lawrence River Study components

New discussion paper on IJC’s International Watersheds Initiative

Binational team submits Upper Lakes Plan of Study to IJC


International Joint Commission -
Mission Statement

The International Joint Commission prevents and resolves disputes between the United States of America and Canada under the 1909 Boundary Waters Treaty and pursues the common good of both countries as an independent and objective advisor to the two governments.

In particular, the Commission rules upon applications for approval of projects affecting boundary or transboundary waters and may regulate the operation of these projects; it assists the two countries in the protection of the transboundary environment, including the implementation of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement and the improvement of transboundary air quality; and it alerts the governments to emerging issues along the boundary that may give rise to bilateral disputes.

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