Previous Version 421.67(2) - 1996/10/10

(2) Follow-up Action

(a) No action will be taken where the factors contributing to the flight test failures cannot be attributed to the performance of the flight instructor.

(b) Where the flight test failures can be attributed all or in part to the performance of the flight instructor, a plan of action will be developed and implemented by the Minister to correct the identified problem.

(c) The plan of action in (b) shall include but is not limited to:

(i) observation of in-flight or ground instruction conducted by the flight instructor;

(ii) where the flight instructor is employed at a flight training unit, consultation with the Chief Flight Instructor of that flight training unit: and

(iii) remedial flight or ground training from appropriate sources.

After implementation of the plan of action in (b), if more than two of the next five flight tests result in failures, the flight instructor shall be required to complete a flight instructor rating flight test as outlined in the Flight Test Standard Flight Instructor Rating - Aeroplane, Helicopter, Aerobatic (TP5537).



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