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Direction de la recherche sur la qualité de l'air


Polluants atmosphériques dangereux:

Akeredolu, F.A., L.A. Barrie, M.P. Olson and K.K. Oikawa 1994: "The flux of anthropogenic trace metals into the Arctic from the mid-latitudes in 1979/80", Atmos. Environ., 28A, p.1,557-1,572.

Aucott, M., A. McCulloch, T.E Graedel, G. Kleiman, P.M. Midgley and Y.F. Li 1999: "Anthropogenic emissions of trichloromethane (chloroform, CHCl3) and chlorodifluoromethane (HCFC-22): Reactive Chlorine Emissions Inventory", J. Geophys. Res., 104 (D7), p.8,405-8,415.

Barrie, L.A., R. MacDonald, T.F. Bidleman, M. Diamond, D. Gregor, R. Semkin, W. Strachan, M. Alaee, S. Backus, M. Bewers, C. Halsall, C. Gobeil, J. Hoff, Y.-F. Li, L. Lockhart, D. Mackay, J. Pudykiewicz, K. Reimer, J. Smith, G. Stern, W.H. Schroeder, R. Wagemann, F. Wania and M. Yunker 1996: "Arctic contaminants; Five years of progress in understanding sources, occurrence and pathways", Canadian Arctic Contaminants Assessment Report, 2, Draft 4, December 1996.

Bidleman, T.F., and R.L. Falconer 1999: "Using enantiometers to trace pesticide emissions", Environ. Sci. Technol., 33, p.206A-209A.

Bidleman, T.F., and L.L. McConnell 1995: "A review of field experiments to determine air-water gas exchange of persistent organic pollutants", Sci. Total Environ., 159, p.101-117.

Bidleman, T.F., R.L. Falconer and M.D. Walla 1995: "Toxaphene and other organo-chlorine compounds in air and water at Resolute Bay, NWT, Canada", Sci. Total Environ., 160/161, p.55-63.

Bidleman, T.F., T. Harner, L.M. Jantunen, K. Wiberg, C. Halsall, L.A. Barrie, H. Kylin and W. Strachan 1999: "Cycling of OCs through air-water-biota compartments in the Canadian Archipelago", In: Synopsis of Research Conducted under the 1997-98 Northern Contaminants Program (Ed.: J. Jensen), Environmental Studies No. 75, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Ottawa, p.15-21.

Bidleman, T.F., L.M. Jantunen, K. Wiberg, T. Harner, K. Brice, K. Su, R.L. Falconer, A.D. Leone, E.J. Aigner and W.J. Parkhurst 1998: "Soil as a source of atmospheric heptachlor epoxide", Environ. Sci. Technol., 32, p.1,546-1548.

Chakrabarti, C.L., J. Cheng, W.F. Lee, M.H. Back and W.H. Schroeder 1996: "Rotating disk electrode voltammetry for studying kinetics of metal complex dissociation in model solutions and snow samples", Environ. Sci. Technol., 30, p.1,245-1,252.

Chakrabarti, C.L., Y. Lu, D.C. Grégoire, M.H. Back and W.H. Schroeder 1994: "Kinetic studies of metal speciation using chelex cation exchange resin: Application to cadmium, copper, and lead speciation in river water and snow", Environ. Sci. Technol., 28, p.1,957-1,967.

Cheng, J., C.L. Chakrabarti, M.H. Back and W.H. Schroeder 1994: "Chemical speciation of Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd in rain water", Anal. Chim. Acta, 288, p.141-156.

Cortes, D.R., I. Basu, C.W. Sweet, K.A. Brice, R.M. Hoff, and R.A. Hites 1997: "Temporal trends in gas-phase concentrations of chlorinated pesticides measured at the shores of the Great Lakes", Environ. Sci. Technol., 32, p. 1920-1927.

Cotham, W.E., and T.F. Bidleman 1995: "PAHs and PCBs in air at an urban and rural site near Lake Michigan", Environ. Sci. Technol., 29, p.2,782-2,789.

Falconer, R.L., W.E. Cotham and T.F. Bidleman 1995: "Preferential sorption of non- and mono-ortho PCBs to urban aerosols", Environ. Sci. Technol., 29, p.1,666-1,673.

Fellin, P., L.A. Barrie, D. Dougherty, D. Toom, D. Muir, N. Grift, L. Lockhart and B. Billeck 1996: "Air monitoring in the Arctic: Results for selected persistent organic pollutants for 1992", Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 15, p.253-261.

Gundel, L.A., and D.A. Lane 1998: "Direct determination of semi-volatile organic compounds with sorbent-coated diffusion denuders", J. Aerosol Sci., 29: Suppl 1, s.341-342.

