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Direction de la recherche sur la qualité de l'air


Dépôt acide et oxydants:

Brook, J.R., 1995: "Wet acid deposition episodicity in eastern North America and the influence of deposition episodes on annual deposition amounts", Atmos. Environ., 29(15), p.1,795-1,807.

Clair, T.A., P.J. Dillon, J. Ion, D.S. Jeffries, M. Papineau and R.J. Vet 1994: "Regional precipitation and surface water chemistry trends in southeastern Canada (1983-1991)", Can. J. Aquatic Sci., 52, p.197-212.

Gong, S.L., L.A. Barrie and J-P Blanchet 1997: "Modeling sea-salt aerosols in the atmosphere: I, Model development", J. Geophys. Res., 102(D3), p.3,805-3,818.

Gong, S.L., L.A. Barrie, J. Prospero and Savoie 1997: "Modeling sea-salt aerosols in the atmosphere: II, Atmospheric concentrations and fluxes", J. Geophys. Res., 102(D3), p.3,819-3,830.

Gong, S.L., J.L. Walmsley, L.A. Barrie and J.F. Hopper 1997: "Mechanisms for surface ozone depletion and recovery during polar sunrise", Atmos. Environ., 31, p.969-981.

Gong, W., S. Ménard and X. Lin 1997: "Uncertainties in regional oxidant modelling - experience with a comprehensive regional model", In: Air Pollution Modelling and Its Applications, XII (eds.: S. Gryning and N. Chaumerliac), Plenum Press.

Gong, W., X. Lin, S. Ménard, P. Pellerin and R. Benoit 1999: "Modelling the Canadian Southern Atlantic Region oxidants - a study of a Canadian EMEFS-1 hyper-intensive period", J. Geophys. Res., 104 (D15), p.18,599-18,617.

Hayden, K.L., K.G. Anlauf, R.M. Hoff, J.W. Strapp, J.W. Bottenheim, H.A. Wiebe, F.A. Froude, J.B. Martin, D.G. Steyn, and I.G. McKendry 1997: "The vertical chemical and meteorological structure of the boundary layer in the Lower Fraser Valley during Pacific '93", Atmospheric Environment, 31, p.2089-2105.

Hoff, R.M., and K.B. Strawbridge 1996: "LITE observations of anthropogenically-produced aerosols", In: Advances in Atmospheric Remote Sensing with Lidar (eds.: A. Ansmann, R. Neuber, P. Rairoux and U. Wandinger), Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

Hoff, R.M., R.E. Mickle and C. Fung 1995: "Vertical profiles of ozone during the EMEFS I experiment in southern Ontario", Atmos. Environ., 29, p.1,735-1,747.

Hoff, R.M., M. Harwood, A. Sheppard, F.A. Froude, J.B. Martin, and W. Strapp 1997: "Use of airborne lidar to determine aerosol sources and movement in the Lower Fraser Valley (LFV), BC", Atmospheric Environment, 31, p.2123-2134.

Hoff, R.M., L. Guise-Bagley, R. Staebler, H.A. Wiebe, J.R. Brook, B. Georgii and T. Duisterdink 1996: "Lidar, nephelometer and in-situ aerosol experiments in southern Ontario", J. Geophys. Res., 101(D14), p.19,199-19,209.

Hopke, P.K., L.A. Barrie, S.M. Li, M.D. Cheng, C. Li and Y. Xie 1995: "Possible source locations for biogenic sulfate affecting Alert, N.W.T., Canada", J. Geophys. Res., 100, p.16,595-16,603.

Iribarne, J.V., and L.A. Barrie 1995: "The oxidation of S(IV) during riming by cloud droplets", J. Atmos. Chem., 21, p.97-114.

Isaac, G.A., C.M. Banic, W.R. Leaitch, K.G. Anlauf, M.D. Couture, P.S.K.Liu, A.M. Macdonald, K.I.A. MacQuarrie, K.J. Puckett and H.A. Wiebe 1998: "Vertical profiles and horizontal transport of atmospheric aerosols and trace gases over central Ontario", J. Geophys. Res., 103, p.22,015-22,037.

