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Ontario Justice International - Expertise to Share With the World

The Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General has unparalleled experience in the administration of justice - expertise to share with the world.

With a staff of over 7,000, the ministry operates more than 250 criminal, civil and family courts across the province and is responsible for over 100 statutes. The ministry has more than 1,300 lawyers on staff, including 500 civil lawyers and 700 Crown attorneys, who prosecute half a million charges each year.

The ministry is also responsible for the drafting of legislation, the legal protection of vulnerable people, services to assist victims of crime and many other justice-related programs.


Ontario is the most populous province in Canada, with more than 11 million people or about a third of the country's population. It is also the economic engine of the country. Covering over 900,000 square kilometres, Ontario is Canada's second largest province.

Ontario has more than 150 years of continuous democratic government under the rule of law. Based on English common law, Ontario jurisprudence has evolved to meet modern needs. Canada's constitution provides equality rights and fundamental freedoms to all individuals, ensures due process in the prosecution of criminal offences, and guarantees the independence of judicial officials.

International Services

Ontario Justice International (OJI) is the ministry's consultation service, drawing upon the Ontario government's experience in operating one of the largest justice systems in North America.

OJI assists other jurisdictions by establishing multi-disciplinary teams of experts from both the public and private sectors. These teams help the client government design and operate a fair, impartial, accessible and efficient justice system.

Law and Policy

Ontario's justice system reflects democratic principles and the rule of law. It governs relationships among individuals, the state, corporate entities and other organizations. OJI helps client governments establish a legal and policy framework based on respect for the rule of law.

  • Justice system design: OJI assesses the client's justice system and makes recommendations regarding its constitutional and legal framework.
  • Civil law: Ontario drafts and implements civil legislation and sets rules and regulations to insure that private contracts and property ownership are respected and interests protected.
  • Public law: Ontario government lawyers are responsible for analyzing policy goals within a legal and constitutional framework.
  • Policy and legislative drafting expertise: OJI provides professional policy development and drafting services for specific projects.

Efficient Court Administration

An efficient court administration supports timely and impartial justice. Ontario operates the largest and busiest court system in Canada, and one of the largest in North America.

  • Administrative systems: Ontario has expertise in efficient criminal, civil and family court systems.
  • Technology support: Ontario's courts are developing and implementing new technology systems to support the delivery of services to the public.
  • Management information systems: Ontario has expertise in the development of information systems that track, measure and evaluate court performance.
  • Judicial training and staff training: OJI trains judicial and non-judicial staff in efficient operating practices and the effective management of court operations.
  • Specialized courts: Ontario has created specialized courts, such as those focusing on domestic violence, and services to meet the needs of different groups and communities.
  • Enforcement services: Ontario courts provide services to enforce civil judgments and ensure that court orders are obeyed.

Resolving Disputes

Ontario provides its residents with a number of alternatives to court for resolving disputes.

  • Administrative tribunals with expertise in administrative law: tribunals and review boards settle many disputes.
  • Land claim negotiations: the Ontario government has expertise in settling land claims and hunting and fishing rights with aboriginal communities.
  • Civil and family mediation services: court-connected mediation services provide a non-adversarial way of resolving disputes and avoiding costly litigation.

Access to Justice

The Ontario government is committed to helping people obtain justice, and has established a range of programs and services to create better access to the justice system.

  • Legal aid: the province supports legal aid clinics and provides financial assistance to people who cannot afford lawyers to represent them.
  • Courthouse architecture and facility planning: Ontario is building and updating its courthouses to provide modern services, improve physical access and enhance security.

Criminal Justice

Ontario enforces criminal law within its jurisdiction

  • Training: OJI, working with the Ontario judiciary, can train judges and others working in the criminal justice sector for the client government.

For more information, contact:

Ontario Justice International
Ministry of the Attorney General
720 Bay Street, 7th Floor
Toronto, Ontario CANADA M5G 2K1


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