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This page contains answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) regarding Ship Registration and Ship Licensing.

Ship Registration Top of Page 

  1. I am buying a used boat. How can I tell if there is a mortgage on it, and whether it is registered or licensed?
  2. What forms do I need for first-time registration?
  3. Where can I get the registry forms I need?
  4. What is the Register?
  5. What is a mortgage?
  6. Where can I find a tonnage measurer?
  7. What are the marking requirements?
  8. How do I obtain the List of Ships Volume I & II (Blue Books) and the cost?
  9. Do you still produce the List of Ships on CD-ROM?
  10. How do I license a pleasure craft or a pleasure Air Cushion Vehicle (ACV)?
  11. How do I access the Ship Registration Query System on the Internet?
  12. Historical enquiry?
  13. How do I send the required fees?
  14. How do I obtain the Application forms to register a commercial Air Cushion Vehicle (ACV)?
  15. Is there a specific weight in order to register a Commercial Air Cushion Vehicle?
  16. Are there applicable fees for registration of Commercial Air Cushion Vehicles?
  17. Why is the ownership of a registered vessel divided into 64 indivisible shares?

Ship Licensing Top of Page

  1. What vessels are required to have a Small Commercial Vessel Licence?
  2. How do I know if my vessel should be classified as a Commercial or Pleasure Vessel?
  3. What is the Small Commercial Vessel Licensing System?
  4. What is the difference between a vessel whose number begins with the letter "C" (e.g. C12345 ON) as opposed to a vessel whose number begins with a number, followed by a letter and numbers (e.g. 32E 12345)?
  5. Where do I obtain information on a specific licence number (with a prefix / and a letter-pleasure craft- eg. #59E14)?
  6. Where do I get a Pleasure Craft Licence?
  7. What forms and documentation are required to apply for a Small Commercial Vessel Licence?
  8. What is the fee for a Small Commercial Vessel Licence?
  9. What can I do if I lost or misplaced my Small Commercial Vessel Licence?
  10. What are the marking requirements for my Small Commercial Vessel Licence?
  11. How do I calculate the tonnage of my vessel to verify if it is under 15 gross tons?
  12. Can I put a mortgage on my small commercial vessel?

I am buying a used boat. How can I tell if there is a mortgage on it, and whether it is registered or licensed? Top of Page

Only registered ships can have mortgages recorded against them. For information on whether a registered ship has a mortgage, please contact the Registrar at the ship's port or registry, or the Chief Registrar's office in Ottawa (Headquarters). A complete list of all ports of registry can be found by simply clicking on our Registration Guide found on our home page. If the vessel has a name and a port written on the stern, then it is a registered vessel. If there is a letter-number combination on the boat's bow, (e.g. 32E000, or C01234BC) then it is a licensed vessel.

What forms do I need for first-time registration? Top of Page

To apply to register a vessel, you must send the following documents to the Registrar at the Port of Registry:

  • Application for Registry, Form No. 84-0044;
  • Declaration of Ownership, Form No. 84-0002 - Each owner must complete a separate form;
  • Appointment of an Authorized Representative, Form No. 84-0035:

    (a) Canadian owners of pleasure crafts are not required to complete this form as an "Authorized Representative" is not applicable to pleasure crafts.

    (b) This form is required if there is more than one owner and must be completed and signed by all of the owners appointing one of themselves as "Authorized Representative".

    (c) This form is also required if a foreign corporation is the owner. The form must be completed by the owner (foreign corporation) appointing a Canadian Representative as the "Authorized Representative" (please refer to our Registratoin Guide, page 7).

  • Notice of Name for a Ship, Form No. 84-0042;
  • The appropriate fee - for information on the fees, please contact the Registrar at your chosen Port of Registry by simply clicking on our Registration Guide found on our home page.
  • For additional information and documentation requirements, please refer to our Registration Guide.

Where can I get the registry forms I need? Top of Page

All required forms are available from the Registrar of Ships at an administration port, from Transport Canada, Marine Safety district offices, or from the Chief Registrar's office in Ottawa (Headquarters). Forms are also available from the Transport Canada Internet Web Site: Website at the following link :

 What is the Register? Top of Page

The Canadian Register of Ships contains the names, ownership details, mortgage details and records of all registered vessels for each Port of Registry.

What is a mortgage? Top of Page

A mortgage is a legal document that creates a security for a loan or other financial consideration using the registered vessel or share or a share of it as security. The person using the vessel as security and receiving the loan is called the mortgagor. The person taking the vessel as security and usually giving the loan is called the mortgagee. Note that a vessel must be registered before a mortgage can be registered.

