FPCN58 CWAO 031330
Ozone watch - February   3 2006 
Based on preliminary data, this week's ozone values from the             
Canadian ozone monitoring network are:                                   
Station                   value this week                                
Vancouver (Saturna)      insufficient data       
Edmonton                11.2% below normal            
Saskatoon                no data                 
Winnipeg                 no data                 
Churchill                no data                 
Toronto                 11.7% below normal            
Montreal                 no data                 
Halifax                  no data                 
Goose Bay, labrador      8.5% below normal            
Resolute, NWT.           no data                 
Ozone watch is issued weekly by Environment Canada to provide 
information on the state of the ozone layer. 

Created: 2002-12-31
Modified: 2004-07-13
Reviewed: 2002-12-31
URL of this page: http://gfx.weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca/ozone/bulletin_e.html

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Environment Canada's World Wide Web Site.