Previous Version 421.67(1) - 1996/10/10

(1) Maintenance and Evaluation of a Flight Test Record

(a) Maintenance

A flight test record shall contain, for each applicant recommended for a flight test;

(i) an assessment of the results for each flight test item;

(ii) the overall results; and

(iii) whether or not the candidate successfully completed the flight test.

(b) Evaluation

The following records require follow-up action:

(i) more than three failures among the last ten candidates recommended by the flight instructor for the flight test for issuance of the Pilot Permit - Recreational, Private Pilot Licence or Commercial Pilot Licence;

(ii) more that three failures among the last ten candidates recommended by the flight instructor for the flight test for issuance of a flight instructor rating; or

(iii) more than three failures in total if fewer than ten candidates have been recommended by the flight instructor for a flight test referred to in (i) or (ii).



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