Previous Version 421.65(2)(3)(4) & (5) - 1996/10/10





(2) Class 3

The initial Class 3 Flight Instructor Rating shall be issued valid to the first day of the thirteenth month following the month in which the most recent Class 4 instructor flight test was conducted, or in the case of an applicant to whom the requirement to hold a Class 4 does not apply, from the date of the Class 3 instructor flight test. Subsequent renewals will be issued valid to the first day of the thirteenth month following the month in which the instructor flight test was conducted.

(3) Class 2

The Class 2 Flight Instructor Rating shall be issued valid to the first day of the twenty-fifth month following the month in which the instructor flight test was conducted.

(4) Class 1

The Class 1 Flight Instructor Rating shall be issued valid to the first day of the thirty-seventh month following the month in which the instructor flight test was conducted.

(5) Aeroplane -Aerobatic

(a) Class 2

The Class 2 Aeroplane Acrobatic Flight Instructor Rating shall be issued valid to the first day of the twenty-fifth month following the month in which the instructor flight test was conducted.

(b) Class 1

The Class 1 Aeroplane Acrobatic Instructor Flight Rating shall be issued valid to the first day of the thirty-seventh month following the month in which the instructor flight test is conducted.



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