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February 12, 2006

Data and Reports
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NPRI Database Structure

The following tables provide a breakdown of the structures of the fields within each of the NPRI MS Excel Spreadsheets and the MS Access database tables. The spreadsheets and tables included are:

  • Address
  • Chemcode
  • Comments
  • Contacts
  • CSI2Code
  • CSICCode
  • Facility
  • NAI2Code
  • NAI4Code
  • NAI6Code
  • OffSites
  • Other_ID
  • ProvCode
  • SDPeriod
  • Stacks
  • StatCode
  • Streams
  • SubsDisp
  • SubsFlag
  • SubsRele
  • Substran
  • All tables are constructed in the following manner:

    Column 1 - (Field Name) provides the name of the field (column title) in the database table

    Column 2 – (Type) identifies if the field is a text, number or Yes/No field

    Column 3 – (Width) provides the number of characters that can fit into each field

    Column 4 – (English Field Description) provides a description of the field identified in Column 1

    Column 5 – (First year new fields....) provides the user with the year the field in question was added. If no year is indicated, the field has always been present. In cases where a field was added in a certain year, the field will still appear in the previous year's database files however there will be no data present.

  • To facilitate performing queries on the data, the two most common fields for linking tables are "NPRI_ID" and "CAS_Number".


Field Name Type Width English Field Description First year new fields were added to the Reporting Software
ReportYear Text 4 The NPRI data reporting year.  
NPRI_ID Text 10 An assigned unique 10 digit number.  
Addr_Type Text 3 Address Identifier Codes:  
      FAC - Facility Address  
      MED - Public Contact Address  
      TEC - Technical Contact Address  
      PAR - Parent Company address  
Addr_Code Number 2 A 2-digit code is assigned for each off-site/  
      Parent Company which is specific for each individual NPRI ID (i.e. the same code is used more than once but not for the same NPRI ID)(this code is equivalent to the Tran_Code in the Substran.mdb table)  
D_B_DUNS Text 9 Dun & Bradstreet (D-U-N-S) Number 1999
Business Text 9 Business Number 2003
Percentage Number 3 % of ownership (only completed for parent companies).  
Canadian Text 1 Is this a Canadian address? Y / N 1996
Comp_Name Text 60 Name of Company, Parent Company, Off-site or MSTP. 1996
Faci_Name Text 60 Name of Facility. 1996
Rural_Addr Text 1 Is this a rural address? 'Y' or ' '  
Address1 Text 40 Address Line 1 1996
Address2 Text 40 Address Line 2 1996
City Text 40 City Name  
Prov_State Text 2 Province or state 1996
Postal_Zip Text 40 Postal code or zip code 1996
Country Text 40 Country  

Field Name Type Width English Field Description First year new fields were added to the Reporting Software
ReportYear Text 4 The NPRI data reporting year  
CAS_Number Text 11 List of Chemical Absracts Service Registry Numbers identifing each specific substance.  
Units Text 9 This field displays the units of measure. The software determines what units will be used once a substance has been selected. 2000
NPRI Text 1 Is this a NPRI substance?  
EPA Text 1 Is this an EPA substance? 'Y' or ' '  
MOE Text 2 Is this an MOE substance? Type will be identified.  
NERM Text 1 Is this a NERM substance? 'Y' or ' '  
AENV Text 1 Is this an AENV substance? 'Y' or ' '  
Metal Text 1    
Cepa_tox Text 1    
Iarc Text 1    
Tox_carc Text 1    
ACID Text 1 Is the substance an acid?  
CAC Text 1 Is this substance a Criteria Air Contaminant (CAC)? 2002
PAH Text 1 Is this a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon? 2000
D_F Text 1 Is this substance a polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin or polychlorinated dibenzofuran? 2002
HCB Text 1 Is this substance hexachlorobenzene? 2000
VOC Text 1 Is this a VOC substance? 'A,B,C' or ' '  
VOC_ALL Text 1    
EPA_Prgs Text 55 Substance belongs to the following EPA agreements.  
Sort_E Text 40 English Character Sort Sequence  
Chem_E Text 40 English Substance Description  
Sort_F Text 40 French Character Sort Sequence  
Chem_F Text 40 French Substance Description  

Field Name Type Width English Field Description First year new fields were added to the Reporting Software
ReportYear Text 4 The NPRI data reporting year.  
NPRI_ID Text 10 An assigned unique 10 digit number.  
CAS_Number Text 11 Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) Registry number (completed for comments related to substances only).  
Comm_Type Text 3 Comment Type Identifier:  
      FAC - Facility Comments  
      PP2 - Pollution Prevention Activity Comments for the entire facility  
      SDP - Shut down period comments  
      REL - Release Comments  
      VOC - VOC speciation comments  
      DIS - Disposal Comments  
      OFF - Offsite Transfer Comments  
      REC - Recycling Comments  
      P2A - Materials or Feedstock Substitution comments  
      P2B - Product Design or Reformulation comments  
      P2C - Equipment or Process Modifications comments  
      P2D - Spill and Leak Prevention comments  
      P2E - On-site Recovery, Re-use or Recycling comments  
      P2F - Inventory Management or Purchasing Techniques comments  
      P2G - Good Operating Practice or Training comments  
      PPA - Pollution Prevention Comments  
Line_1 Text 75 Maximum of 750 characters or 10 lines of comments in a memo format.  
Line_2 Text 75    
Line_3 Text 75    
Line_4 Text 75    
Line_5 Text 75    
Line_6 Text 75    
Line_7 Text 75    
Line_8 Text 75    
Line_9 Text 75    
Line_10 Text 75    

Field Name Type Width English Field Description First year new fields were added to the Reporting Software
ReportYear Text 4 The NPRI data reporting year.  
NPRI_ID Text 10 An assigned unique 10 digit number.  
Cont_Type Text 3 MED - Public Contact Address  
      TEC - Technical Contact Address  
Title Text 4 Title: {Blank} Dr. M. Mr. Miss Mlle Mme Ms. Mrs. M.  
Name_First Text 60 First Name and/or Initials  
Name_Last Text 60 Last Name  
C_Position Text 60 Position  
Voice_Area Text 3 Telephone Numbe Area Code  
Voice_Numb Text 7 Telephone Number  
Voice_Exte Text 6 Telephone Extension  
Fax_Area Text 3 Fax Number Area Code  
Fax_Numb Text 7 Fax Number  
Email Text 60 Email Address  
Address Yes/No 1 Is there a separate mailing address from the facility address?  