Lam, D.C.L., K.J. Puckett, I. Wong, M.D. Moran, G. Fenech, D.S. Jeffries, M.P. Olson, D.M. Whelpdale, D. McNicol, Y.K.G. Mariam, and C.K. Minns 1998: "An integrated acid rain assessment model for Canada: from source emission to ecological impact", Water Qual. Res. J. Canada, 33, p.1-17.

Landsberger, S., S.J. Vermette and L.A. Barrie 1990: "Multi-element composition of the arctic aerosol", J. Geophys. Res., 95 (D4), p.3509.

Li, S.-M., 1995: "Using a principal component analysis technique to evaluate ratios in the NAPAP area emissions", J. Pure Appl. Chem., 67, p.1,425-1,429.

Li, S.-M., L.A. Barrie and D. Toom 1996: "Seasonal variations of aerosol methansulfonate, non-sea-salt sulfate and SO2 at one midcontinental and two coastal sites in Canada", J. Geophys. Res., 101(D), p.4,165-4,173.

Li, Y. F., Y. J. Zhang, G. L. Cao, Jian Hui Liu and L.A. Barrie 1998: "Distribution of seasonal SO2 emissions from fuel combustion and industrial activities in Shanxi, China, with 1/6o X 1/4o longitude/latitude resolution", Atmospheric Environment, 33, p.257-265.

Lin, X., W. Gong and S. Menard 1996: "A new MC2/ADOM modelling system and its application to the study of oxidants in the Canadian Southern Atlantic Region", In: Air Pollution Modelling and Its Application - XI (eds.: S. Gryning and F.A. Schiemerier), Plenum Press.

Liu, P.S.K., W.R. Leaitch, A.M. Macdonald, G.A. Isaac, J.W. Strapp and H.A. Wiebe 1993: "Sulphate production in summer cloud over Ontario, Canada", Tellus, 45B, p.368-390.

Macdonald, A.M., K.G. Anlauf, C.M. Banic, W.R. Leaitch and H.A. Wiebe 1995: "Airborne measurements of aqueous and gaseous hydrogen peroxide during spring and summer in Ontario, Canada", J. Geophys. Res., 100, p.7,253-7,262.

McKendry, I. M., D.G. Steyn, J. Lundgren, R.M. Hoff, W. Strapp, K.G. Anlauf, F.A. Froude, J.B. Martin, R.M. Banta and L.D. Olivier 1997: "Elevated ozone layers and vertical down-mixing over the Lower Fraser Valley, B. C.", Atmospheric Environment, 31, p.2135-2146.

McNaughton, D.J., and R.J. Vet 1996: "Eulerian Model Evaluation Field Study (EMEFS): A summary of surface network measurements and data quality", Atmos. Environ., 30, p.227-238.

Melas, D., H.D. Kambezidis, J.L. Walmsley, N. Moussiopoulos, R.B. Bornstein, O. Klemm, D.N. Asimakopoulus and F.A. Schiermeier 1995: "NATO/CCMS pilot study workshop on air pollution transport and diffusion over coastal urban areas", Atmos. Environ., 29, p.3,713-3,718.

Nejedly, Z., J.L. Campbell, W.J. Teesdale, J.R. Brook, H.A. Wiebe, R.M. Hoff, J.F. Dlouhy and T.F. Dann 1995: "Comparison of multi-elemental analyses of aerosol samples by PIXE, EDXRF, and IC", In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 103, p.473-476.

Norman, A.L., L.A. Barrie, D. Toom-Sauntry, A. Sirois, H.R. Krouse, S.M. Li and S. Sharma 1999: "Sources of aerosol sulphate at Alert: Apportionment using stable isotopes, J. Geophys. Res., 104D, p.11,619-11,631.

Pudykiewicz, J., A. Kallaur and P. Smolarkiewicz 1997: "Semi-lagrangian modelling of tropospheric ozone", Tellus, 49B, p.231-248.

