Previous Version 421.49 - 2000/09/01

421.49 Renewal of Instrument Rating

(1) An applicant for the renewal of an instrument rating shall successfully complete the flight test referred to in paragraph 421.46(2)(c).
(amended 1999/03/01; previous version)

(2) An applicant for the renewal of an instrument rating that expired more than 24 months before the date of application, shall:
(amended 1999/03/01; previous version)

(a) successfully complete the flight test referred to in paragraph 421.46(2)(c); and
(amended 1999/03/01; previous version)

(b) obtain a minimum of 70% in the written examination (INRAT) described in CAR 421.46(2)(a) - Knowledge Requirement.
(amended 1999/03/01; previous version)

(3) An applicant who holds a Canadian Forces unrestricted instrument rating and whose civil instrument rating expired more than 24 months before the date of application, shall be considered to have met the INRAT examination requirement, provided that:
(amended 2000/09/01; previous version)

(a) the applicant holds a valid pilot licence; and
(amended 2000/09/01; previous version)

(b) the Canadian Forces flight test for renewal was done in a multi-engine aeroplane if a Group 1 instrument rating is held, in a single-engine aeroplane if a Group 3 instrument rating is held or in a helicopter if a Group 4 instrument rating is held.
(amended 2000/09/01; previous version)

(4) An applicant who holds a Canadian Commercial Pilot Licence or Airline Transport Pilot Licence and whose instrument rating expired more than 24 months before the date of application, shall be considered to have met the INRAT examination requirement, provided that the applicant:
(amended 2000/09/01; previous version)

(a) holds a Commercial Pilot Licence or Airline Transport Pilot Licence issued by a Contracting State;
(amended 1999/03/01; previous version)

(b) holds an instrument rating issued by a Contracting State; and
(amended 1999/03/01; previous version)

(c) successfully completes, within the 12 months preceding the date of application, an instrument flight test while working for hire or reward in a commercial operation while outside of Canada, and provides the Minister with a copy of the foreign flight test record.
(amended 1999/03/01; previous version)

(5) An applicant who holds a Second Officer Rating or a Flight Engineer Licence and whose instrument rating expired more than 24 months before the date of application, shall be considered to have met the INRAT examination requirement provided that:
(amended 2000/09/01; previous version)

(a) the applicant works for hire or reward for a Canadian Air Carrier that operates aircraft requiring a Second Officer or a Flight Engineer; and
(amended 1999/03/01; previous version)

(b) the applicant, on commencement of work as a Second Officer or Flight Engineer, held an Instrument Rating and a Commercial Pilot Licence - Aeroplane.
(amended 1999/03/01; previous version)

(6) Under extenuating circumstances, an instrument rating shall be extended by the Minister for a period not to exceed 90 days following the valid to date of the instrument rating provided that:
(amended 2000/09/01; previous version)

(a) the application is made while the instrument rating is valid; and

(b) the applicant can show that there has been no reasonable opportunity to take a renewal flight test within the 90 days prior to the expiry of the instrument rating.

(7) A flight test for the renewal of an instrument rating may be conducted within the 90 day period prior to the valid to date of the existing rating. In this case, the renewed rating shall be valid to the same date as if the flight test was done during the month prior to the valid to date of the existing rating.
(amended 2000/09/01; no previous version)



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