City of Kelowna
Utilities and Billing
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Utilities and Billing


Utilities Billing

Depending on property location, a resident’s utility bill could apply to any combination of water, sewer and electrical services. Electrical and water billings are based on consumption, while sewer services are based on water consumption for commercial customers and a flat rate for residential customers. Those with consumption-based charges receive bills monthly, while residential customers with only the flat-rate sewer charges may opt for quarterly bills. Utility bills are mailed on the 6th, 16th, or 26th of each month, depending on which billing cycle covers a particular location.

The City of Kelowna has a contract with Terasen Utility Services (formerly BCG Services Inc.) to provide utility billing services to our customers.

Customers who are billed for sewer service along with electrical and/or water service, and customers who are billed for water and/or electrical service only, receive customer care, billing and meter reading services from Terasen Utility Services.

Residential customers who are billed for sewer service only will find these charges on their municipal tax notice.

Please click below on the item titled "Utility Billing FAQs" for a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) which should provide answers to questions that are commonly asked of our staff.

Terasen Utility Services –

City of Kelowna Billing and Customer Care: 979-4928
Emergency Calls (7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.): 979-4929
Emergency Calls (After Hours – Fire Department): 860-6419

Utility Billing Preauthorized Payment Plan
Utility Billing FAQs

For general utility information please call 979-4928