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Transport Canada Civil Aviation

• CARs

 • Part I

 • Part II

 • Part III

 • Part IV

 • Part V

 • Part VI

 • Part VII


 • Standard 720


 • Standard 721


 • Standard 722


 • Standard 723 (aero)


 • Standard 723 (heli)


 • Standard 724 (aero)


 • Standard 724 (heli)


 • Standard 725


 • Standard 726

 • Part VIII

 • Part IX

Skip all menus (access key: 2) Transport Canada > Civil Aviation > Regulatory Services > Regulatory Affairs > Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) > Part VII - Commercial Air Services

Canadian Aviation Regulations 2005-2

Content last revised: 2005/06/01

(1) Pre-flight Phase

Flight Planning and Equipment Examination

(a) Flight planning shall include a practical examination on the crew's knowledge of air operator's approved Standard Operating Procedures and the Aeroplane Flight Manual including aeroplane and runway performance charts, and weight and balance procedures.

(b) The equipment examination shall consist of a display of practical knowledge of the airframe, engine, major components and systems including the normal, abnormal and emergency operating procedures and limitations relating thereto.

(c) The practical flight planning examination and equipment examination are optional when the pilot's training records contain copies of valid written examinations, from initial or annual training.
(amended 2000/12/01; no previous version)

(2) Flight Phase

(a) Taxiing

(i) the use of the taxiing check list;

(ii) taxiing in compliance with clearances and instructions issued by the person conducting the pilot proficiency check; and

(iii) where a second-in-command is undergoing the pilot proficiency check, outlined above to the extent practicable from the second-in-command position.

(b) Engine Checks

Engine checks shall be conducted as appropriate to the aeroplane type.

(c) Take-off

(i) one normal take-off to be performed in accordance with the Airplane Flight Manual;

(ii) an instrument take-off in the minimum visibility approved for the air operator;

(iii) a take-off in a minimum of a 10 kt crosswind component;


Any or all of the above takeoffs may be combined.

(iv) a take-off with failure of the critical engine at a speed greater than V1 and at an altitude of less than 50 feet AGL; or at a speed as close as possible to, but greater than V1 when V1 and V2, or V1 and Vr are identical; and
(amended 2005/06/01; previous version)

(v) a rejected take-off from a speed not less than 90% of the calculated V1 or less as appropriate to the aeroplane type.

(d) Instrument Procedures

Instrument procedures shall consist of IFR pre-flight preparations, terminal and enroute procedures, arrival and departure procedures, system malfunctions and, where applicable, the proper programming and use of Flight Management Systems (as applicable).

(i) An area departure and an area arrival procedures shall be performed where the crew:

(A) adheres to air traffic control clearances and instructions; and

(B) properly uses the available navigation equipment and facilities;

(ii) a holding procedure;

(iii) at least two instrument approaches performed in accordance with procedures and limitations in the Canada Air Pilot or in the equivalent foreign publication, or approved company approach procedure for the facility used. One of the approaches shall be a precision approach, and one a non precision approach; and

(iv) where the flight crew is authorized to conduct circling approaches in accordance with the company operations manual, one approach and manoeuvre to land using a scene approved for circling and demonstrated during an initial qualification check and annually thereafter.
(amended 2000/12/01; previous version)

(e) Manoeuvres

(i) At least one steep turn in each direction with a bank angle of 45° and a change in heading of at least 180° but not more than 360°;

(ii) Approaches to stalls

For the purpose of this manoeuvre the required approach to a stall is reached when there is a perceptible buffet or other response to the initial stall entry.

The following approaches to the stall are required during initial and upgrade PPC's:

(A) one in the take-off configuration, except where a zero-flap take-off configuration is normally used in that model and type of aeroplane;

(B) one in a clean configuration; and

(C) one in a landing configuration.

One of the approaches to stall shall be performed while in a turn with a bank angle of between 15° and 30°.

(iii) Steep turns and approach to stalls are not required when the PPC is conducted using either a LOFT scenario, a scripted PPC or a fly-by wire aeroplane; and
(amended 2000/12/01; no previous version)

(A) for an initial PPC on aeroplane type, steep turns and approach to stalls have been satisfactorily demonstrated during initial training;

(B) for a semi-annual or an annual PPC:

(I) steep turns and approach to stalls that are required in the applicable annual training syllabus have been satisfactorily demonstrated during this training; or

(II) steep turns and approach to stalls are not required in the applicable annual training syllabus.

(f) Landings and Approaches to Landings

(i) one normal landing;

(ii) one landing from an approach in Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC) not greater than the minimum recommended for the approach;

(iii) one crosswind landing with a minimum of a 10 kt crosswind component;

(iv) one landing and manoeuvre to that landing with a failure of 50 percent of the available engines which shall be on one side of the aeroplane for the pilot-in-command and the outboard engine only for other than the pilot-in-command. Where the aeroplane type is a three engine aeroplane, the loss of power shall be the centre engine and one other engine for the pilot-in-command and an outboard engine for other than the pilot-in-command. For three and four engine aeroplanes the pilot-in-command is required to perform a two engine inoperative procedure during the initial qualification check and annually thereafter;

(v) one rejected landing and one missed approach. For the purposes of the rejected landing the landing shall be rejected at a height of approximately 50 feet when the aeroplane is approximately over the runway threshold. The rejected landing may be combined with a missed approach;
(amended 2005/06/01; previous version)

(vi) one Category II or Category III approach where these procedures are authorized in an Air Operator Certificate. Required during the initial qualification flight and annually thereafter; and

(vii) where applicable, one landing without the use of an auto-land system.
(amended 2000/12/01; previous version)


Any of the landings and approaches to landings specified in this section may be combined. A minimum of two landings are required.

(g) Normal Procedures

The crew shall demonstrate use of as many of the air operator's approved Standard Operating Procedures, normal procedures for installed systems, devices and aids as is necessary to confirm that the crew has the knowledge and ability to properly use installed equipment, including the auto-pilot and hand flown manoeuvres as appropriate.

(h) Abnormal and Emergency Procedures

(i) The crew shall demonstrate use of as many of the air operator's approved Standard Operating Procedures and abnormal and emergency procedures for as many of the situations as is necessary to confirm that the crew has an adequate knowledge and ability to perform these procedures.

(ii) System malfunctions shall consist of a selection adequate to determine that the crew has satisfactory knowledge and ability to safely handle malfunctions.

(iii) At least two simulated engine failures excluding failures on the runway followed by a rejected take-off, at any time during the check.
(amended 2000/12/01; previous version)

(i) Where the PPC is conducted following initial training in a level A or B training program, the following flight checking is required within 30 days after the PPC in a synthetic flight training device, and may be performed concurrently with the flight training requirements on the aeroplane type in the applicable training program:
(amended 1999/09/01; previous version)

(i) interior and exterior aeroplane pre-flight checks;

(ii) ground handling for pilots-in-command;

(iii) normal take-off, visual circuit where possible, and landing;

(iv) a simulated engine inoperative approach and landing;

(v) simulated engine failure procedures during take-off and missed approach to be conducted at a safe altitude and at no less than V2 + 10 airspeed;
(amended 2000/12/01; previous version)

(vi) no electronic glide slope approach and landing; and

(vii) a circling approach, if a circling approach could not be simulated in the synthetic training device.
(amended 2000/12/01; previous version)

Last updated: 2005-05-16 Top of Page Important Notices