ACCC represents over 150 community colleges, institutes of technology, cégeps and university colleges with over 900 locations across Canada
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"Inside ACCC" Newsletter January 26, 2006 Edition


federal election 2006
ACCC Federal Election Tool Kit for Colleges and Institutes Read more >

National Political Party Platforms Regarding Postsecondary Education and Training Read more >

Brief presented to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration: Valuing the Knowledge, Skills and Experience of Canada's Immigrants Read more >


Colleges Give All Political Parties a Failing Grade:
Campaigns Weak on Post-Secondary Education and Training Read more >

Colleges and Institutes Welcome the Federal Government’s Commitment to Investing in Growth and Prosperity Read more >

Canadian Colleges and Institutes Partnering to Help American Colleagues in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina Read more >

ACCC Calls on its Member Colleges and Institutes to Help U.S. Colleges in the Aftermath of Katrina Read more >

Colleges Applaud Premiers’ Demand for Increased Post-Secondary Funding Read more >