Field Name Type Width English Field Description First year new fields were added to the Reporting Software
CSI2_Code Text 2 List of 2 digit Standard Industrial Classification Codes identifying the types of businesses and industries.  
CSI2_DescE Text 80 English Description  
CSI2_DescF Text 80 French Description  

Field Name Type Width English Field Description First year new fields were added to the Reporting Software
CSIC_Code Text 4 Canadian list of 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification Codes (SIC) identifying the types of businesses and industries.  
ASIC_Code Text 4 The corresponding American 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification Codes identifying the type of business or industry.  
Fit Text 1 A '*' indicates that a Canadian SIC Codes falls under more than one American SIC Code and/or vice versa.  
CSIC_DescE Text 40 Canadian English SIC Description  
ASIC_DescE Text 40 American English SIC Description  
CSIC_DescF Text 40 Canadian French SIC Description  
ASIC_DescF Text 40 American French SIC Description  

Field Name Type Width English Field Description First year new fields were added to the Reporting Software
ReportYear Text 4 The NPRI data reporting year.  
NPRI_ID Text 10 An assigned unique 10 digit number.  
LanguageEF Text 1 Language of submission E)nglish, F)rench 1995
Comp_Name Text 60 The name of the reporting company.  
Faci_Name Text 60 The name of the reporting facility.  
URL_Addres Text 80 Company web-site address (http://Xxxxx)  
D_B_DUNS Text 9 Dun & Bradstreet (D-U-N-S) Number 1999
Business Text 9 Business Number  
City Text 40 The city where the facility is located.  
Province Text 2 The province/territory of the facility.  
Prov_ID Text 10 Provincial ID for either: Facilities in 'ON': ON MOE (10 digits) or Facilities in 'AB': Alberta Approval # ( 8 digits)  
Cont_MED Yes/No 1 MED - Public Contact Address  
Cont_TEC Yes/No 1 TEC - Technical Contact Address  
CN_SI2 Text 2 2 Digit Canadian SIC Code 1995
CN_SIC Text 4 4 Digit Canadian SIC Code  
US_SIC Text 4 4 Digit Amercian SIC Code  
NAICS_2 Text 5 2 Digit NAICS Code 1998
NAICS_4 Text 4 4 Digit NAICS Code 1998
NAICS_6 Text 6 6 Digit NAICS Code 1998
Employees Number 6 Number of Full Time Employees at the facility  
      Was the facility used for:  
R_Used_A Yes/No 1 Non-hazardous solid waste incineration (>=100 tonnes/year) 2000
R_Used_B Yes/No 1 Biomedical or hospital waste incineration (>=100 tonnes/year) 2000
R_Used_C Yes/No 1 Hazardous waste incineration 2000
R_Used_D Yes/No 1 Sewage sludge incineration 2000
R_Used_E Yes/No 1 Wood preservation 2000
R_Used_F Yes/No 1 Terminal Operations 2000
R_Used_G Yes/No   Discharge of treated or untreated wastewater (>= 10,000 m3/day) 2002
R_Used_H Yes/No   None of the above 2002
      Was the facility engaged in:  
R_Enga_A Yes/No 1 Non-hazardous solid waste incineration (>=100 tonnes/year) 2000
R_Enga_B Yes/No 1 Biomedical or hospital waste incineration (>=100 tonnes/year) 2000
R_Enga_C Yes/No 1 Hazardous waste incineration 2000
R_Enga_D Yes/No 1 Sewage sludge incineration 2000
R_Enga_E Yes/No 1 Base metals smelting (including copper, lead, nickel, and zinc) 2000
R_Enga_F Yes/No 1 Smelting of secondary lead 2000
R_Enga_G Yes/No 1 Smelting of secondary aluminum 2000
R_Enga_H Yes/No 1 Manufacturing of iron using a sintering process 2000
R_Enga_I Yes/No 1 Operation of electric arc furnaces in steel manufacturing 2000
R_Enga_J Yes/No 1 Operation of electric arc furnaces in steel foundries 2000
R_Enga_K Yes/No 1 Production of magnesium 2000
R_Enga_L Yes/No 1 Manufacturing of Portland cement 2000
R_Enga_M Yes/No 1 Production of chlorinated organic solvents or monomers 2000
R_Enga_N Yes/No 1 Combustion of fossil fuel in a boiler unit to produce electricity (>=25 MW) 2000
R_Enga_O Yes/No 1 Combustion of salt laden logs in pulp and paper sector 2000
R_Enga_P Yes/No 1 Combustion of fuel in kraft liquor boilers in pulp and paper sector 2000
R_Enga_Q Yes/No 1 None of the above 2000
R_Enga_R Yes/No     2002
Wood_Creo Yes/No 1 Was the facility used for wood preservation using creosote? 2000
CACS Yes/No 1 Are you required to report for one or more criteria air contaminants?  
      Days of Operation  
Days_Sun Yes/No 1 Sunday  
Days_Mon Yes/No 1 Monday  
Days_Tue Yes/No 1 Tuesday  
Days_Wed Yes/No 1 Wednesday  
Days_Thu Yes/No 1 Thursday  
Days_Fri Yes/No 1 Friday  
Days_Sat Yes/No 1 Saturday  
      Hours of Operation  
Hours_24 Yes/No 1 24 hours / day  
Hours_16 Yes/No 1 16 hours / day  
Hours_8 Yes/No 1 8 hours / day  
Hours_Oth Yes/No 1 Other  
Hours_Ave Text 5 Average total daily hours of operation (99:99 HH:MM)  
Start_Time Text 5 Daily start time of operation  
PP_Plan Yes/No 1 Did your facility prepare or implement any pollution prevention plans? If so,  
PP_CEPA Yes/No 1 a) were any pollution prevention plans required by notice under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999?  
PP_Othe Yes/No 1 b) were any pollution prevention plans prepared or implemented for another government or under another Act of Parliament?  
PP_Volu Yes/No 1 c) were any pollution prevention plans prepared or implemented on a voluntary basis?  
Comm_Fac Yes/No 1 Are there any comments on the facility?  
Comm_PP2 Yes/No 1 Are there any comments on the pollution prevention activities for the facility? 1997
Comm_SDP Yes/No 1 Are there any Shut Down Period comments?  
AENV_App     Are you reporting for an Alberta Approval?  
Parent Text 1 Are there parent companies identified?  
      (where a parent compay is the highest level of company or group of companies that directly control the facility)  
C_Parents Number 2 Number of identified Parent Companies. 1996
SDPeriod Yes/No 1 Was the facility ever shut down (one week or longer)?  
C_SDPeriod Number 2 Number of Shut Down Periods.  
Other_ID Text 1 Are there other regulations or permits for the facility?  
C_Other_ID Number 2 Number of other regulations or permits.  
Stacks Yes/No 1 Is the facility sending waste out of Stacks?  
C_Stacks Number 2 Number of Stacks  
Streams Yes/No 1 Is the facility sending waste into water streams?  
C_Streams Number 2 Number of identified Streams.  
Off_Sites Yes/No 1 Is the facility sending waste Off Site?  
C_OffSites Number 2 Number of identified Off-sites.  

