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Global Pesticides Release Database


(A) Selected Journal Publications:

  1. Li, Y.F., R.W. Macdonald, J. Ma, H. Hung, and S. Venkatesh, 2003, "alpha-HCH Budget in the Arctic Ocean: The Arctic Mass Balance Box Model (AMBBM)", Sci. Total. Environ., in press.
  2. Li, Y. F., J. Struger, D. Waite, and J. Ma, 2003, "Gridded Canadian lindane usage inventories with 1/6° x 1/4° latitude and longitude resolution", Atmospheric Environment, in press.
  3. Knut Breivik, Ruth Alcock, Yi-Fan Li, Robert E. Bailey, Heidelore Fiedler and Jozef M. Pacyna, 2003, "Primary Sources of Selected POPs: Regional and Global Scale Emission Inventories", Environmental Pollution, in press.
  4. Ma, J., S. M. Daggupaty, T. Harner, and Y. F. Li, 2003, "Impacts of lindane usage in the Canadian prairies to the Great Lakes ecosystem - Part 1: Coupled atmospheric transport model and modeled concentrations in air and soil", Environmental Science and Technology, 37, 3774-3781.
  5. Macdonald, R.W., D. Mackay, Y.F. Li, and B. Hickie, 2003, "How will global change affect risks from long-range transport of persistent organic pollutants?", Human and Ecological Risk Assessment (HERA), 9,643-660.
  6. Y. R. Li, Y. F. Li, J. Struger, B. Chen, and G. Huang, 2003, "Pesticide Runoff Model (PeRM): A case study for the Kintore watershed, Ontario", Canada, Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B, B38, 257-273.
  7. Li, Y. F., Y. R. Li, G.H. Huang, J. Struger, X. Wang, B. Chen, and J.B. Li, 2003, "Development of A Decision Support System For Managing Pesticide Losses in Agricultural Watersheds", International Journal of Sediment Research, 18, 60-73.
  8. Li, Y. F. and T.F. Bidleman, 2003, "Correlation between global emissions of alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane and its concentrations in the arctic air", Journal of Environmental Informatics, 1, 52-57.
  9. Ma, J., Y.F. Li, and P. Laurier, 2003, "Estimation of emissions of gamma-hexachlorcyclohexane from the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence ecosystem using a coupled efficient Kalman filter-atmospheric transport-soil model", Environmental Modelling and Assessment, 8, 71-84.
  10. Li, Y. F., M. T. Scholdz, and B.J. van Heyst, 2003, "Global gridded emission inventory of beta-hexachlorocyclohexane", Environ. Sci. & Technol., 37, 3,493-3,498
  11. Li, Y.F., R.W. Macdonald, L.M.M. Jantunen, T. Harner, T.F. Bidleman and W.M.J. Strachan, 2002, "The transport of beta-hexachlorocyclohexane to the western Arctic Ocean: a contrast to alpha-HCH" Sci. Total. Environ., 291/1-3, 229-246
  12. Li, Y. F., D. J. Cai, Z. J. Shan, and Z. L. Zhu, 2001, "Gridded usage inventories of technical hexachlorocyclohexane and lindane for China with 1/6° latitude by 1/4° longitude resolution" Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 41, 261-266
  13. Li, Y.F., 2001, " Toxaphene in the United States: (1) Usage gridding", J. Geophys. Res. 106, D16, 17,919-17,927.
  14. Li, Y.F., Bidleman, T.F., and Barrie, L.A., 2001, "Toxaphene in the United States: (2) Emissions and Residues", J. Geophys. Res. 106, D16, 17,929-17,938.
  15. Li, Y. F., M. T. Scholtz, and B.J. van Heyst, 2000, "Global gridded emission inventory of alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane", J. Geophys. Res., 105, D5, 6621-6632.
  16. Macdonald, R.W. L.A. Barrie, T.F. Bidleman, M.L. Diamond, D.J. Gregor, R.G. Semkin, W.M.J. Strachan, Y.F. Li, F. Wania, M. Alaee, S. Backus, M. Bewers, C. Gobeil, C. Halsall, J. Hoff, L. Lockhart, D. Mackay, Muir, D., J. Pudykiewicz, K. Reimer, J. Smith, G. Stern, W. Schroeder, R. Wagemann, M. Yunker, 2000, "Contaminants in the Canadian Arctic: five years of progress in understanding sources, occurrence and pathways", Sci. Total. Environ. 254, 93-234.
  17. Li, Y. F., 1999, "Global Technical Hexachlorocyclohexane usage and its contamination consequences in environment: from 1948 to 1997", Sci. Total. Environ. 232, 123-160, Review Paper.
  18. Li, Y.F., 1999, "Global gridded technical hexachlorocyclohexane usage inventory using a global cropland as a surrogate", J. Geophys. Res. 104, D19, 23,785-23,797
  19. Li, Y. F., Cai, D.J., and Singh, A., 1999, "Historical DDT use trend in China and usage data gridding with 1/4° by 1/6° longitude/latitude resolution", Advances in Environmental Research, 2, 497-506
  20. Li, Y. F., Bidleman, T.F., Barrie, L.A., and L.L. McConnell, 1998, "Global hexachlorocyclohexane use trends and their impact on the arctic atmospheric environment", Geophys. Res. Lett, Vol. 25, 39-41.
  21. Li, Y. F., Zhang, Y. J., Cao, G. L., Liu, Jian Hui, and Barrie, L.A., 1998, "Distribution of seasonal SO2 emissions from fuel combustion and industrial activities in Shanxi, China, with 1/6° X 1/4° longitude/latitude resolution", Atmospheric Environment, 33, 257-265.
  22. Li, Y. F., Cai, D.J., and Singh, A., 1998, "Technical Hexachlorocyclohexane use trends in China and their impact on the environment", Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 35: 688-697
  23. Li, Y. F., McMillan, A., and Scholtz, M. T., 1996, "Global HCH usage with 1°X1° longitude/latitude resolution", Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 30, 3525-3533.
  24. Pacyna, J. M., Scholtz, M. T., and Li, Y. F., 1995, "global budget of metal sources", Environmental Reviews, Vol. 3, 145-159.
  25. Voldner, E. C. and Li, Y. F., 1995, "Global usage of selected persistent organochlorines", The Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 160/161, 201-210(1995).
  26. Voldner, E. C. and Li, Y. F., 1993, "Global usage of toxaphene", Chemosphere, Vol. 27, No. 10, 2073-2078.

