City of Kelowna
Park Types
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Park Types

In order to meet the diverse needs of a community, different types of parks are required.

Kelowna offers:

  • Strathcona ParkNeighbourhood parks for playgrounds, informal play areas, passive walkways and seating areas. They may be found in concert with an elementary school.
  • Community parks to serve a larger area composed of many neighbourhoods. They may be associated with a school to provide playfields, passive open space and community facilities.
  • Recreation parks for high-activity sportsfields, tennis courts, change facilities and major indoor facilities.
  • City-wide parks for areas of special significance to the entire city population that have a variety of amenities such as beaches or wildlife habitats.
  • Linear parks that run adjacent to a waterway (e.g. Mission Creek).
  • Natural parks for open spaces that are left largely undeveloped.