New Executive Director Announced

Emergency Measures Organization (to Dec. 19, 2005)

November 26, 2004 12:16

Nova Scotia's Emergency Measures Organization (EMO) will soon
have a new executive director.

RCMP Superintendent Craig MacLaughlan will become the new head of
the provincial Emergency Measures Organization in February 2005,
Ernest Fage, Minister responsible for EMO said today, Nov. 26.

A 29-year member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP),
Mr. MacLaughlan is currently the superintendent of support
services, criminal operations branch, Nova Scotia. As the RCMP's
critical incident officer -- the officer in charge of all major
events, disasters and investigations in Nova Scotia -- Mr.
MacLaughlan was responsible for the RCMP's response to Hurricane
Juan and last winter's blizzard.

"Craig MacLaughlan has the background and the experience dealing
with emergency situations that make him the ideal choice as
Executive Director," said Mr. Fage. "I'm confident that he will
do an excellent job in leading the provincial EMO."

Mr. MacLaughlan has been with the RCMP's H Division in Nova
Scotia since 2001. He previously served in Newfoundland and
Labrador, Nunavut and Manitoba.

In 2003, he was awarded the Nova Scotia Premier's Award for his
leadership during Hurricane Juan.

"I would also like to take this opportunity to thank current
executive director Mike Lester for his years of dedicated service
to the people of Nova Scotia and wish him the best in his
retirement," said Mr. Fage. "Mike has guided the province through
many large scale emergencies over the last 16 years and it is
through his leadership that Nova Scotia has gained a national
reputation for being one of the most prepared provinces. He will
truly be missed."

The EMO is responsible for ensuring the safety and security of
Nova Scotians, their property and environment by providing a
prompt and co-ordinated response to an emergency. EMO provides
help with planning before an emergency occurs, co-ordinates
provincial resources during an emergency and helps with analysis
and evaluation after an emergency.


     Nova Scotia's Emergency Measures Organization will soon

have a new executive director.

     R-C-M-P Superintendent Craig MacLaughlan will head up the

provincial E-M-O beginning next February.

     Mr. MacLaughlan is currently superintendent of support

services, criminal operations branch in Nova Scotia. He was the

officer in charge of the RCMP's response to Hurricane Juan and

last winter's blizzard.

     Ernest Fage, Nova Scotia's Minister responsible for the

E-M-O, says Craig MacLaughlan has the background and the

experience dealing with emergency situations that make him the

ideal choice to lead the provincial emergency measures


     Mr. MacLaughlan has been with the R-C-M-P's H Division in

Nova Scotia since 2001. He previously served in Newfoundland and

Labrador, Nunavut and Manitoba.


Contact: Sheliah Tulloch
         Emergency Measures Organization

kdc         November 26, 2004        12:15 P.M.