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United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change


UNFCCC launches interactive map and reporting system for the CDM

To coincide with the one-year anniversary of the Kyoto Protocol, the UNFCCC secretariat is launching two new online tools designed to inform about progress in the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol. Together, they provide a comprehensive overview of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects and their projected climate change reductions. A new CDM project map shows the location of CDM activities worldwide. Visitors can travel around the globe and learn about the location and many details of each project. In addition to this, a series of new graphs provide detailed breakdowns about the range, distribution of such projects that highlight national participation, project impacts and the status of project registration.
For more information, visit the CDM project map or reports.

UNFCCC chief sees Kyoto Protocol countries on their way to reach emissions targets

The acting head of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change says that industrialized countries that have ratified the 1997 Kyoto Protocol can still reach their legally binding emissions targets.
Read the press release (122 kB)



UNFCCC Newsletter
To mark the one-year anniversary of the Kyoto Protocol’s entry into force, on 16 February 2005, the UNFCCC secretariat is launching this inaugural edition of the UNFCCC newsletter.  During a web survey conducted in 2005, the concept of a UNFCCC newsletter stood out as the number one new web service demanded by participants.  This newsletter will consolidate information from across all the UNFCCC web sites, providing an overview of what is new.
Subscribe or read the first edition.

Twenty-Third Clean Development Mechanism Executive Board
The twenty-third meeting of the CDM Executive Board (EB23) is to be held on 22 - 24 February in Bonn, Germany.
Learn more or watch the live webcast .

United Nations Climate Change Conference agreed on future critical steps to tackle climate change

The United Nations Climate Change Conference closed with the adoption of more than forty decisions that will strengthen global efforts to fight climate change. Reflecting on the success of Montreal 2005, the Conference President, Canadian Environment Minister Stéphane Dion said: “Key decisions have been made in several areas. The Kyoto Protocol has been switched on, a dialogue about the future action has begun, parties have moved forward work on adaptation and advanced the implementation of the regular work programme of the Convention and of the Protocol.”
Read the press release (151 kB) fr (154 kB); final decisions;and view the web cast .

Latest Headlines
USA - Bush pushes renewable energy use

Mayors to discuss climate change

UN ‘green’ initiative: world construction industry (press release)

Latest Documents

Report of the individual review of the greenhouse gas inventory of Croatia submitted in 2005. more >>

Report of the individual review of the greenhouse gas inventory of Slovenia submitted in 2005. more >>

Report of the individual review of the greenhouse gas inventory of the Czech Republic submitted in 2005. more >>

more >>
Kyoto Scoreboard

Kyoto Parties


Annex I Party emissions


Registered CDM projects


Issued CERs


Projected CERs (till 2012)
