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Embassy Headlines View all

06 February 06
Young dancers from The Dance Theatre Harlem perform during a dinner held at the White House Monday, February 6, 2006. The Dance Theatre of Harlem offers training to more than 1,000 young adults annually and has taken arts education to young people all over the world. White House photo by Shealah Craighead Young dancers from The Dance Theatre Harlem perform during a dinner held at the White House Monday, February 6, 2006. The Dance Theatre of Harlem offers training to more than 1,000 young adults annually and has taken arts education to young people all over the world. [more..]

The U.S. Economy
The President's 2007 Budget focuses on meeting America's priorities while continuing the successful pro-growth policies that have encouraged robust economic growth and job creation. A strong economy, together with spending restraint, is critical to reducing the deficit.

03 February 06
Consul General Abigail Friedman greets the St. Paul Minnesota Ice Sculpting Team in Quebec City. This year, St. Paul, Minnesota is the special guest of the Quebec Carnival. In addition to the St. Paul team, a U.S. team will be competing in the International Sculpting competition. Quebec's Carnival runs from January 27 - February 12. St. Paul's Carnival, the oldest in North America, runs from Jan. 27 to Feb. 5 Consul General Abigail Friedman greets the St. Paul Minnesota Ice Sculpting Team in Quebec City. This year, St. Paul, Minnesota is the special guest of the Quebec Carnival. In addition to the St. Paul team, a U.S. team will be competing in the International Sculpting competition. Quebec's Carnival runs from January 27 - February 12. St. Paul's Carnival, the oldest in North America, runs from Jan. 27 to Feb. 5.

President George W. Bush delivers his State of the Union Address at the Capitol, Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2006. White House photo by Eric Draper 01 February 06
President Bush's 2006 State of the Union Address. [audio]

Partnership for a Better World

01 February 06
Partnership for a Better World.
America is about partnerships – within our families, our communities, our nation, and with the rest of the world.

31 January 06
Statement by President Bush on the Death of Mrs. Coretta Scott King.

31 January 06
An Open Letter to Canada from Ambassador Wilkins
Last year, following the tremendous, spontaneous reaction of Canadians to the Hurricane Katrina disaster, I penned an open letter thanking Canada for its help. It was a fast, effective way to reach Canadians so I would like to continue to use it to raise topics which don't necessarily make headlines but remain of interest to our two countries. Today we are joining together to help a third country - Afghanistan... more

26 January 06
Statement by Ambassador Wilkins on the Legal Status of Arctic Waters.

25 January 06
U.S. Congratulates Canadian Prime Minister-elect Stephen Harper: Bush administration aims to build on strong U.S.-Canada partnership.

17 January 06
Ambassador Wilkins's Statement on the Death of Canadian Diplomat Glyn Berry.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff explain strategies for safer, easier entry into the United States, January 17, 2006.(© AP/WWP)

17 January 06
Border Security Initiative: U.S. vision for secure borders, open doors in the information age. U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff unveiled a three-part vision to ensure the use of the best new technologies and most efficient processes to improve border security, while facilitating travel and welcoming visitors to the United States. [fact sheet] [Secretary Rice statement] [Secretary Chertoff statement]

17 January 06
Binational Panel Review Pursuant to Article 1904 of North American Free Trade Agreement. In the Matter of Magnesium from Canada. Full Sunset Review of Antidumping Duty and Countervailing Duty Orders. Decision of the Panel Reviewing the Decision of the International Trade Commission on Remand. (USA-CDA-00-1904-09)

A young boy rides on a float during the Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade. (© AP/WWP)

13 January 06
Americans Celebrate Achievements of Martin Luther King Jr.: Civil rights giant fought for principles with universal applicability.

10 January 06
North America Borders' Security, Prosperity Links Discussed: Council of the Americas host forum on Security and Prosperity Partnership.

01 January 06
Biometric Entry System Installed at Final U.S. Land Border Ports: Since inception, US-VISIT has intercepted 970 people with criminal histories.

African American History Month
February is African American History Month. This year's theme is Celebrating Community: A Tribute to Black Fraternal, Social and Civic Institutions.

Canada-U.S. Exchange Alumni

December 2005
Importing into the U.S. : What Businesses Need to Know. U.S. Embassy, Ottawa.
This pamphlet is designed to introduce Canadian businesses to the major factors involved in getting products across the border and into the United States and comes with a handy guide to web resources.

Pandemic Flu

no stone unturned blog

"No stone unturned" is a new web blog by the Embassy's Counselor for the Environment, Curt Stone. Stone offers analysis and commentary on environmental issues, not necessarily reflecting the views of the U.S. government. In the style of web logs, it is intended to provoke discussion on topical issues. Visit often to read the latest and feel free to comment any time on Stone's blog postings. [Latest -- Air Quality]

Pakistani men carry U.S.-donated wheat to boats along the Indus River in northern Pakistan.

U.S. Response to the Earthquake in South Asia
The U.S. government has pledged $156 million to the relief efforts and private donations from American companies and individuals have reached $13.2 million.

Water Quality Protection

Canada - U.S. Environment Issues

Hurricane Receovery

Rebuilding Afghanistan

Africa Policy
U.S. Aid to Africa"We're making historic progress in helping the poorest countries in Africa to gain a fresh start and build a future of greater opportunity and prosperity" -- President George W. Bush.

Renewal in Iraq