Where can I find a tonnage measurer? Top of Page

You can either contact your chosen Port of Registry office or refer to the list of Measurers appointed by Transport Canada listed on our home page under the heading Tonnage Measurement. If your vessel is less than 12 meters, you may not need to employ a measurer. See page 11 of our Registration Guide for more detailed information.

What are the marking requirements? Top of Page


Your Certificate of Registry is not valid until the ship has been marked in accordance with the following marking requirements.

NAME AND PORT OF REGISTRY: For pleasure craft the name and port of registry both must be marked together on some clearly visible exterior part of the hull. For commercial vessels the vessel name must be marked on each bow and the vessel name and port of registry must also be marked on the stern. If the vessel has a square bow, the name may be marked on some clearly visible exterior part of the bow in order to avoid obliteration. The markings may be made by the use of any means and materials which result in durable markings. All must be at least 10 cm in height, made in clearly legible letters of the Latin alphabet or Arabic or Roman numerals. Port of registry marking may consist of the port only, or may include both the port and the province. Only the province may be abbreviated by using the two letter Canada Post symbol.

REGISTERED TONNAGE AND OFFICIAL NUMBER: Both the official number and registered tonnage shown on the Certificate of Registry, must be marked in block-type Arabic numerals at least 4 cm high on some clearly visible interior structural part of the hull. The registered tonnage must be preceded by the abbreviation "N.R.T." and the official number by the abbreviation "O.N.". These numbers must be permanently affixed so that alteration, removal, or replacement would be obvious and cause some scarring or damage to the surrounding hull area.

How do I obtain the List of Ships Volume I & II (Blue Books) and the cost? Top of Page

The List of Ships, Edition 2003 (Volume I & Volume II) is now available at the:

Canada Government Publishing
Ottawa, ON K1A 0S9

By phone: (613) 941-5995
Orders Only: 1-800-635-7943 (Canada and U.S.A.)
Fax: (613) 954-5779 or 1-800-565-7757 (Canada and U.S.A.)
VOLUME I = Catalogue No. T34-1/2003-1- $34.95
VOLUME II = Catalogue No. T34-1/2003-2- $29.95

We now have a new List of Ships on the Web called "Vessel Registration Query System" at: It contains the same information as the book version, and is updated on a weekly basis.

Do you still produce the List of Ships on CD-ROM? Top of Page

The list of ships 1999 on CD is no longer available and no other version was produced

How do I license a pleasure craft or a pleasure Air Cushion Vehicle (ACV)? Top of Page

Information on licensing your small pleasure craft may be obtained by phoning the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Info line at 1-800-461-9999 or the Info line for small boating at 1-800-267-6687. The addresses and telephone numbers of the CBSA, Customs District offices can be found on their website:

How do I access the Ship Registration Query System on the Internet? Top of Page

The Website address is:

Historical enquiry? Top of Page

In order to search on such inquiry we must have one of the following information:

I. Official Number

II. Ship's Name

III. Ship's Owner

How do I send the required fees? Top of Page

All applications, including a request to change the name of a vessel, must be accompanied by a cheque or money order to cover the required fees, made payable to the Receiver General of Canada and sent to the appropriate Port of Registry. Fees are also payable by VISA or MasterCard at most of Ports of Registry. All fees are non-refundable. Please consult the new Schedule of fees effective May 1st 2002.

How do I obtain the Application forms to register a commercial Air Cushion Vehicle (ACV)? Top of Page

The Application (form no. 85-0402) is provided by Headquarters by phoning the Ship Registration Toll free line 1-877-242-8770 or Fax # 613-998-0637.

Is there a specific weight in order to register a Commercial Air Cushion Vehicle? Top of Page

Regardless of the weight of the vehicle, all Commercial Air Cushion Vehicles must be registered.

Are there applicable fees for registration of Commercial Air Cushion Vehicles? Top of Page

Yes, fees are applicable. Please contact headquarters for a copy of the Schedule of Fees at our Toll free line 1-877-242-8770.

Why is the ownership of a registered vessel divided into 64 indivisible shares? Top of Page

For registry purposes the property in a vessel is divided into 64 indivisible shares. The origin of this practice has not been definitely established although various theories have been advanced. Here are three of the more credible:

(a) That for the convenience of practical men, the binary system was used, where the shares in the vessel were halved until the whole was reduced to 64 parts;

(b) That the custom grew out of the fact that in olden days most vessels had 64 ribs;

(c) That during the reign of Queen Elizabeth shipowners were taxed to pay for naval protection and to secure this tax the Crown took 36 of the original 100 shares in each vessel, leaving the owner 64 shares, and that although the tax was later remitted the custom of vesting absolute title through 64 shares has persisted.