(B) Reports:

  1. L. Barrie, R. Macdonald, T. Bidleman, M. Diamond, D. Gregor, R. Semkin, W. Strachan, M. Alaee, S. Backus, M. Bewers, C. Gobeil, C. Halsall, J. Hoff, Y.F. Li, L. Lockhart, D. Mackay, Muir, D., J. Pudykiewicz, K. Reimer, J. Smith, G. Stern, W. Schroeder, R. Wagemann, F. Wania, M. Yunker. Chapter 2. Sources, Occurrence and Pathways, In: Jensen, J., Adare, K. and Shearer, R. (Eds), Canadian Arctic Contaminants Assessment Report, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, Ottawa 1997. pp. 25-182.
  2. Li, Y. F., "Global Population Distribution Database", Report to the United Nations Environment Programme under UNEP Sub-Project Number FP/1205-95-12, Canadian Global Emissions Inventory Centre, Atmospheric Environment Service, Environment Canada, 4905 Dufferin St., Downsview, Ontario, M3H 5T4, Canada, March 1996.
  3. Bidleman, T.F., E.C. Voldner, Y.F. Li, A. Sirois, J. Pudykiewicz, and L.A. Barrie. 1994. Modelling global-scale transport of hexachlorocyclohexanes: Review and preparation of supporting data. In: J.L. Murray and R.G. Shearer (eds.), Synopsis of Research under the 1993/94 Northern Contaminants Program. Environmental Studies No. 72. Ottawa: Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. pp. 31-38.
  4. J. Pudykiewicz, L.A. Barrie, T. Bidleman, and Y.F. Li, 1997. A 3-D study of global HCH dispersion, Atmospheric Environment Service, 4905 Dufferin St., Downsview Ontario.
  5. Scholtz, M.T., A.C. McMillan, C. Slama, Y.F. Li, N. Ting, and K. Davidson, Pesticide emissions modelling: development of a North American pesticide emissions inventory, CGEIC Final Report # CGEIC-1997-1, May 1997.
  6. Scholtz, M.T., A.C. McMillan, Y.F. Li, N. Ting, A. Taylor, and B.J. Van Heyst, Global Pesticide emissions: development of pesticide emission factors on a global 1°X1° longitude-latitude grid and global emissions of Hexachlorocyclohexane, CGEIC Final Report # CGEIC-1998-2, August 1998.
  7. Van Heyst, B.J., M.T. Scholtz, A. Ivanoff, A.W. Taylor, and Y.F. Li, Pesticide emission modelling: a North American pesticide emissions inventory, Version II, Rep. CGEIC-1999-02, pp. 1-110, Can. Glob. Interpr. Cent., Mississauga, March 1999.
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