Roberts, J.M., R.L. Tanner, L. Neuman, V.C. Bowersox, J.W. Bottenheim, K.G. Anlauf, K.A. Brice, D.D. Parish, F.C. Fehsenfeld, M.P. Buhr, J.F. Meagher and E.M. Bailey 1994: "Relationships between PAN and ozone at sites in eastern North America", J. Geophys. Res., 100, p.22,821-22,830.

Rudolph, J., B.R. Fu, A. Thompson, K.G. Anlauf and J.W. Bottenheim 1999: "Halogen atom concentrations in the Arctic troposphere derived from hydrocarbon measurements: Impact on the budget of formaldehyde", Geophys. Res. Lett. 26, p.2,941-2,944.

Sirois, A., 1993: "Temporal variation of sulphate and nitrate concentration in precipitation in eastern North America: 1979-1990", Atmos. Environ., 27A, p.945-963.

Sirois A., 1997: "Temporal variation of oxides of sulphur and nitrogen in ambient air in Eastern Canada: 1979-1994", Tellus, 49, p.270-291.

Sirois, A., and L.A. Barrie 1999: "Arctic lower tropospheric aerosol trends and composition at Alert, Canada: 1980-1995", J. Geophys. Res., 104D, p.11,599-11,618.

Sirois, A., and J.W. Bottenheim 1995: "Use of backward trajectories to interpret the 5-year record of PAN and O3 ambient air concentrations at Kejimkujik, Nova Scotia", J. Geophys. Res., 100, p.2,867-2,881.

Sirois, A., and W. Fricke 1992: "Regionally representative daily air concentrations of acid-related substances in Canada; 1983-1987", Atmos. Environ., 26A, p.593-607.

Sirois, A., and R.J. Vet 1999: "The precision of precipitation chemistry measurements in the Canadian Air and Precipitation Monitoring Network (CAPMoN)", Environ. Monitoring & Assessment, 57, p.301-329.

Sirois, A., J. Pudykiewicz and A. Kallaur 1999: "A comparison between simulated and observed ozone mixing ratios in eastern North America", J. Geophy. Res., 104 (D17), p.21,397-21,423.

Vet, R.J., 1995: "GCOS observation programme for atmospheric constituents: Background, status and action plan", Global Climate Observing System Report GCOS-20 (WMO/TD No. 720), WMO, Geneva, Switzerland.

Walmsley, J.L., and M.L. Wesely 1996: "Modification of coded parametrizations of surface resistances to gaseous dry deposition", Atmos. Environ. 30, p.1,181-1,188.

Walmsley, J.L., R.S. Schemenauer and H.A. Bridgman 1996: "A method for estimating the hydrologic input from fog in mountainous terrain", J. Appl. Meteorol., 35, p.2,237-2,249.

Walmsley, J.L., N. Urquizo, R.S. Schemenauer and H.A. Bridgman 1996: "Modelling of acid deposition in high-elevation fog", In: Air Pollution IV. Monitoring, Simulation and Control (eds.: B. Caussade, H. Power and C.A. Brebbia), Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, p. 195-206.

Whelpdale, D.M., and J.N. Galloway 1994: "Sulfur and reactive nitrogen oxide fluxes in the north Atlantic atmosphere", Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 8, p.481-493.

Xie, Y-L., P.K. Hopke, P. Paatero, L.A. Barrie and S.M. Li 1999: "Identification of source nature and seasonal variations of Arctic aerosol by the multi-linear engine", Atmos. Environ., 33, p.2,549-2,562.

Zhang L., J. Padro and J.L. Walmsley 1996: "A multi-layer model versus single-layer models and observed O3 dry deposition velocities", Atmos. Environ., 30(2), p.339-345.

Zhang, J., S.T. Rao and S.M. Daggupaty 1998: "Meteorological processes and ozone exceedances in the Northeastern U.S. during the July 12-16, 1995 episode", J. Appl. Meteorol., 37, p.776-789.

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