What vessels are required to have a Small Commercial Vessel Licence? Top of Page

Vessels less than or equal to 15 tons gross tonnage are classified as "small vessels" under the Canada Shipping Act. Should you choose not to register your commercial (non-pleasure) vessel, you must get a Small Commercial Vessel Licence. There are no citizenship or residency requirements, but the boat must be principally operated and maintained in Canada.

How do I know if my vessel should be classified as a Commercial or Pleasure Vessel? Top of Page

Please refer to the Ship Safety Bulletin No. 14/2000 by clicking the following link to access the bulletin:

What is the Small Commercial Vessel Licensing System? Top of Page

Commercial vessels less than or equal to 15 tons gross tonnage which are not registered must be licensed. Licensing is an identification system not a title system and does not permit registration of mortgages or liens. The Small Commercial Vessel Licensing Program is delivered by the Headquarters Unit in Ottawa. The application form is available from the office of Registry of Ships, Ottawa, any Port of Registry Office, your local customs office, or from the Transport Canada Web Site. Further information may be obtained by calling our Toll free line 1-877-242-8770.

What is the difference between a vessel whose number begins with the letter "C" (e.g. C12345 ON) as opposed to a vessel whose number begins with a number, followed by a letter and numbers (e.g. 32E 12345)? Top of Page

A vessel whose number begins with the letter "C" is a Small Commercial Vessel, licensed in the Small Vessel Register and is the responsibility of Transport Canada.

A vessel whose number begins with a number, followed by a letter and numbers is a licensed small pleasure craft, which is now the responsibility of Transport Canada. These licences are issued by Customs Offices on behalf of Transport Canada.

Where do I obtain information on a specific licence number (with a prefix / and a letter-pleasure craft- eg. #59E12345)? Top of Page

A Small Vessel Licence number (e.g. #59E12345) is a licensed vessel for pleasure craft which is a different system than the registered vessels on our website. The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) now issues Small Pleasure Craft licences on behalf of Transport Canada. The prefix indicated in the top right hand corner of the licence refers to the issuing customs office . The addresses and telephone numbers of the CBSA, Customs District offices can be found at Information on licences for small pleasure craft may be obtained by phoning the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Infoline at 1-800-461-9999 or the Info line for small boating at 1-800-267-6687. 

Where do I get a Pleasure Craft Licence? Top of Page

Information on licencing your small pleasure craft may be obtained by phoning the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Info line at 1-800-461-9999 or the Info line for small boating at 1-800-267-6687. The addresses and telephone numbers of the CBSA, Customs District offices can be found at:

What forms and documentation are required to apply for a Small Commercial Vessel Licence? Top of Page

You need to complete the Application for a Small Commercial Vessel Licence, form 20.

Also required is a copy of the Bill of Sale/Receipt or other documentation transferring legal custody and control of the small vessel to the owner/applicant. The application and a copy of the documentation are to be forwarded to: Transport Canada, Registry of Ships, Marine Safety, 330 Sparks Street, Ottawa, ON K1A 0N8. The Application may be sent by fax (1-613-998-0637), but the original must be forwarded by mail to the above address to receive your permanent Small Commercial Vessel Licence. Our Toll free line is 1-877-242-8770.

What is the fee for a Small Commercial Vessel Licence? Top of Page

The fee is $50.00 for the issuance or renewal of a Small Commercial Vessel Licence, payable by cheque or money order to the "Receiver General for Canada". Fees are also payable by Visa or Mastercard. A Small Commercial Vessel Licence is valid for 5 years from the date of issue.

What can I do if I lost or misplaced my Small Commercial Vessel Licence?Top of Page

Submit a letter giving details of the loss to Transport Canada, Registry of Ships, Ottawa, either by e-mail, fax or mail. There are no additional fees.

What are the marking requirements for my Small Commercial Vessel Licence? Top of Page

Licensed vessels must be marked with the licence number of the vessel in block characters not less than 75 mm high and in a colour that contrasts with their background. The number is to be located : (a) on each side of the bow of the vessel, or (b) on a board permanently attached to the vessel as close to the bow as practicable, so that the number is clearly visible from each side of the bow.

How do I calculate the tonnage of my vessel to verify if it is under 15 gross tons? Top of Page

Please refer to the Tabular Method, form 4A, form no. 84-0405 ). from the Transport Canada Internet Web Site

Can I put a mortgage on my small commercial vessel? Top of Page

No, a mortgage is not permitted for licensed vessels on the Small Vessel Register.

Last updated: 2006 02 07 Top of Page Important Notices