Field Name Type Width English Field Description First year new fields were added to the Reporting Software
NAICS_Code Text 5 List of 2 digit North American Industrial Classification System Codes identifying the types of businesses and industries. 1998
NAICS_E Text 50 English Description 1998
NAICS_F Text 50 French Description 1998

Field Name Type Width English Field Description First year new fields were added to the Reporting Software
NAICS_Code Text 4 List of 4 digit North American Industrial Classification System Codes identifying the types of businesses and industries. 1998
NAICS_E Text 50 English Description 1998
NAICS_F Text 50 French Description 1998

Field Name Type Width English Field Description First year new fields were added to the Reporting Software
NAICS_Code Text 6 List of 2 digit North American Industrial Classification System Codes identifying the types of businesses and industries. 1998
NAICS_E Text 50 English Description 1998
NAICS_F Text 50 French Description 1998

Field Name Type Width English Field Description First year new fields were added to the Reporting Software
ReportYear Text 4 The NPRI data reporting year. 2000
NPRI_ID Text 10    
OffS_Code Text 5 A unique Off-site facility code 2000
OffS_Name Text 60 Name of the Off-site facility 2000
Canadian Yes/No 1 Is this a Canadian address? Y / N 2000
Address1 Text 40 Address Line 1 2000
Address2 Text 40 Address Line 2 2000
City Text 40 City name of the Off-site facility 2000
Prov_State Text 2 Province or state of the Off-site facility 2000
Postal_Zip Text 40 Postal code or zip code of the Off-site facility 2000
Country Text 40 Country of the Off-site facility 2000
F_NPRI_ID Text 10 Link into the facility table 2002

Field Name Type Width English Field Description First year new fields were added to the Reporting Software
ReportYear Text 4 The NPRI data reporting year.  
NPRI_ID Text 10 An assigned unique 10 digit number.  
ID_Number Text 15 Identification Number or Permit Number  
Program Text 120 Government Department, Agency, or Program Name  

Field Name Type Width English Field Description First year new fields were added to the Reporting Software
Prov_Code Text 2 List of 2 character Province Codes  
Prov_NameE Text 30 English Description  
Prov_NameF Text 30 French Description  

Field Name Type Width English Field Description First year new fields were added to the Reporting Software
REPORTYEAR Text 4 The NPRI data reporting year. 2002
NPRI_ID Text 10 An assigned unique 10 digit number. 2002
Start_Date Text 10 Start date of shutdown period 2002
End_Date Text 10 End date of shutdown period 2002

Field Name Type Width English Field Description First year new fields were added to the Reporting Software
REPORTYEAR Text 4 The NPRI data reporting year. 2002
NPRI_ID Text 10 An assigned unique 10 digit number. 2002
STAC_CODE Text 5 An assigned unique 5 digit number 2002
NAME Text 60 How stack is identified at facility 2002
HEIGHT Number 6, 2 Height of stack above grade (m) 2002
DIAMETER Number 5, 2 Equivalent diameter of stack (m) 2002
EXIT_VELO Number 5, 1 Average exit velocity (m/s) 2002
EXIT_TEMP Number 4 Average exit temperature (°C) 2002
LATITUDE Text 6 Latitude of stack (optional) 2002
LONGITUDE Text 7 Longitude of stack (optional) 2002

