Breaking News

RSI seeks input on Chinese import tariffs

The U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) has published a notice in the Federal Register listing the Trump Administration’s proposed tariffs on Chinese imports because of its investigation into what it calls “China’s unfair trade practices under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974.”


Rapid confirmation seen for STB nominees

Senior Senate legislative aide Patrick J. Fuchs and commuter railroad attorney Michelle A. Schultz, both Republicans, appeared April 11 before the Senate Commerce Committee as a first crucial step toward Senate confirmation to become members of the Surface Transportation Board (STB), which administers remnants of what until 1980 was almost a century of pervasive railroad economic regulation.


Labor lawyer Clint Miller: Requisat in pace

Clint Miller studied, recited and practiced railroad labor law with such determination, devotion and precision that his management adversaries often were converted to fans. Had cancer instead picked its fight with him in a courtroom, few would have expected his death last week at age 70.


Rail grievance backlog haunts NMB

An essential task of the National Mediation Board (NMB), which administers the Railway Labor Act (RLA), is to resolve grievances of union-represented railroad employees relating to contract interpretation and workplace discipline.

Digital communications, for safety’s sake

Far too often, when the National Transportation Safety Board investigates a rail accident, it concludes that poor communications proved to be a critical factor, including breakdowns in communication between rail operators, dispatch and maintenance crews.


Watching Washington March 2018: Riding the brand at FRA

“Riding the brand”—a code of conduct exemplifying unbendable trustworthiness, integrity and commitment—is an expression as old as the Wild West, yet as contemporary as Federal Railroad Administrator Ron Batory. Nowhere is this code more needed than at the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), lacking permanent leadership since January 2015 and suffering discord and an organizational brain-drain even longer.