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February 12, 2006


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Highlights and Important Changes for 2002

Report Due Dates

Canada Gazette Notice Reporting Year Reporting Deadline
December 29,2001 2002 calendar year June 1,2003

An amendment to the Canada Gazette notice for the 2002 NPRI was published on December 28,2002,to revise or clarify certain provisions for 2002.


Correspondence from Environment Canada will be addressed to the company coordinator.If there is no coordinator,correspondence will be sent to the technical contact.Failure to provide correct telephone and facsimile numbers for the contacts could delay receipt of important notices from NPRI offices.See Step 4 – A4.0,A6.0 and A8.0.

Steps / Process for Reporting to the NPRI

This Guide has been organized to walk you through the seven steps required to report to the NPRI for 2002. Included are explanations of the reporting criteria,the reporting form and how to use the software.The steps are outlined in the figure below.



2002 Changes
A substantial number of changes were made to the NPRI for the 2002 reporting year:

New Substances

  • hexavalent chromium compounds added with 50 kg and 0.1% concentration reporting threshold (see Step 1,Reporting Criteria for Part 1B Substances)
  • seven Criteria Air Contaminants (CACs) added at various release-based thresholds: carbon monoxide, oxides of
    nitrogen,sulphur dioxide,particulate matter less than or equal to 2.5 microns (PM2.5), particulate matter less than or equal to 10 microns (PM10),particulate matter less than 100 microns (total particulate matter),and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)1(see Step 1,Reporting Criteria for Part 4 Substances)

Mass-based and Concentration Thresholds

  • cadmium2 reduced from 10 tonnes to 5 kg with 0.1% concentration criterion (see Step 1,Reporting Criteria for Part 1B Substances)
  • arsenic2, lead3 and tetraethyl lead reduced from 10 tonnes to 50 kg with 0.1% concentration criterion (see Step 1,Reporting Criteria for Part 1B Substances)
  • chromium2 no longer includes reporting of hexavalent chromium (see Step 1,Reporting Criteria for Part 1A Substances)

Activities to Which 20 000-hour Threshold Does Not Apply (see Step 1, Employee Criteria)
Changes to existing activities

  • throughput for non-hazardous solid waste incineration and biomedical or hospital waste incineration reduced from 100 tonnes to 26 tonnes

New activities

  • terminal operations4
  • discharge of treated or untreated wastewater from a wastewater collection system with an annual discharge of 10 000 m3or more per day,into surface waters

Exemptions (changes noted in italics) (see Step 1, Facility Criteria)

  • maintenance and repair of transportation vehicles,such as automobiles,trucks,locomotives,ships or aircraft, except painting and stripping of vehicles or their components, or the rebuilding or remanufacturing of vehicle components
  • distribution,storage,or retail sale of fuels, except as part of the terminal operations

Pollution Prevention (P2) (see Step 5, section B30.0)

  • reporting of P2 activities expanded

Administrative (see end of Step 1)

  • facilities who reported in 2001 must advise Environment Canada if they do not meet the 2002 NPRI reporting criteria


1 refer to Appendix 3 of Supplementary Guide for Reporting Criteria Air Contaminants (CACs) to the National Pollutant Release Inventory for definition of VOCs
2 and its compounds
3 and its compounds, except tetraethyl lead (CAS No. 78-00-2); does not include lead (and its compounds) contained in stainless steel, brass or bronze alloys
4 defined as a) the use of storage tanks and associated equipment at a site used to store or transfer crude oil, artificial crude or intermediates of fuel products into or out of a pipeline; or b) operating activities of a primary distribution installation normally equipped with floating roof tanks that receives gasoline by pipeline, railcar, marine vessel or directly from a refinery


  • by-product - means a substance which is incidentally manufactured,processed or otherwise used at the facility at any concentration,and released on site to the environment,released to surface waters or transferred off site for disposal
  • facility - now refers to contiguous facility and pipeline installation (see Step 1,Facility Criteria,for definition of contiguous facility and pipeline installation)
  • other use - means any use or disposal of a substance,listed in Schedule 1,relevant to the purpose of the facility which is not included under the definitions of“manufacture”or “process”

Reporting to Other Inventory Programs

Reporting to ARET 2
Environment Canada’s ARET 2 program is a new and improved voluntary partnership between the Canadian government and industry.This program challenges participants to voluntarily prevent the use and release of toxic substances and other contaminants on the ARET 2 substance list.ARET 2 applies to facilities that have submitted an Action Plan and negotiated targets and milestones with Environment Canada for one or more substances on this list.To ensure a one-window approach to reporting,Environment Canada has incorporated the reporting requirements for ARET 2 into the NPRI reporting software.

Reporting under Environmental Performance Agreements
In June 2001,Environment Canada published the Policy Framework for Environmental Performance Agreements. Environmental Performance Agreements (EPAs) are non-legislative agreements,which meet core design criteria, and have been negotiated among parties to achieve specific environmental results.EPAs are voluntary initiatives that stem from Environment Canada’s experience with Memoranda of Understanding.To ensure a one-window approach to reporting emissions information,Environment Canada has incorporated the reporting requirements for EPAs into the NPRI reporting software.

Reporting to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment
In May 2001,the Ontario Ministry of the Environment (ON MOE) issued the Airborne Contaminant Discharge Monitoring and Reporting Regulation (O.Reg.127/01) under the authority of the Ontario Environmental Protection Act.In response to requests from industry for a one-window approach to reporting to inventories,Environment Canada worked with the ON MOE to include the reporting form for O.Reg.127/01 within the NPRI reporting form. Refer to the Guide for Reporting under O.Reg.127/01 Using the NPRI Software – 2002 for instructions on how to complete the reporting form for O.Reg.127/01.Reference material for reporting to the ON MOE is also provided on the 2002 NPRI reporting software CD.

Reporting to Alberta Environment
Beginning in 2002,the NPRI will collect emission information for Criteria Air Contaminants on behalf of Alberta Environment (AENV) to support its Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA) approvals.A separate guidance document for reporting under the EPEA is available.

Reporting to the National Emissions Reduction Masterplan
The National Emissions Reduction Masterplan (NERM) is an emissions reporting and reduction initiative of the Canadian Chemical Producers’Association (CCPA).The 2002 NPRI reporting software will continue to collect emission information on behalf of NERM.For more information,see Step 3 of this Guide.


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Last updated: 2006-02-12
Last reviewed: 2006-02-12
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