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Angus McBeath
North American Tour

Considered one of the top educators in North America, AIMS Fellow in Public Education Reform Angus McBeath is on a tour of North America making a difference in public education.

To learn more about the tour and how to make a difference in your public school, click here. 


Making Atlantica Work



Atlantica is defined chiefly by geography, economic trends and trade patterns; common problems and experiences; and politics. Much of this wedge of territory has been outside the charmed circle of North American prosperity for years. But there is a way for it to be welcomed inside that charmed circle. 

To read more about Atlantica, click here.

Just Released
Characteristics of Tomorrow's Successful PortCharacteristics of Tomorrow's Successful Port:
The AIMS Atlantica Papers #4
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From Public U to Private UFrom Public U to Private U:
An Atlantic Canadian Opportunity
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Fencing the FisheryFencing the Fishery:
A Primer on Ending the Race for Fish (Canadian Edition)
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A Finger on the PulseA Finger on the Pulse:
Comparative Models for Reporting the Quality of Hospital Care
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Students Without Borders, Universities Without IllusionsStudents Without Borders, Universities Without Illusions:
Why international mobility will cause a quality revolution in our universities.
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News & Events

Policy for Politicians: AIMS presents a New Year's make-over for Federal Policy in Atlantic Canada. 

New Brunswick School District uses AIMS High School Report Card to improve the quality of education.

Changing the subject: What's really behind raising the notwithstanding clause in the leaders' debate.

"Tomorrow's Successful Port" can be found right here in Atlantica: AIMS publishes 4th in the Atlantica Papers series.

Raising the bar in public education: Comments by AIMS Fellow in Public Education Reform sets off discussion in Boston.

Rethinking geography & learning from history: Atlantica featured in Canadian Transportation & Logistics magazine.

Counting our blessings: Reflections on politics, politicians and democracy.

It's still all about Quebec: AIMS in The Toronto Star.

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