Previous Version 401.21 - 2001/03/01

(a) act as pilot-in-command of
(amended 2001/03/01; previous version)

(i) an ultra-light aeroplane in which no passengers are carried on board, or
(amended 2001/03/01; previous version)

(ii) any single-engined aeroplane having a maximum take-off weight not exceeding 544 kg (1,200 pounds) and a stall speed in the landing configuration (Vso) of not more than 39 knots in which no passengers are carried on board; or
(amended 2001/03/01; previous version)

(b) act as pilot-in-command of an aeroplane referred to in paragraph (a) with another person on board if the other person is the holder of a pilot licence or permit, other than a student pilot permit, that allows the other person to act as pilot-in-command of an ultra-light aeroplane.
(amended 2001/03/01; previous version)



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