City of Kelowna
Bylaw Services
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Bylaw Services

Bylaw Services provides inspections and regulatory work related to the enforcement of specific bylaws.

Bylaw Enforcement Officers investigate complaints with impartiality, gather evidence according to established rules and prepare and present that evidence in court when called upon to do so.

Bylaw Enforcement deals with the following issues:

  • Business Licenses
    • Bylaw Enforcementlicence fees, inspections, enforcement
  • Litter prohibition
    • littering, garbage complaints
  • Noise abatement
    • noise disturbances
  • Sidewalk cafes and street vendors
    • street entertainers, vendors, locations, compliance issues
  • Sign bylaw
    • illegal signs, placements, permits
  • Streets and traffic
    • illegal postering, graffiti, traffic control
  • Traffic regulation
    • illegal parking, vehicle obstructions, time zone infractions
  • Unsightly premises
    • rubbish, graffiti
  • Zoning regulations
    • land uses, illegal suites

    Specific bylaws regulating the above are accessible by clicking here.