Field Name Type Width English Field Description First year new fields were added to the Reporting Software
Stat_Code Text 2 List of 2 character State Codes  
Stat_NameE Text 30 English Description  
Stat_NameF Text 30 French Description  

Field Name Type Width English Field Description First year new fields were added to the Reporting Software
ReportYear Text 4 The NPRI data reporting year.  
NPRI_ID Text 10    
Wate_Code Text 5 A unique surface water body code  
Wate_Prov Text 2 The province of the surface water body  
Wate_NameE Text 50 Name of the surface water body (English)  
Wate_NameF Text 50 Name of the surface water body (French)  

Field Name Type Width English Field Description First year new fields were added to the Reporting Software
ReportYear Text 4 The NPRI data reporting year.  
NPRI_ID Text 10 An assigned unique 10 digit number.  
CAS_Number Text 11 Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number of the substance.  
Units Text 9 Quantities were entered in: tonnes, kg, grams, g TEQ In 2000 the quantity entered changed from only tonnes to the units specified
Disposal Yes/No 1 For Final Disposal?  
      If the substance is disposed of then one of the following must be selected:  
Disp_On Yes/No 1 Are there disposals on-site?  
Disp_Off Yes/No 1 Are there disposals off-site?  
Disp_Trea Yes/No 1 Are there disposals for treatment?  
Recycling Text 1 For Recycling? Recycling was made mandatory in 1998, prior to 1998 facilities may not have reported Recycling activites, however that does not mean they did not carry out such activities.
      If the Substance is recycled then one of the following must be selected:  
      Energy Recovery  
      Recovery of Solvents  
      Recovery of Organic substances (not solvents)  
      Recovery of metals and metal compounds  
      Recovery of inorganic materials (not metals)  
      Recovery of acids or bases  
      Recovery of Catalysts  
      Recovery of pollution abatement residues  
      Refining or re-use of used oil  
xxxx_Est Text 2 Basis of Estimate Code {M, C, E, O, NA} where: 1998
      M - Monitoring or Direct Measurement 2002 and prior
      M1 - Continuous Emission Monitoring 2003
      M2- Predicitive Emission Monitoring 2003
      M3 - Source Testing 2003
      C - Mass Balance  
      E - Emission Factors 2002 and prior
      E1 - Site Specific Emission Factors 2003
      E2 - Published Emission Factors 2003
      O - Engineering Estimates  
      NI - No Information Available  
      NA - Not Applicable  
xxxx_Det Text 2 For 2000 - Detail Code {bb, AL, BL, BQ} where: 2000
      bb - Not Applicable Only applies for dioxins/furans
      AL - Above LoQ and hexachlorobenzene
      BL - Below LoQ (No quantity entered)  
      BQ - Below LoQ (Quantity entered)  
xxxx_Val Number 12 Amount transferred.  
xxxx_Cnt Number 2 Number of Off-site entries.  
      ON-SITE and OFF-SITE DISPOSALS - On-site Disposal  
OLan_Est Text 2 Containment (Landfill)  
OLan_Det Text 2 Containment (Landfill)  
OLan_Val Number 18 Containment (Landfill)  
OFar_Est Text 2 Land Treatment (Farm)  
OFar_Det Text 2 Land Treatment (Farm)  
OFar_Val Number 18 Land Treatment (Farm)  
OUnd_Est Text 2 Underground Injection  
OUnd_Det Text 2 Underground Injection  
OUnd_Val Number 18 Underground Injection  
Total_On_S Number 18 Total Amount Disposed of On-Site  
      ON-SITE and OFF-SITE DISPOSALS - Off-Site Disposal  
Land_Est Text 2 Containment (Landfill)  
Land_Det Text 2 Containment (Landfill)  
Land_Val Number 12 Containment (Landfill)  
Land_Cnt Text 2 Containment (Landfill)  
Farm_Est Text 2 Land Treatment (Farm)  
Farm_Det Text 2 Land Treatment (Farm)  
Farm_Val Number 12 Land Treatment (Farm)  
Farm_Cnt Text 2 Land Treatment (Farm)  
Unde_Est Text 2 Underground Injection  
Unde_Det Text 2 Underground Injection  
Unde_Val Number 12 Underground Injection  
Unde_Cnt Text 2 Underground Injection  
Stor_Est Text 2 Containment (Other Storage)  
Stor_Det Text 2 Containment (Other Storage)  
Stor_Val Number 12 Containment (Other Storage)  
Stor_Cnt Text 2 Containment (Other Storage)  
Total_OffS Number 18 Total Amount Disposed Off-Site  
      ON-SITE and OFF-SITE DISPOSALS - Off-site Transfers for Treatment Prior to Final Disposal  
Phys_Est Text 2 Physical Treatment  
Phys_Det Text 2 Physical Treatment  
Phys_Val Number 12 Physical Treatment  
Phys_Cnt Text 2 Physical Treatment  
Chem_Est Text 2 Chemical Treatment  
Chem_Det Text 2 Chemical Treatment  
Chem_Val Number 12 Chemical Treatment  
Chem_Cnt Text 2 Chemical Treatment  
Biol_Est Text 2 Biological Treatment  
Biol_Det Text 2 Biological Treatment  
Biol_Val Number 12 Biological Treatment  
Biol_Cnt Text 2 Biological Treatment  
Inci_Est Text 2 Incineration / Thermal  
Inci_Det Text 2 Incineration / Thermal  
Inci_Val Number 12 Incineration / Thermal  
Inci_Cnt Text 2 Incineration / Thermal  
MSTP_Est Text 2 Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants  
MSTP_Det Text 2 Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants  
MSTP_Val Number 12 Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants  
MSTP_Cnt Text 2 Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants  
Total_Trea Number 18 Total Amount Transferred for Treatment  
Total_Disp Number 14 Amount disposed of on-site, for treatement, and off-site  
      ANTICIPATED DISPOSALS [Anticipated Releases for the next three to five reporting years (-0.0000001 means Not Applicable)]  
A_Disp_1 Number 16 First Year  
A_Disp_2 Number 16 Second Year  
A_Disp_3 Number 16 Third Year  
A_Disp_4 Number 16 Fourth Year  
A_Disp_5 Number 16 Fifth Year  
      OFF-SITE TRANSFERS FOR RECYCLING - Recycling Method Recycling was made mandatory in 1998, prior to 1998 facilities may not have reported Recycling activites, however that does not mean they did not carry out such activities.
Ener_Est Text 2 Energy recovery  
Ener_Det Text 2 Energy recovery  
Ener_Val Number 12 Energy recovery  
Ener_Cnt Text 2 Energy recovery  
Solv_Est Text 2 Recovery of solvents  
Solv_Det Text 2 Recovery of solvents  
Solv_Val Number 12 Recovery of solvents  
Solv_Cnt Text 2 Recovery of solvents  
Orga_Est Text 2 Recovery of organic substances (not solvents)  
Orga_Det Text 2 Recovery of organic substances (not solvents)  
Orga_Val Number 12 Recovery of organic substances (not solvents)  
Orga_Cnt Text 2 Recovery of organic substances (not solvents)  
Meta_Est Text 2 Recovery of metals and metal compounds  
Meta_Det Text 2 Recovery of metals and metal compounds  
Meta_Val Number 12 Recovery of metals and metal compounds  
Meta_Cnt Text 2 Recovery of metals and metal compounds  
Inor_Est Text 2 Recovery of inorganic materials (not metals)  
Inor_Det Text 2 Recovery of inorganic materials (not metals)  
Inor_Val Number 12 Recovery of inorganic materials (not metals)  
Inor_Cnt Text 2 Recovery of inorganic materials (not metals)  
Acid_Est Text 2 Recovery of acids or bases  
Acid_Det Text 2 Recovery of acids or bases  
Acid_Val Number 12 Recovery of acids or bases  
Acid_Cnt Text 2 Recovery of acids or bases  
Cata_Est Text 2 Recovery of catalysts  
Cata_Det Text 2 Recovery of catalysts  
Cata_Val Number 12 Recovery of catalysts  
Cata_Cnt Text 2 Recovery of catalysts  
Abat_Est Text 2 Recovery of pollution abatement residues  
Abat_Det Text 2 Recovery of pollution abatement residues  
Abat_Val Number 12 Recovery of pollution abatement residues  
Abat_Cnt Text 2 Recovery of pollution abatement residues  
UOil_Est Text 2 Refining or re-use of used oil  
Uoil_Det Text 2 Refining or re-use of used oil  
UOil_Val Number 12 Refining or re-use of used oil  
UOil_Cnt Text 2 Refining or re-use of used oil  
Othe_Est Text 2 Other For 1995 and 1996 all quantities were in the Other categories
Othe_Det Text 2 Other  
Othe_Val Number 12 Other  
Othe_Cnt Text 2 Other  
Total_Recy Number 14 Amount recycled off-site.  
      ANTICIPATED RECYCLING [Anticipated recycling for the next three to five reporting years (NULL means Not Applicable)] Recycling was made mandatory in1998, prior to 1998 facilities may not have reported Recycling activites, however that does not mean they did not carry out such activities.
A_Recy_1 Number 16 First year  
A_Recy_2 Number 16 Second year  
A_Recy_3 Number 16 Third year  
A_Recy_4 Number 16 Fourth year  
A_Recy_5 Number 16 Fifth year  

