City of Kelowna
Rutland Height and Massing Study
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Rutland Height and Massing Study

City Council has given third reading to OCP and Zoning Bylaw amendments that would create the framework to allow the owners of core Rutland properties to make an application for C7 zoning, which would provide for approximately 12 – 14 storey buildings. (At present, most of the Rutland core is zoned C4) A Public Hearing on these bylaws was held on January 24, 2006. Property owners / developers would still need to submit individual rezoning applications that require a public hearing before any zoning changes take effect.

A public meeting was held on Nov. 30, 2005 to explain the proposed changes. Staff presented information on the proposed C7 zone concept and on proposed C7 Design Guidelines. In addition, a 3D computer model was used to show impacts on existing buildings and view corridors. The links below will allow you to review the two presentations as well as several still images from the 3D computer model.

Rutland C7 Presentation

3D Computer Model Images

C7 Design Guidelines Presentation 

You can also find related staff reports on the City web site. From the top menu bar choose City Hall. From a series of drop down menus choose Council, then Meetings. Click on Meetings then click on 2005 to access a list to find meeting dates 2005-11-07 and / or 2005-12-19. The agenda items from the November 7, 2005 Council Meeting will then be listed under Item 5.4. The agenda items from the December 19, 2005 Council Meeting will then be listed under Item 5.3 (a) and (b). Council amended the maps attached to the December 14, 2005 staff report to include property at the southeast corner of Highway 33 and Hollywood Road.

For information on the Zoning Bylaw, choose City Hall, then Bylaws, then Zoning Bylaw 8000. Click on this link and then look for the link to commercial zones and finally scroll through the text to find C4 and / or C7 regulations.