Gundel, L.A., and D.A. Lane 1999: "Sorbent-coated diffusion denuders for direct measurement of gas/particle partitioning by semi-volatile organic compounds", In: Gas and Particle Phase Measurements of Atmospheric Organic Compounds (D.A. Lane, editor), Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, p.287-332.

Halsall, C.J., R. Bailey, G.A. Stern, L.A. Barrie, P. Fellin, D.C.G. Muir, F. Ya Rovinski, E. Ya Kononov and B. Pastukov 1998: "Multi-year observation of organohalogen pesticides in the Arctic atmosphere", Environ. Pollut., 102, p.51-62.

Harner, T., and T.F. Bidleman 1996: "Measurement of the octanol-air partition coefficient for PCBs", J. Chem. Eng. Data, 41, p.895-899.

Harner, T., and T.F. Bidleman 1997: "Polychlorinated naphthalenes in urban air", Atmos. Environ., 31, p.4,009-4,016.

Harner, T., H. Kylin, T.F. Bidleman, C. Halsall, W.M.J. Strachan, L.A. Barrie and P. Fellin 1998: "Polychlorinated naphthalenes and coplanar PCBs in arctic air", Environ. Sci. Technol., 32, p.3,257-3,265.

Heraty, L.J., M.E. Fuller, L. Huang, T. Abrajano, Jr., and N.C. Sturchio 1999: "Isotopic fractionation of carbon and chlorine by microbial degradation of dichloromethane", Organic Geochemistry, 30, p.793-799.

Hillery, B.R., R.M. Hoff and R. Hites 1996: "Atmospheric deposition of organic contaminants and trace elements to the Great Lakes", In: Atmospheric Deposition of Contaminants to the Great Lakes and Coastal Waters (ed.: J.E. Baker), Soc. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., Washington, D.C.

Hillery, B.R., I. Basu, R.M. Hoff, A. Bandemehr, W.M.J. Strachan, C.H. Chan, C.W. Sweet, and R.A. Hites 1997: "Atmospheric deposition of toxic pollutants to the Great Lakes as measured by the Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network", Environ. Sci. Technol., 32, p. 2216-2221.

Hoff, R.M., 1996: "Impact of airborne contaminants on the Great Lakes", In: Great Lakes Fisheries and Management: A Binational Perspective (ed.: W.W. Taylor), Michigan State University Press, Lansing, MI.

Hoff, R.M., K.A. Brice, and C.J. Halsall 1998: "Non-linearity in the slopes of Clausius-Clapeyron Plots for SVOCs", Environ. Sci. Techol., 32, p.1793-1798.

Hoff, R.M., W.M.J. Strachan, C.W. Sweet, C.H. Chan, M. Shackleton, T.F. Bidleman, K.A. Brice, D.A. Burniston, S. Cussion, D.F. Gatz, K. Harlin and W.H. Schroeder 1996: "Atmospheric deposition of toxic chemicals to the Great Lakes: A review of data through 1994", Atmos. Environ., 30, p.3,505-3,527.

Hoff, R.M., W.M.J. Strachan, C.W. Sweet, C.H. Chan, M. Shackleton, T.F. Bidleman, K.A. Brice, D.A. Burniston, S. Cussion, D.F. Gatz, K. Harlin and W.H. Schroeder 1997: "Atmospheric deposition of toxic chemicals to the Great Lakes: A review of data through 1994 (Erratum)", Atmos. Environ., 31, p.1,585.

Horvat, M., and W.H. Schroeder 1995: "Determination of organic mercury compounds", In: Encyclopedia of Analytical Science, Academic Press Limited, London, p.3,059-3,070.

Huang, L., N.C. Sturchio, T. Abrajano, Jr., L.J. Heraty and B.D. Holt 1999: "Carbon and chlorine isotope fractionation of chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons by evaporation", Organic Geochemistry, 30, p.777-785.

Jantunen, L.M., and T.F. Bidleman 1996: "Air-water gas exchange of hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and the enantiomers of a-HCH in arctic regions" J. Geophys. Res., 101, p.28,837-28,845.

Keene, W.C., M.A.K. Khalil, D.J. Erickson, III, A. McCulloch, T.E. Graedel, M.L. Aucott, S.L. Gong, D.B. Harper, G. Kleiman, V. Koropalov, J.M. Lobert, P. Midgley, R.M. Moore, C. Seuzaret, W.T. Sturges, L.A. Barrie, J.A. Logan and Y.F. Li 1999: "Composite global emissions of reactive chlorine from anthropogenic and natural sources: The Reactive Chlorine Emissions Inventory", J. Geophys. Res., 104 (D7), p.8,429-8,440.