Field Name Type Width English Field Description First year new fields were added to the Reporting Software
ReportYear Text 4 The NPRI data reporting year.  
NPRI_ID Text 10 An assigned unique 10 digit number.  
CAS_Number Text 11 Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) Registry Number of the substance.  
Exp_to_All Yes/No 1 Report to All Selected Inventory Programs  
Exp_NPRI Text 1 NPRI - EC  
Exp_EPA Text 1 EPA - EC  
Exp_MOE Text 1 MOE  
Exp_NERM Text 1 NERM  
Exp_AENV Text 1 AENV  
Province Text 2 Province/Territory 1995
City Text 40 City  
CN_SI2 Text 2 2 Digit Canadian SIC Code 1995
CN_SIC Text 4 4 Digit Canadian SIC Code 1995
US_SIC Text 4 4 Digit U.S. SIC Code 1995
NAICS2 Text 2 2 Digit NAICS Code  
NAICS4 Text 4 4 Digit NAICS Code 1998
NAICS6 Text 6 6 Digit NAICS Code  
Manu_A Yes/No 1 On-site use/processing 1997
Manu_B Yes/No 1 Sale/Distribution 1997
Manu_C Yes/No 1 By-Product 1997
Manu_D Yes/No 1 Impurity 1997
Proc_A Yes/No 1 Reactant 1997
Proc_B Yes/No 1 Formulation Component 1997
Proc_C Yes/No 1 Article Component 1997
Proc_D Yes/No 1 Repacking Only 1997
Proc_E Yes/No 1 By-Product 1997
Othe_A Yes/No 1 Chemical Processing Aid 1997
Othe_B Yes/No 1 Manufacturing Aid 1997
Othe_C Yes/No 1 Other Use 1997
Othe_D Yes/No 1 By-Product 1997
R_Rele_A Yes/No 1 Changes in Production Levels 1997
R_Rele_B Yes/No 1 Changes in Estimation Methods 1997
R_Rele_C Yes/No 1 Pollution Prevention Activities 1997
R_Rele_D Yes/No 1 Changes in On-site Treatment 1997
R_Rele_E Yes/No 1 Changes in Off-site Transfers for Final Disposal 1997
R_Rele_F Yes/No 1 Changes in Off-site Transfers for Recycling 1997
R_Rele_G Yes/No 1 Other (specify in comments field B14.2) 1997
R_Rele_H Yes/No 1 No Significant Change (i.e. < 0 - 10% ) 1997
R_Rele_I Yes/No 1 Not Applicable (First year reporting this substance) 1997
R_Tran_A Yes/No 1 Production Residues  
R_Tran_B Yes/No 1 Off-specification products  
R_Tran_C Yes/No 1 Expiration date passed  
R_Tran_D Yes/No 1 Contaminated materials  
R_Tran_E Yes/No 1 Unusable parts or discards  
R_Tran_F Yes/No 1 Pollution abatement residues  
R_Tran_G Yes/No 1 Machining or finishing residues  
R_Tran_H Yes/No 1 Site remediation residues  
R_Tran_I Yes/No 1 Other  
R_Disp_A Yes/No 1 Changes in Production Levels  
R_Disp_B Yes/No 1 Changes in Estimation Methods  
R_Disp_C Yes/No 1 Pollution Prevention Activities  
R_Disp_D Yes/No 1 Changes in On-site Treatment  
R_Disp_E Yes/No 1 *** Option (e) is not used here. ***  
R_Disp_F Yes/No 1 Changes in Off-site Transfers for Recycling  
R_Disp_G Yes/No 1 Other (specify in comments field B23.2)  
R_Disp_H Yes/No 1 No Significant Change (i.e. < 0 - 10% )  
R_Disp_I Yes/No 1 Not Applicable (First year reporting this substance)  
      REASONS FOR CHANGES IN QUANTITIES RECYCLED FROM PREVIOUS YEAR Recycling was made mandatory in1998, prior to 1998 facilities may not have reported Recycling activites, however that does not mean they did not carry out such activities.
R_Recy_A Yes/No 1 Changes in Production Levels  
R_Recy_B Yes/No 1 Changes in Estimation Methods  
R_Recy_C Yes/No 1 Pollution Prevention Activities  
R_Recy_D Yes/No 1 Changes in On-site Treatment  
R_Recy_E Yes/No 1 Changes in Off-site Transfers for Final Disposal  
R_Recy_F Yes/No 1 *** Option (f) is not used here. ***  
R_Recy_G Yes/No 1 Other (specify in comments field B26.2)  
R_Recy_H Yes/No 1 No Significant Change (i.e. < 0 - 10% )  
R_Recy_I Yes/No 1 Not Applicable (First year reporting this substance)  
R_PPA2_A Yes/No 1 Materials or Feedstock Substitution 1997
R_PPA2_B Yes/No 1 Product Design or Reformulation 1997
R_PPA2_C Yes/No 1 Equipment or Process Modifications 1997
R_PPA2_D Yes/No 1 Spill and Leak Prevention 1997
R_PPA2_E Yes/No 1 On-site Recovery, Re-use or Recycling 1997
