City of Kelowna
BC Rivers and Fisheries Awareness Festival
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BC Rivers and Fisheries Awareness Festival

The City of Kelowna Environment Division, Regional District Parks Department and Westbank First Nations would like you to join us for BC Rivers and Fisheries Awareness Festival celebrations Sunday, September 24th, 2006. This FREE family environmental event takes place from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Mission Creek Regional Park (2363A Springfield Road).

Approximately 4,500 people took part in 2005 celebrations which included a traditional Okanagan Syilx salmon feast and entertainment, “fishy” games and activities, educational exhibits, local musicians and artists showcasing their talents and the main attraction – the spawning kokanee salmon!

To promote long-term health of fish populations and to assist in fisheries recovery, our streams must be protected, restored and enhanced. We are hoping that this annual community event will help to increase public awareness of fish and watershed health and ensure a positive future for British Columbia’s fish populations.

For more information on the BC Rivers and Fisheries Awareness Festival, contact 469-8688.

Brought to you by:

For more BC Rivers Day info: Outdoor Recreation Council of British Columbia