City of Kelowna
Volunteer Services
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Volunteer Services

Sport & Recreation is proud of the many volunteers who offer their dedication, hard work, and caring attitude to our programs and community.

Why We Use Volunteers

Volunteers are an invaluable asset. The work done by Sport & Recreation staff and contract instructors is complemented by volunteer assistance, improving program quality.


  • Improve the instructor to participant ratio
  • Assist in the instruction of specific skills
  • Enhance the quality of recreation programs
  • Educate our community as to the value of participation in recreation programs, thus improving lifestyles
  • Provide opportunities for the community to gain practical experience in the field of recreation
  • Act as positive role models for participants
  • Assist Sport & Recreation to move towards integration in all our programs and in the community. You may choose to volunteer for a variety of reasons:

Volunteers choose to help for a variety of reasons:

  • To help meet community needs through sharing your personal, vocational and/or professional skills
  • For your own personal development
  • To meet new people
  • To learn new skills, or develop and get experience with the skills you already have
  • A valuable use of your spare time
  • To obtain related work experience in the field of recreation, meet course requirements, assist in career choices and/or obtain valuable job references

Volunteer Opportunities

Community Access Assistant (CAA) - works one-on-one with a person with a disability, assisting in various activities, offering support and companionship and helping that individual learn new skills. This takes place at Parkinson Recreation Centre.

Program Volunteer - will help in a variety of ways depending on the nature of the program, the talents and skills of the volunteer or the instructor’s needs. In general, the volunteer assists with instruction of specific skills and provides support to the instructor.

Special Event Volunteer - is asked to help with a variety of tasks, from set-up and take-down, security, helping at the event, wearing a mascot costume, directing traffic, serving food etc. These events occur throughout the year on a specific date, and the volunteer will be notified well in advance as to their involvement and asked in what capacity they would like to help out.

Aquatic Volunteer - there is a variety of opportunities in aquatics, from assisting with lesons, to special events. The Aquatic staff overseeing volunteers will orientate each person after they have gone through the initial application process.

Fitness Centre Monitor – PRC -To volunteer as a monitor in the Weight Rooms, you must first complete the Circuit Plus Orientation (fee - $6.00). Once the application process is complete, the staff member overseeing the Fitness Centre will schedule a time to meet and orientate the volunteer as to their duties. The volunteer monitors the activities in the fitness area, cleans equipment, greets new and prospective patrons and is available to assist when help is required.

Sports and Tournament Volunteer - will help in a variety of ways, depending on the event. Score-keeping, refereeing, security and concession are just some of the ways you can help out at a sporting event.

How to get started – It’s as easy as 1 – 2 – 3…

  1. Attend a thirty minute volunteer orientation session. Call 469-8800 for dates and times. (must be thirteen years of age or older)
  2. Return completed volunteer application to Parkinson Recreation Centre with a resume and three current references.
  3. Attend an interview with a representative from the Volunteer area. This will give you a chance to ask questions, as well as give in-depth information on your qualifications and background. A Criminal Record Search will be required at no cost to the volunteer.