R_PPA2_F Yes/No 1 Improved Inventory Management or Purchasing Techniques 1997
R_PPA2_G Yes/No 1 Good Operating Practice or Training 1997
R_PPA2_H Yes/No 1 Other (specify in comments field B30.2) 1997
R_PPA2_I Yes/No 1 No Pollution Prevention Activities 1997
R_PPA2_A_1 Yes/No 1 Increased purity of materials 2002
R_PPA2_A_2 Yes/No 1 Substituted Materials 2002
R_PPA2_A_3 Yes/No 1 Other (Specify in comments field B30.1a-iv) 2002
R_PPA2_B_1 Yes/No 1 Changed product specification 2002
R_PPA2_B_2 Yes/No 1 Modified design or composition 2002
R_PPA2_B_3 Yes/No 1 Modified packaging 2002
R_PPA2_B_4 Yes/No 1 Other (Specify in comments field B30.1b-v) 2002
R_PPA2_C_1 Yes/No 1 Modified equipment, layout, or piping 2002
R_PPA2_C_2 Yes/No 1 Used different process catalyst 2002
R_PPA2_C_3 Yes/No 1 Instituted better controls on operating bullk containers 2002
R_PPA2_C_4 Yes/No 1 Changed from small volume containers to bulk containers 2002
R_PPA2_C_5 Yes/No 1 Modified stripping/cleaning equipment 2002
R_PPA2_C_6 Yes/No 1 Changed to mechanical stripping/cleaning devices 2002
R_PPA2_C_7 Yes/No 1 Changed to aqueous cleaners 2002
R_PPA2_C_8 Yes/No 1 Modified or installed rinse system 2002
R_PPA2_C_9 Yes/No 1 Improved rise equipment design 2002
R_PPA2_C10 Yes/No 1 Improved rinse equipment operation 2002
R_PPA2_C11 Yes/No 1 Modified spray systems or equipment 2002
R_PPA2_C12 Yes/No 1 Impproved application techniques 2002
R_PPA2_C13 Yes/No 1 Changed from spray to other system 2002
R_PPA2_C14 Yes/No 1 Other (Specify in comments field B30.1c-xv) 2002
R_PPA2_D_1 Yes/No 1 Improved storage or stacking procedures 2002
R_PPA2_D_2 Yes/No 1 Improved procedures for loading, unloading, and transfer operations 2002
R_PPA2_D_3 Yes/No 1 Installed overflow alarms or automatic shut-off valves 2002
R_PPA2_D_4 Yes/No 1 Installed vapour recovery systems 2002
R_PPA2_D_5 Yes/No 1 Implemented inspection or monitoring program of potential spill or leak sources 2002
R_PPA2_D_6 Yes/No 1 Modified containment procedures 2002
R_PPA2_D_7 Yes/No 1 Improved draining procedures 2002
R_PPA2_D_8 Yes/No 1 Other (Specify in comments field B30.1d-ix) 2002
R_PPA2_E_1 Yes/No 1 Instituted recirculation within a process 2002
R_PPA2_E_2 Yes/No 1 Other (specify in comments field B30.1e-iii) 2002
R_PPA2_F_1 Yes/No 1 Instituted proccedures to ensure that materials do not stay in inventory beyond shelf-life 2002
R_PPA2_F_2 Yes/No 1 Inititated testing of outdated material 2002
R_PPA2_F_3 Yes/No 1 Eliminated shelf-life requirements for stable material 2002
R_PPA2_F_4 Yes/No 1 Instituted better labelling procedures 2002
R_PPA2_F_5 Yes/No 1 Instituted clearinghouse to exchange materials 2002
R_PPA2_F_6 Yes/No 1 Instituted improved purchasing procedures 2002
R_PPA2_F_7 Yes/No 1 Other (specify in comments field B30.1f-viii) 2002
R_PPA2_G_1 Yes/No 1 Improved maintenance scheduling, record keeping or procedures 2002
R_PPA2_G_2 Yes/No 1 Changed production schedule to minimize equipment and feedstaock changeovers 2002
R_PPA2_G_3 Yes/No 1 Training related to pollution prevention 2002
R_PPA2_G_4 Yes/No 1 Other (Specify in comments section B30.1g-v) 2002
Comm_VOC Yes/No 1 VOC Speciation comments  
Comm_REL Yes/No 1 Release comments  
Comm_DIS Yes/No 1 Disposal Transfer comments  
Comm_REC Yes/No 1 Recycling Transfer comments  
COMM_P2A Yes/No 1 Comments (specific to B30.1a) 2002
COMM_P2B Yes/No 1 Comments (specific to B30.1b) 2002
COMM_P2C Yes/No 1 Comments (specific to B30.1c) 2002
COMM_P2D Yes/No 1 Comments (specific to B30.1d) 2002
COMM_P2E Yes/No 1 Comments (specific to B30.1e) 2002
COMM_P2F Yes/No 1 Comments (specific to B30.1f) 2002
COMM_P2G Yes/No 1 Comments (specific to B30.1g) 2002
Comm_PPA Yes/No 1 Are there Pollution Prevention Comments present? 1997

