City of Kelowna
Urban Forestry
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Urban Forestry

The Urban Forestry section is responsible for maintaining trees on City-owned properties such as parks, municipal boulevards and natural areas.

This includes:

  • Education
  • Inspections
  • Integrated Pest Management
  • Pruning and maintenance
  • Service requests
  • Tree inventory
  • Tree planting, watering and fertilizing
  • Tree Removal.

All other aspects of boulevard maintenance such as watering, pruning of shrubbery and weeding are the responsibility of the adjacent property owner. Trees on City property are protected by Municipal Properties Tree Bylaw No. 8042.


The Urban Forestry section provides information on tree maintenance and tree related issues to the public through brochures, the media and public events such as Arbour Day (celebrated each year in late April).

The benefits of urban trees

Pruning and Tree Maintenance

Tree crews and contractors prune and inspect more than 3,000 trees annually to maintain tree health and reduce potentially hazardous conditions. Please do not prune City trees without permission.

Service Requests

If you have questions or concerns about trees on City property, please contact the Parks Division at 469-8503.

Tree Planting Program

The Parks Division plants approximately 600 – 1400 trees each year. They’re planted on boulevards and in parks using City crews, and also through agreements with developers, partners and volunteer groups. We ask that property owners/dwellers adjacent to boulevards help water new trees, particularly during the first few years after planting and during periods of drought. If you would like to organize a tree planting project along your boulevard, please contact the Parks Division at 469-8503 for information on the Neighbourhood Tree Planting Program.

Tree Removals

Every year trees are lost due to traffic accidents, vandalism and natural mortality. Trees may also be removed when there is a safety concern due to their age, physical condition, disease and/or susceptibility to problem pests. Trees are replaced at the same site, if possible, or replanted elsewhere in the community.

Municipal Properties Tree Bylaw

Municipal Properties Tree Bylaw No. 8042 states that only City personnel or an authorized contractor are allowed to plant, trim or remove trees on City property. Like other City infrastructure trees have a significant value, which is based upon their size and condition. Damage to a City tree could result in a fine as well as compensation for the loss in value. A separate bylaw, the Tree Protection Bylaw No. 8041, regulates the removal of trees from environmentally sensitive areas including stream corridors and steep hillsides. For more infomation about the bylaw please refer to the Tree Bylaw Information Bulletin in the Planning and Development Services section of the City website or call 469-8626.