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Transport Canada

Directive No. 27

Civil Aviation Service Line Accountabilities

Policy Objective:

To outline functional and line relationships within the Transport Canada, Civil Aviation service line.

Policy Statement:

This document establishes:

  • the organizational principles respecting the governance of accountability within the Civil Aviation service line;

  • the responsibilities and accountabilities of National and Regional authorities; and

  • an issue resolution mechanism.


This directive applies to all areas of the National Civil Aviation Program.


Accountability relates to both performance and results. It is defined as a clearly identified individual obligation for the conduct of specified program activities where performance is evaluated through the application of established criteria.

Activities are the actions taken by a line manager to achieve the objectives for which he/she has been assigned resources and is accountable.

Authority is the power to make decisions, and to effect and approve change.

Functional Authority is the right to give direction within the Civil Aviation service line. For clarity, this includes those activities which cross organizational lines.

Functional Direction is the exercise of functional authority by promulgating, and monitoring compliance with, national policies and procedures, and providing guidelines and advice respecting interpretation and implementation.

Functional Specialists have the authority to provide advice and direction within their area of responsibility. Functional Specialists might or might not occupy positions having management or supervisory responsibilities

Line Authority is the right of a line manager to command and commit resources, and to direct activities.


  • Open communications, consultation and cooperation are essential to achieving program goals.

  • Functional and line authorities should be exercised in a manner which recognizes and respects National and Regional leadership roles, and promotes shared commitment to the delivery of the national Civil Aviation program.

  • Functional direction in respect of national program development, issue identification and priority setting is a national responsibility. Regions play a key role in contributing to overall program development, in particular as it relates to operational practices and capacity.

  • Routine communications should take place at the lowest practical organizational level, with due consideration for the nature of the communication and the authority and responsibilities of the participants. Nothing in this policy should be construed as requiring the escalation of established and effective levels of communication.

Responsibilities and Accountability:


  • The Director General Civil Aviation (DGCA) is directly accountable to the Assistant Deputy Minister, Safety and Security.

  • The DGCA has full delegation, authority and responsibility for setting program direction, objectives, policy, and overall program priorities and delivery.

  • Functional Directors are directly accountable to the DGCA, and have the delegation, authority and responsibility for: management of human and financial resources; setting functional program direction, objectives, policy and priorities; ensuring consistent national program focus and delivery; and, line activities resident at the national level. For clarity, this includes those functional areas which do not have direct regional organizational equivalents.

  • Functional Directors are authorized to issue policies and procedures, and monitor regional compliance with the national program.

  • Functional Specialists are authorized to provide interpretation, advice, direction and guidance within their functional areas.


  • Regional Directors, Civil Aviation (RDCA) are directly accountable to their respective Regional Director General.

  • RDCAs are responsible for managing program delivery and ensuring that the provision of services is in accordance with the national program. Should variances be identified they may be required to provide the rationale to the DGCA.

  • Regional Managers are directly accountable to their respective RDCA, and are responsible for human and financial resources for program delivery in compliance with national policy. Regional Managers shall comply with functional direction in respect of program objectives, policy, procedures and priorities and fully consider functional advice and guidance. Regional Managers should not take unilateral action which, in effect, overturns functional direction without sound reasons and unless due notice is provided.

  • Resource allocation and reallocation are the responsibility of the RDCAs. Nevertheless, such decisions are to be taken in the context of achieving agreed upon Civil Aviation service line objectives. RDCAs shall inform the DGCA where in-year re-profiling of resources impacts upon established program delivery goals.


The DGCA may communicate with and make commitments to national, international and foreign companies, individuals, associations, agencies and organizations in respect of program issues which do not affect Regional resource commitments.

RDCAs may communicate with and make commitments to national, international and foreign companies, individuals, associations, agencies and organizations, or the regional components of national associations, agencies and organizations, provided such commitments are consistent with national program direction, objectives, policy, procedures and guidelines.

Decisions respecting all other communications and commitments are to be taken only after consultation between the RDCAs and the DGCA.

Functional direction is typically, although not exclusively, exercised between Regional management and supervisory personnel and Functional Directors and Specialists.

Functional Directors and Specialists will consult their regional counterparts on all issues relating to functional authority and direction, especially where the direction would change the planned utilization of resources.

While developing policies and procedures, Functional Specialists shall consult Regional Managers and prepare an impact statement identifying:

  • the additional resources, if any, needed to implement the policy or procedure;

  • the proposed source of those resources; and,

  • the benefits that would accrue from implementation.

Functional Specialists and Regional Managers shall discuss the impact statement before completing the policy in order to determine the best method of implementation.

Formal communication of policies, guidelines, advice and reports from Functional Directors are distributed to the appropriate Regional Manager.

Resolution of Issues:

While the conventional practice of attempting to resolve issues at the lowest practical organizational level should continue, unresolved issues shall be addressed as follows.

Disagreement between a Regional Manager and a Functional Director concerning decisions taken or proposed, a planned course of action, the substance or intent of a proposed or existing policy, or the availability of the resources to implement the policy, will be referred, if necessary, to the RDCA and the DGCA for resolution.

Further Information:

Robert Sincennes
Director, Quality Assurance (AARF)
Telephone: (613) 993-8976
Facsimile: (613) 993-7038

Art LaFlamme
Director General
Civil Aviation

Effective date: February 1, 2000
Expiration date: January 31, 2002

Last updated: 2005-10-04 Top of Page Important Notices