Field Name Type Width English Field Description First year new fields were added to the Reporting Software
ReportYear Text 4 The NPRI data reporting year.  
NPRI_ID Text 10 An assigned unique 10 digit number.  
CAS_Number Text 11 Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) Registry Number of the substance.  
Chem_Name Text 120 Name of substance 2002
Units Text 9 Quantities were entered in: tonnes, kg, grams, g TEQ In 2000 the quantity entered changed from only tonnes to the units specified
Release Yes/No 1 Is this substance released on-site?  
Less_1_Ton Yes/No 1 Are releases less than one tonne and reported as a total? Only applies for dioxins/furans and hexachlorobenzene
      * If releases are greater than one tonne then data must be provided for Air Releases, Underground Injection, Releases to Surface Waters OR Releases to Land in the following section.  
      * If less than one tonne then data for Total Releases must be provided in the following section.  
xxxxxx_E Text 2 Basis of Estimate Code {M, C, E, O, NA} where:  
      M - Monitoring or Direct Measurement 2002 and prior
      M1 - Continuous Emission Monitoring 2003
      M2- Predicitive Emission Monitoring 2003
      M3 - Source Testing 2003
      C - Mass Balance  
      E - Emission Factors 2002 and prior
      E1 - Site Specific Emission Factors 2003
      E2 - Published Emission Factors 2003
      O - Engineering Estimates  
      NI - No Information Available  
      NA - Not Applicable  
xxxxxx_D Text 2 For 2000 - Detail Code {bb, AL, BL, BQ} where:  
      bb - Not Applicable  
      AL - Above LoQ Only applies for dioxins/furans and hexachlorobenzene
      BL - Below LoQ (No quantity entered)  
      BQ - Below LoQ (Quantity entered)  
      For 1995-1999, this field lists a quantity Code {A, B, C, D, E, NA } where:  
      A - 0.001 - 0.199 Tonnes  
      B - 0.002 - 0.399 Tonnes  
      C - 0.004 - 0.599 Tonnes  
      D - 0.006 - 0.799 Tonnes  
      E - 0.008 - 0.999 Tonnes  
      NA - Manually entered tonnes  
xxxxxx_V Number 12 Amount of the substance released.  
xxxxxx_N Number 2 Number of Water Body entries.  
AirSta_E Text 2 Stack / Point  
AirSta_D Text 2 Stack / Point  
AirSta_V Number 18 Stack / Point  
AirSta_N Number 2    
AirSto_E Text 2 Storage / Handling  
AirSto_D Text 2 Storage / Handling  
AirSto_V Number 18 Storage / Handling  
AirFug_E Text 2 Fugitive  
AirFug_D Text 2 Fugitive  
AirFug_V Number 18 Fugitive  
AirSpi_E Text 2 Spills  
AirSpi_D Text 2 Spills  
AirSpi_V Number 18 Spills  
AirOth_E Text 2 Other Non-Point  
AirOth_D Text 2 Other Non-Point  
AirOth_V Number 18 Other Non-Point  
Total_Air Number 18    
VOC_Spec Yes/No 1 Are you required to report any VOC specie(s)?  
WatDis_E Text 2 Direct Discharges  
WatDis_D Text 2 Direct Discharges  
WatDis_V Number 18 Direct Discharges  
WatDis_N Number 2 Direct Discharges  
WatSpi_E Text 2 Spills  
WatSpi_D Text 2 Spills  
WatSpi_V Number 18 Spills  
WatSpi_N Number 2 Spills  
WatLea_E Text 2 Leaks  
WatLea_D Text 2 Leaks  
WatLea_V Number 18 Leaks  
WatLea_N Number 2 Leaks  
Total_Wate Number 18    
LanSpi_E Text 2 Spills  
LanSpi_D Text 2 Spills  
LanSpi_V Number 18 Spills  
LanLea_E Text 2 Leaks  
LanLea_D Text 2 Leaks  
LanLea_V Number 18 Leaks  
LanOth_E Text 2 Other  
LanOth_D Text 2 Other  
LanOth_V Number 18 Other  
Total_Land Number 18    
      TOTAL RELEASES (AIR, WATER, & LAND) This is a manual entry that can ONLY be made when total releases are less than 1 tonne for part 1 substances. The field Less_1_tonn in the SubsRele.mdb table should indicate Yes (Y) if there are data in this field.
TotRel_E Text 2    
TotRel_D Text 2    
Total_Rele Number 18 Total Release (without Road Dust)  
      ROAD DUST  
AirRoa_E Text 2    
AirRoa_D Text 2    
AirRoa_V Number 18    
Total_Road Number 18 Total Releases including Road Dust  
      YEARLY BREAKDOWN OF RELEASES BY PERCENTAGE (Quarterly Percentages are required if the substance is released; Monthly amounts are required for CACs)  
Rele_Q1 Number 6 First quarter  
Rele_Q2 Number 6 Second quarter  
Rele_Q3 Number 6 Third quarter  
Rele_Q4 Number 6 Fourth quarter  
Rele_Jan Number 6 January 2002
Rele_Feb Number 6 February 2002
Rele_Mar Number 6 March 2002
Rele_Apr Number 6 April 2002
Rele_May Number 6 May 2002
Rele_Jun Number 6 June 2002
Rele_Jul Number 6 July 2002
Rele_Aug Number 6 August 2002
Rele_Sep Number 6 September 2002
Rele_Oct Number 6 October 2002
Rele_Nov Number 6 November 2002
Rele_Dec Number 3 December 2002
SmogSeason Number 18 SMOG SEASON (May - Sept.)  
      ANTICIPATED RELEASES [Anticipated Releases for the next three to five reporting years (-0.0000001 means Not Applicable)]  
A_Rele_1 Number 16 First year required
A_Rele_2 Number 16 Second year required
A_Rele_3 Number 16 Third year required
A_Rele_4 Number 16 Fourth year optional
A_Rele_5 Number 16 Fifth year optional
Act_Index Number 15 Production Ratio / Activity Index 1997 (optional)

