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Terre-Neuve et Labrador

Newfoundland and Labrador Labrador City and Wabush Churchill Falls and Vicinity Goose Bay and Vicinity Nain to Hopedale Postville to Cartwright Batteau to L'Anse-au-Clair Port Saunders and the Straits Parson's Pond-Hawkes Bay Gros Morne Corner Brook and Vicinity St. George's Port aux Basques-Burgeo Deer Lake-Humber Valley Green Bay-White Bay Northern Peninsula east Ramea-Connaigre Buchans and the Interior Grand Falls-Windsor and Vicinity Gander and Vicinity Bay of Exploits Bonavista North Terra Nova Bonavista Peninsula Clarenville and Vicinity Avalon Peninsula South Avalon Peninsula North St. John's and Vicinity Burin Peninsula

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Création : 2005-01-06
Mise à jour le : 2005-01-06
Date de révision : 2005-01-06
URL de cette page : http://www.msc.ec.gc.ca

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