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Climate Monitoring and Data Interpretation Division


Amir Shabbar
Research Climatologist



I. El Nino-Southern Oscillation

Shabbar A. and M.L. Khandekar, 1996: The impact of El Nino/Southern Oscillation on the temperature field over Canada, Atmos.-Ocean 34(2), 401-416.

Shabbar, A., A. G. Barnston, 1996: Skill of seasonal climate forecasts in Canada using Canonical Correlation Analysis, Mon. Wea. Rev., 124, 2370-2385.

Shabbar, A., B. Bonsal and M. Khandekar, 1997: Canadian Precipitation Patterns Associated with the Southern Oscillation, J. Climate,10, 3016-3027.

Shabbar, A., K. Higuchi, and J.P. Huang, 2003: Boundary and initial flow induced variability over Pacific North America in CCC-AGCM simulations. Tellus, 55A, 401-418.

Zhang, X, J. Sheng and A. Shabbar, 1998: Modes of interannual and interdecadal variability of Pacific SST, J. Climate, 11, 2556-2569.

II. The North Atlantic Oscillation

Higuchi, K., J.P. Huang and A. Shabbar, 1999: A wavelet characterization of the North Atlantic oscillation variation and its relationship to the North Atlantic sea surface temperature, Int. J. Climatol., 19: 1119-1129.

Higuchi, K., C. W. Yuen and A. Shabbar, 2000: Ice Sorm '98 in southcentral Canada and northeastern United States: A climatological perspective, Theor. Appl, Climatol., 66, 61-79

Huang, J.P., K. Higuchi and A. Shabbar, 1998: The relationship between the North Atlantic Oscillation and El Nino-Southern Oscillation, Geophys. Res. Letter, 25, 2707-2710.

Shabbar, A., K. Higuchi, W. Skinner and J. L. Knox, 1997: The Association between the BWA Index and Winter Surface Temperature Variability over Eastern Canada and West Greenland, Int J Climatol.,17, 1195-1210. 

Shabbar, A.,Huang, J.P. and K. Higuchi, 2001: The relationship between the wintertime North Atlantic Oscillation and Blocking episodes in the North Atlantic, Int. J. Climatol., 21, 355-366.

III. Teleconnection Study

Bonsal, R., A. Shabbar and K. Higuchi, 2001: Impacts of low frequency variability modes on Canadian winter temperature, Intl. J. Climatol., 21, 95-108.

Etkin, D., S. E. Brun, A. Shabbar, and P. Joe, 2001: Tornado climatology of Canada revisited: Tornado activity during different phases of ENSO. Int. J. Climatol., 21, 915-938.

Higuchi, K., C.A. Lin, A. Shabbar and J.L. Knox, 1991: Interannual variability of the January tropospheric meridional eddy sensible heat transport in the northern latitudes, Journal of Met Soc of Japan, 69, 459-472.

Hsieh, W.W., Yuval, J. Li, A. Shabbar and S. Smith, 2003. Seasonal prediction with error estimation of Columbia River streamflow in British Columbia. J. Water Resour. Plng. and Mgmt. 129(2): 146-149.

Knox, J.L., K. Higuchi, A. Shabbar and N. E. Sargent, 1988: Secular variation of Northern Hemisphere 50 kPa geopotential height, J. Climate, 1, 500-511.

Nils Chr. Stenseth, Amir Shabbar, Kung-Sik Chan, Stan Boutin, Eli Knispel Rueness, Dorothee Ehrich, James W. Hurrell, Ole Chr. Lingjærde and Kjetill S. Jakobsen, 2004: Snow conditions may create an invisible barrier for lynx. Proc. NAS, 101, 10632-10634.

Shabbar, A., K. Higuchi and J.L. Knox, 1990: Regional analysis of Northern Hemisphere 50 kPa geopotential heights from 1946 to 1985, J. Climate, 3, 543-557.

Skinner, W.R., B.J. Stocks, D. L. Martell, B. Bonsal and A. Shabbar, 1999: The association between circulation anomalies in the mid-troposphere and area burned by wildland fire in Canada, Theor. Appl, Climatol, 63, 89-105.

Skinner, W.R., B.J. Stocks, D. L. Martell, B. Bonsal and A. Shabbar, 1999: The relationship between are burned by wildland fire in Canada and circulation anomalies. Biomass burning and its inter-relationships with the climate system. Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp 101-126.

Stenseth, N. C., A. Shabbar, K. S. Chan, S. Boutin, E. K. Rueness, D. Ehrich, J. W. Hurrell, O. C., Lingjaerde, and K. S. Jacobsen, 2004: Snow conditions may create an invisible barrier for lynx, Proceeding of the National Academy of Science, 101, 10632-10634.

Wu, A., W. W. Hsieh, and A. Shabbar, 2002: Nonlinear characteristics of the surface temperature over Canada.
J. Geophys. Res., 107, doi:10.1029/2001JD001090.

Wu, A., W. W. Hsieh and A. Shabbar, 2004: The nonlinear pattern of North American temperature and precipitation associated with ENSO. J. Climate (submitted).

IV. Climate Extremes

Shabbar, A., and B. Bonsal, 2003: An assessment of changes in winter cold and warm spells over Canada. Natural Hazards, 29, 173-188.

Shabbar, A., and B. Bonsal, 2004: Association between low frequency variability modes and winter temperature extremes in Canada, Atmos.-Ocean, 42, 127-140.

Shabbar, A., and W. Skinner, 2004: Summer drought patterns in Canada and the relationship to global sea surface temperatures. J. Climate, 17(14), 2866-2880.


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