Lane, D.A., 1999: "Gas and particle phase measurements of atmospheric organic compounds", In: Advances in Environmental, Industrial and Process Control Technologies, 2, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 404 pp.

Lane, D.A., and L.A. Gundel 1996: "Gas and particle sampling of airborne polycyclic aromatic compounds", In: Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 9, p.67-73.

Lane, D.A., and N.D. Johnson 1999: "Gas/particle partition measurements with the Gas and Particle (GAP) sampler", In: Gas and Particle Phase Measurements of Atmospheric Organic Compounds (D.A. Lane, editor), Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, p.177-200.

Lane, D.A., S.S. Fielder, S.J. Townsend, N.J. Bunce, J. Zhu, L. Liu, B. Wiens and P. Pond 1996: "Atmospheric photochemistry of naphthalene: A practical and theoretical approach", In: Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 9, p.53-59.

Li, Y.F., 1999: "Global gridded technical hexachlorocyclohexane usage inventory using a global cropland as a surrogate", J. Geophys. Res., 104 (D19), p.23,785-23,797.

Li, Y.F., 1999: "Global technical hexachlorocyclohexane usage and its contamination consequences in environment: from 1948 to 1997", Sci. Total. Environ., 232, p.123-160.

Li, Y.-F., A. McMillan and M.T. Scholtz 1996: "Global HCH/lindane usage with 1X1 longitude/latitude resolution", Environ. Sci. Technol., 30, p.3,525-3,533.

Li, Y.F., D.J. Cai, and A. Singh 1998: "Hexachlorocyclohexane use trends in China and their impact on the environment", Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 35, p.688-697.

Li, Y.F., D.J. Cai, and A. Singh 1999: "Historical DDT use trend in China and usage data gridding with 1/4o by 1/4o longitude/latitude resolution", Advances in Environmental Research, 2, p.497-506.

Li, Y.F., T.F. Bidleman, L.A. Barrie, and L.L. McConnell 1998: "Global HCHs use trends and their impact on the Arctic", Geophys. Res. Lett, 25, p.39-41.

Lu, J.Y., and W.H. Schroeder 1999: "Comparison of conventional filtration and denuder-based methods for sampling and analysis of particulate mercury in ambient air" Talanta, 49, p.15-24.

Lu, J.Y., and W.H. Schroeder 1999: "Sampling and determination of particulate mercury in ambient air: a review", Water, Air, Soil Pollution, 112, p.279-295.

Lu, Y., C.L. Chakrabarti, M.H. Back, D.C. Grégoire and W.H. Schroeder 1994: "Kinetic studies of aluminum and zinc speciation in river water and snow", Anal. Chim. Acta, 293, p.95-108.

Lu, Y., C.L. Chakrabarti, M.H. Back, D.C. Grégoire and W.H. Schroeder 1995: "Kinetic studies of metal speciation using inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry", Inter. J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 60, p.313-337.

Lu, J.Y., C.L. Chakrabarti, M.H. Back, A.L.-R. Sekaly and W.H. Schroeder 1996: "Speciation of some metals in river surface water, rain and snow, and the interactions of these metals with selected soil matrices", J. Anal. Atom. Spect., 11, p.1,189-1,201.

Lu, J.Y., W.H. Schroeder, T. Berg, J. Munthe, D. Schneeberger and F. Schaedlich 1998: "A device for sampling and determination of total particulate mercury in ambient air", Anal. Chem., 70, p.2403-2408.

Mackay, D., F. Wania and W.H. Schroeder 1995: "Prospects for modeling the behaviour of mercury, globally and in aquatic systems", Water, Air & Soil Pollut. 80, p.941-950.

McCulloch, A., M.L. Aucott, T.E. Graedel, G. Kleiman, P. Midgley and Y.-F. Li 1999: "Industrial emissions of trichloroethene, tetrachloroethene and dichloromethane: The Reactive Chlorine Emissions Inventory", J. Geophys. Res., 104 (D7), p.8,417-8,427.

McCulloch, A., M. Aucott, C.M. Benkovitz, T.E. Graedel, G. Kleiman, P.M. Midgley and Y.F. Li 1999: "Global emissions of hydrogen chloride and chloromethane from coal combustion, incineration and industrial activities: The Reactive Chlorine Emissions Inventory", J. Geophys. Res., 104 (D7), p.8,391-8,403.

