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This section contains definitions of the competencies developed for meteorologists in the department. Each of these competencies will consist of a scale of four or five levels, describing a range of behaviours, from those expected of junior entry level employees to senior staff.

Science Knowledge comprises specialized knowledge of environmental science programs (e.g. standards, guidelines, indicators, atmospheric processes, environmental prediction and monitoring), and management of Science and Technology and environmental issues. It includes the ability to integrate knowledge across scientific and socio-economic disciplines.

Analytical Thinking is understanding a situation by breaking it apart into smaller pieces, or tracing the implications of a situation in a step-by-step fashion. Analytical thinking involves diagnosing problems and systematically organizing the parts of a problem or situation; making systematic comparisons of different features or aspects; setting priorities on a rational basis; identifying time sequences, causal relationships or "If - Then" relationships.

Conceptual Thinking is the ability to understand a situation or problem by identifying patterns or connections, and addressing key underlying issues. Conceptual thinking includes the integration of issues and factors into a conceptual framework. It involves using past professional or technical training and experience, creativity, inductive reasoning, and intuitive processes that lead to potential solutions or viable alternatives that may not be obviously related or easily identified.

Initiative is proactively doing things and not simply thinking about future actions. It involves identifying a problem, obstacle or opportunity, making decisions and taking prompt action in light of the facts to address current or future problems or opportunities. It includes showing persistence in the face of adversity over long time periods. Formal strategic planning is not usually included in this competency.

Science-Policy Linkages entails the ability to build and maintain connections between scientific research capacity and policy development. Building effective science-policy linkages involves knowledge of science and policy structures within the department; networking with government and stakeholder groups involved in science activities to resolve policy issues; management and communication of Science and Technology objectives; and the development of science-based policies and standards.

Strategic Thinking is demonstrating an intimate understanding of the capabilities, nature and potential of the department and determining what needs to be done and why. It involves taking calculated risks based on an awareness of societal, economic, technical, environmental, market and political issues and trends which influence the strategic direction of science and its linkages with the department.

Client Service Orientation is a desire to help or serve clients, both internal and external. It means discovering and meeting clients' needs through an intimate understanding of their business, as well as the ability to clearly articulate their needs, and market and distribute available products and services.

Ethics and Values is taking actions which respect the public trust and uphold and advance the ethical and social norms of the department. It also means treating people fairly by maintaining consistent values and performance standards.

Impact and Influence is the ability to persuade, convince or influence others in order to get them to go along with, or support, a particular agenda. It involves listening and communicating effectively with others to reach mutually beneficial solutions.

Innovation is an effort to improve performance by doing new things such as advancing scientific knowledge, developing new environmental forecast techniques, services, or technology. It can include the introduction of an innovative procedure unknown in the work unit or organization.

Partnering is the ability to interact strategically with individuals and groups internal and external to the department. It involves interacting with others in ways that build a network of relationships which contribute to advancing the work of the organization. Such relationships are characterized by respect, mutual understanding and an appreciation of the value of diversity.

Planning, Organizing and Communicating involves efficient development and communication of plans to meet operational objectives and deadlines. This involves facilitating or coordinating multiple project tasks with others and setting up information and measurement systems.

Results Orientation is working to achieve desired policy and program management outcomes that satisfy client needs. It includes setting goals and priorities, maximizing resources, and managing risk.

Self-Confidence is the ability to state and defend ideas and convictions, assess and accept risks, both in science content and the management of science, and recognize other options. It includes having the confidence to realistically evaluate one's personal strengths, trust one's own talents and use those capabilities to the fullest.

Developing Others is the ability to foster the learning and development of others through coaching, mentoring and managing performance. Developing others is not limited to individuals in formal positions of authority.

Team Leadership is attracting and developing talent, creating synergy and mobilizing energy, including assigning clear responsibilities, ensuring necessary communications and managing conflict. It includes the ability to energize and facilitate changes in the way things are done. The "team" should be understood broadly as any group in which one takes on a leadership role, formally or informally.

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Modified : 2002-12-19
Reviewed : 2002-12-19
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