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Border Cooperation

Improving the secure flow of goods and people at the border is a key priority for Canada and the United States. With more than $1.9 billion in goods and more than 300,000 people moving across the Canada-U.S. border each day, both countries have a critical stake in each other's economic security.

On December 12, 2001, Canada and the United States signed the Smart Border Declaration. The Declaration outlined a 32-point Action Plan, based on four pillars, which provides for on-going collaboration in identifying and addressing security risks while efficiently expediting the legitimate flow of people and goods across the Canada-U.S. border.

Since the signing of the Smart Border Declaration, Canada and the United States have jointly released four status reports. The latest report confirms that both countries are on track in the implementation of Action Plan items and in bringing steady improvement to the efficiency and security of our shared border. It also announces an agenda for cooperative work in the areas of biosecurity and science and technology - now items 31 and 32 of the Action Plan.

Smart Border Process:

Canada-U.S. Border Cooperation:

Other useful links on the Canada-U.S. Border: