City of Kelowna


The Cold Hard Facts

Kelowna’s homeless statistics are sobering. While exact numbers are hard to obtain, the latest homelessness count indicated that more than 400 people are either living on the street or in a shelter. We are not alone - a recent study by Social Watch found more than 250,000 Canadians are living on the streets, while a homeless count in Greater Vancouver indicated the number of homeless has more than doubled since 2002.

The Face of Homelessness in Kelowna

Who are the homeless in Kelowna? They are our daughters, mothers, brothers and fathers. Some are old, some are young. Each has a story – each is unique:

  • 61% male and 35% female 
  • Median age 38 
  • 38% of respondents have lived in Kelowna for more than six years 
  • Average length of homelessness is 31 months 
  • People have become homeless while working in Kelowna
  • People often drift in and out of homelessness
  • 20% consider themselves to be “working poor"

**Source: Census of Homeless Individuals in Kelowna; Fall 2004

Why are People Homeless?

Homelessness at a Glance

The Solutions