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Global Pesticides Release Database


Surrogate Data

In order to grid usage/emission data, sets of surrogate data are needed to apportion the usage/emission data to each cell. For example, gridded population data sets have been used as surrogates to grid anthropogenic emissions of sulfur, nitrogen, and carbon [Dignon, 1992; Spiro et al., 1992; Kato and Akimoto, 1992; Akimoto and Narita, 1994; Benkovitz et al., 1996; Li et al., 1998]. Gridded cultivation intensity data sets in different scales were used as a surrogate (Li, 1999, 2001; Li et al., 1996; 1999) to map global and regional usage/emissions data of pesticides.

  1. Global population data in 1990 with 1° by 1° longitude/latitude resolution (Li, 1996)
  2. Global Gridded Cropland data with 1° by 1° longitude/latitude resolution (Li, 1999)
  3. Gridded Cropland data for North America with 1/4° by 1/6° longitude/latitude resolution (Li, 2001)
  4. Gridded Cropland data for China with 1/4° by 1/6° longitude/latitude resolution (Li et al., 1999)


Akimoto, H. and H. Narita, 1994, “Distribution of SO2, NOx and CO2 emissions from fuel combustion and industrial activities in Asia with 1°x1° resolution”, Atmos. Environ., 28, 213-225.

Benkovitz, C.M., M.T. Scholtz, J. Pacyna, L. Tarrason, J. Dignon, E.C. Voldner, P.A. Spiro, J.A. Logan, and T.E. Graedel, 1996, “Global gridded inventories of anthropogenic emissions of sulfur and nitrogen”, J. Geophys. Res., 101, 29,239-29,253.

Dignon, J., 1992, NOx and SOx Emissions from fossil fuels: A global distribution, Atmos. Environ. Part A, 26, 1157-1163.

Kato, N. and H. Akimoto, 1992, “Anthropogenic emissions of SO2, and NOx in Asia: Emission inventories”, Atmos. Environ., 26A, 2997-3017.

Li, Y. F., 1996, “Global Population Distribution Database”, Report to the United Nations Environment Programme under UNEP Sub-Project Number FP/1205-95-12, Canadian Global Emissions Inventory Centre, Atmospheric Environment Service, Environment Canada, 4905 Dufferin St., Downsview, Ontario, M3H 5T4, Canada.

Li, Y. F., Zhang, Y. J., Cao, G. L., Liu, Jian Hui, and Barrie, L.A., 1998, “Distribution of seasonal SO2 emissions from fuel combustion and industrial activities in Shanxi, China, with 1/6° X 1/4° longitude/latitude resolution”, Atmos. Environ., 33, 257-265.

Li, Y. F., Cai, D.J., and Singh, A., 1999, “Historical DDT use trend in China and usage data gridding with 1/4° by 1/6° longitude/latitude resolution”, Advances in Environ. Res., 2, 497-506.

Li, Y. F., McMillan, A., and Scholtz, M. T., 1996, "Global HCH usage with 1°X1° longitude/latitude resolution", Environ. Scien. Techn., Vol. 30, 3525-3533.

Li, Y.F., 1999, "Global gridded technical hexachlorocyclohexane usage inventory using a global cropland as a surrogate", J. Geophys. Res. 104, D19, 23,785-23,797.

Li, Y.F., 2001, “Toxaphene in the United States: (1) Usage gridding”, J. Geophys. Res. 106, D16, 17,919-17,927.

Spiro, P.A., D. J. Jacob, and J.A. Logan, 1992, “Global inventory of sulfur emissions with 1°x1° resolution”, J. Geophys. Res., 97, 6023-6036.

1) Global population data in 1990 with 1° by 1° longitude/latitude resolution (Li, 1996)

The global population datasets developed with the help of the financial support from Environment Canada and the United Nations Environment Programme, under UNEP Sub-Project Number FP/1205-95-12.

Figure of 1990 Global Population
[View] (D)

Download File: GlobalPopulation90V02.xls


  Country: Country Name
  Grid: Grid Code
  Pop1990, Population in each grid (Total = 5,291,059,610)
  Rate(%): Percentage of the population in the cell to total national population
Records: 12,859

If you want to download data of version 1, please go to UNEP.


Li, Y. F., 1996, “Global Population Distribution Database”, Report to the United Nations Environment Programme under UNEP Sub-Project Number FP/1205-95-12, Canadian Global Emissions Inventory Centre, Atmospheric Environment Service, Environment Canada, 4905 Dufferin St., Downsview, Ontario, M3H 5T4, Canada.

2) Global Gridded Cropland data with 1° by 1° longitude/latitude resolution (Li, 1999)

The global cropland dataset with 1°x1° longitude/latitude resolution [Li, 1999] can be used as a surrogate for gridding agricultural usage of chemicals, including organochlorine pesticides. This dataset has been compiled by using an advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR) global land database [Eidenshink and J. L. Faundeen, 1998].

Global Gridded CropLand Intensity
[View] (D)

Download File: CropGlobal11V02.xls

  GEIA: GEIA Grid Code
  CropRate(%): Ratio of cropland area to the total area of the cell.
Records: 11,391

If you want to download data of version 1, please go to CGEIC.


Eidenshink, J. C. and J. L. Faundeen, 1998, “The 1-km AVHRR Global Land Data Set: First Stages in Implementation”, website:

Li, Y.F., 1999, "Global gridded technical hexachlorocyclohexane usage inventory using a global cropland as a surrogate", J. Geophys. Res. 104, D19, 23,785-23,797

3) Gridded Cropland data for North America with 1/4° by 1/6° longitude/latitude resolution (Li, 2001)

The cropland dataset for the North America with 1/4°x1/6° longitude/latitude resolution (Li, 2001) can be used as a surrogate for gridding agricultural usage of chemicals, including pesticides. This dataset has been compiled by using an advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR) global land database [Eidenshink and J. L. Faundeen, 1998].

Gridded CropLand Intensity for North America
[View] (D)

Download File: CropNA64V01.xls

  GridCode: GloPeRD Grid Code
  CropRate(%): CropLand rate in the Cell
Records: 28,875


Eidenshink, J. C. and J. L. Faundeen, “The 1-km AVHRR Global Land Data Set: First Stages in Implementation”, website:, 1998.

Li, Y.F., 2001, “Toxaphene in the United States: (1) Usage gridding”, J. Geophys. Res. 106, D16, 17,919-17,927.

4) Gridded Cropland data for China with 1/4° by 1/6° longitude/latitude resolution (Li et al., 1999)

The cropland dataset for China with 1/4°x1/6° longitude/latitude resolution (Li et al., 1999) can be used as a surrogate for gridding agricultural usage of chemicals, including pesticides.

Gridded CropLand Intensity for China
[View] (D)

Download File: CropChina64V01.xls

  GridCode: GloPeRD Grid Code
  CropRate(%): CropLand rate in the Cell
Records: 16,800


Li, Y. F., Cai, D.J., and Singh, A., 1999, "Historical DDT use trend in China and usage data gridding with 1/4° by 1/6° longitude/latitude resolution", Advances in Environmental Research, 2, 497-506.

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Created : 2002-08-22
Modified : 2002-08-22
Reviewed : 2002-08-22
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