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Transport Canada > Transport Canada - Acts and Regulations > Instructions to Download and Install the Transport Canada Acts and Regulations

Instructions to Download and Install the Transport Canada Acts and Regulations

The Transport Canada Acts and Regulations are available for installation to your hard disk. Each file, compressed in ZIP format, contains HTML and image files related to an Act and its Regulations. 

It is recommended that the following Acts and Regulations offline menu be downloaded and installed first.

Download the offline menu:  [ exe ] or [ zip ]

The ZIP files are provided in two formats: for Windows 95/98/NT users - use the self-extracting EXE, for all other users - use the ZIP file. Both formats contain the same information. You need only download the format appropriate for your computer. 

Some of the larger sections have been split into multiple parts. Simply download each part onto a 1.44M formatted diskette and use diskette number one to uncompress the multi-disk archive. 

Use the following step by step bookmarks to learn how to install and use the offline version of the acts and regulations website.

    Downloading and extracting an archived file
     Viewing Files & Setting Bookmarks/Favorites


Step 1: Downloading and extracting an archived file.

Downloading the .exe files: (easiest)

When you click on an EXE, you should receive a dialog box similar to the following:

save it to disk screen capture











Select "Open it".
A new dialog box should appear, please make sure that c:\  is specified in the unzip to folder box and then select "Unzip" button. (see example below). Then proceed to Step 2.

WinZip seft-extractor screen capture


If you wish to use the zip files: (advanced users) 

Before you download any zip files you must have a file decompression utility which can extract ZIP format files. Suitable utilities may be downloaded from and other web sites.  Each ZIP file contains folder/directory information which will allow your file decompression utility to place each file in the appropriate subfolder. Simply insure that you extract all files at the c:\ level of your hard drive.

If you are using a graphical decompression utility such as WinZIP, a dialog similar to the following will appear when you open a ZIP file:

winzip program screen capture












Click the "Extract" button and the following dialog will appear:

Set "Extract To:" to C:\ and ensure that "All Files" and "Use Folder Names" are selected, then click the Extract button.

extract windows screen capture









Proceed to Step 2

Step 2: Viewing Files & Setting Bookmarks/Favorites

Viewing Files

Using a Web browser (IE6 is suggested), open the first page of the Acts and Regulations by selecting "Open File" or "Open Page" from the File menu.

A dialog box should appear allowing you to select a HTML file from your hard disk.

Select C:\acts-regulations\menu.htm and click "Open".

Setting Bookmarks/Favorites

Depending on the web browser you use, you should be able to set a Bookmark (Netscape) or Favorite (Internet Explorer) to open the Acts and Regulations quickly. Once the page is loaded, select "Add Bookmark" or "Add Favorite" from the Bookmarks or Favorites menu. If you receive a dialog box, just click "OK".

When you open the Bookmarks or Favorites menu again, you should see "Transport Canada Acts and Regulations" in the list. Selecting this entry will bring you back to the menu page.



Last updated: 2005-06-09 Top of Page Important Notices