City of Kelowna
Snow Removal and Ice Control
 > Home Page > Residents > Transportation > Roadway Maintenance and Equipment > Snow Removal and Ice Control

Snow Removal and Ice Control

Road Clearing Priority

The Roadway Maintenance and Equipment Division is responsible for snow removal and ice control on roadways and sidewalks within the City of Kelowna boundaries. Roads are cleared based on their priority status:

Priority One

  • Arterial Roads
  • Average Daily Vehicle Count >15,000
  • Main route from a neighbourhood

Priority Two

  • Collector Roads
  • Average Daily Vehicle Count >5,000 but <15,000
  • Grades >10%
  • Bus Routes
  • School Zones
  • Town Centres
  • Emergency vehicle station

Priority Three

  • Residential Roads
  • Lanes providing only access to property

Trucks, sanders, anti-icing equipment and the Road Weather Information System (RWIS) all assist with snow removal and ice control.

Residents are responsible for clearing snow from their driveways and the sidewalk fronting their properties. The City is responsible for clearing snow from sidewalks that are on City property.


Road Weather Information System (RWIS)

The Road Weather Information System (RWIS) provides up to date information from sensors placed in ce
rtain roads throughout the city. These sensors reveal information about the road such as: surface and sub-surface temperatures, humidity levels, ambient air temperature and the percentage of anti-icing treatment left on the road. All of this information is used to determine what treatment roads require.

The anti-icing substance used by the City consists of a magnesium chloride solution that is sprayed onto the road surface. This substance stops ice from forming on the roads and also prevents snow and ice from bonding with the road surface, making it easier to remove. The City attempts to apply this substance to roadways before a storm.

Depending on temperatures and the accumulation levels of snow and ice, a salt-brine solution may also be used in combination with sand. However, the City of Kelowna prides itself in being environmentally aware - the anti-icing substance combined with RWIS means that the amount of salt used throughout the winter is minimal.

The City manufactures its own salt brine for pre-wetting.

All winter staff attend a snow and ice training course each year and are certified to operate various pieces of equipment.

All snow removal and ice control preparation is scheduled to be completed by November 1st of each year.