Field Name Type Width English Field Description First year new fields were added to the Reporting Software
ReportYear Text 4 The NPRI data reporting year.  
NPRI_ID Text 10 An assigned unique 10 digit number.  
CAS_Number Text 11 Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number of the substance.  
Tran_Type * Text 4 Type of Release, Disposal or Recycling:  
      Surface Water Bodies (note these are actually releases and not transfers):  
      "AirS" = Stack releases to Air  
      "VOCg", "VOCs" - Other Sources / Stack  
      "WatD" = Direct Discharge to a water body  
      "WatS" = Spill to a water body  
      "WatL" = Leak to a water body  
      Disposals On-site:  
      "Olan", "Ofar", "Ound" These 3 codes have no off-sites and therefore will not appear in this table
      Disposal Offsite:  
      "Land" = Containment (Other storage)  
      "Farm" = Land treatment (Farm)  
      "Unde" = Underground injection  
      "Stor" = Containment (storage)  
      Disposals Treatment:  
      "Phys" = Physical treatment  
      "Chem" = Chemical treatment  
      "Biol" = Biological treatment  
      "Inci" = Incineration/thermal  
      "MSTP" = Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants  
      "Ener" = Energy Recovery  
      "Solv" = Recovery of Solvents  
      "Orga" = Recovery of organic substances (not solvents)  
      "Meta" = Recovery of metals and metal compounds  
      "Inor" = Recovery of inorganic materials (not metals)  
      "Acid" = Recovery of acids or bases  
      "Cata" = Recovery of catalysts  
      "Abat" = Recovery of pollution abatement residues  
      "Uoil" = Refining or re-use of used oil  
      "Othe" = Other  
Tran_Code Text 5 A unique 5-digit code identifying the stack (this code is equivalent to the Stac_Code in the Stacks table)  
      A unique 5-digit code identifying the surface water body (this code is equivalent to the Wate_Code in the Streams table)  
      For 2000: A unique 5-digit code identifying the Off-site facility (this code is equivalent to the OffS_Code in the OffSites table)  
      For 1995 - 1999: A 2-digit code is assigned for each off-site which is specific for each individual NPRI ID (i.e. the same code is used for more than one off-site but not for the same NPRI ID)  
      (this code is equivalent to the Addr_Code in the Address table)  
Tran_Prov Text 2 Province of Stack, Water Body or Off-site  
Tran_CAS Text 11 CAS Registry number of the identified VOC substance (could be up to 60 of them)  
Tran_Value Number 12 Amount released or transferred.  
Units Text 9 Quantities were entered in: tonnes, kg, grams, g TEQ  


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Last updated: 2005-05-02
Last reviewed: 2005-05-02
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