Muir, D.C.G., T.F. Bidleman and G.A. Stern 1999: "New persistent and bioaccumulative chemicals in arctic air, water/snow and biota", In: Synopsis of Research Conducted under the 1997-98 Northern Contaminants Program (Ed.: J. Jensen), Environmental Studies No. 75, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Ottawa, p.165-174.

Pacyna, J.M., M.T.Scholtz and Y.F. Li 1995: "Global budget of metal sources", Environ. Rev., 3.

Pacyna, J.M., M.A. Sofiev, R. Ebinghaus, E. Henden, G. Petersen, W.H. Schroeder, F. Slemr, V. Sokolov and M. Yagolnitser 1996: "Atmospheric mercury working group report", In: Global and Regional Mercury Cycles: Sources, Fluxes and Mass Balances (eds.: W. Baeyens, R. Ebinghaus and O. Vasiliev), NATO ASI Series 2: Environment, 21, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, p.523-530.

Ridal, J.J., B.R. Kerman, L. Durham and M.E. Fox 1996: "Seasonality of HCH fluxes in Lake Ontario", Environ. Sci. Technol., 30, p.852-858.

Schroeder, W.H., 1994: "Atmospheric mercury measurements at a rural site in southern Ontario, Canada", In: Mercury as a Global Pollutant: Toward Integration and Synthesis, (eds.: C.J. Watras and J.W. Huckabee), Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL., p.281-291.

Schroeder, W.H., 1995: "Inorganic (and total) determination of mercury", In: Encyclopedia of Analytical Science, Academic Press Limited, London, p.3,050-3,059.

Schroeder, W.H., 1996: "Atmospheric mercury measurements in the Canadian Arctic", In: Synopsis of Research Conducted under the 1994/95 Northern Contaminants Program, DIAND Environ. Studies Series Report No. 73 (eds.: J.L. Murray, R.G. Shearer and S.L. Han), Natural Resources and Environment Branch, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Ottawa, Ontario, p.21-29.

Schroeder, W.H., 1996: "Estimation of atmospheric input and evasion fluxes of mercury to and from the Great Lakes", In: Global and Regional Mercury Cycles: Sources, Fluxes and Mass Balances (eds.: W. Baeyens, R. Ebinghaus and O. Vasiliev), NATO ASI Series 2: Environment, 21, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, p.109-121.

Schroeder, W.H., and J. Markes 1994: "Measurements of atmospheric mercury concentrations in the Canadian environment near Lake Ontario", J. Great Lakes Res., 20, p.240-259.

Schroeder, W.H. and J. Munthe 1998: "Atmospheric mercury - An overview", Atmos. Environ. 32: p.809-822.

Schroeder, W.H., R. Ebinghaus, M. Shoeib, K. Timoschenko and L.A. Barrie 1995: "Atmospheric mercury measurements in the northern hemisphere from 56° to 82.5°N latitude", Water, Air & Soil Poll., 80, p.1,227-1,236.

Schroeder, W.H., G. Keeler, H. Kock, P. Roussel, D. Schneeberger and F. Schaedlich 1995: "International field intercomparison of atmospheric mercury measurement methods", Water, Air & Soil Pollut. 80, p.611-620.

Schroeder, W.H., A. Steffen, J. Lu, D. Schneeberger, C. Scherz and C. Lamborg 1999: " Mercury in ambient air at Alert", In: Synopsis of Research Conducted under the 1997-98 Northern Contaminants Program (Ed.: J. Jensen), Environmental Studies No. 75, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Ottawa, p.69-76.

Schroeder W.H., K G. Anlauf, L.A. Barrie, T. Berg, D.R. Schneeberger, J.Y. Lu and A. Steffen 1998: "Arctic springtime depletion of mercury", Nature, 394, p.331-332.

Shannon, J.D., and E.C. Voldner 1995: "Modeling atmospheric concentrations of mercury and deposition to the Great Lakes", Atmos. Environ., 29(14), p.1,649-1,661.

Tang Y.Z., W.H. Schroeder, K.A. Brice, P. Fellin and B.R. Kerman 1995: "Determination of dissolved argon and nitrogen in water by direct injection GC-HID", Int. J. Environ. Chem.,61, p.117-128.

Tang, Y.-Z., W.H. Schroeder, D. Mackay, Q. Tran, M. Chai and H. Van Ooijen 1996: "Development and evaluation of sampling and analytical techniques for investigating air-water exchange of chemicals", Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 65, p.169-182.

Wania, F., D. Mackay, Y.F. Li, and T.F. Bidleman 1998: "Global chemical fate of a-hexachlorocyclohexane. 1. Evaluation of a global distribution model", Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 18, p.1390-1399.

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