City of Kelowna
Soil Deposit Permit
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Soil Deposit Permit

The purpose of Soil Deposit Bylaw No. 8504 is to regulate the importation of soil (including sand, gravel, and rock) on land where it did not previously exist. The Bylaw includes the requirement for a permit issued by the Director of Planning and Corporate Services.

Generally a permit is required for the importation of more than 50 cubic metres of soil. There is no fee but the application must include details of the soil deposit, including location of fill, site grading and drainage.

The bylaw includes a list of activities that are exempt from the requirement for a soil deposit permit including:

  • valid nursery operations
  • golf courses
  • road and utility corridor maintenance
  • other soil deposit activities that are addressed through another current development process (e.g. development permit, subdivision, Soil Placement Permit in the ALR, or building permit).  
    Soil Deposit Bylaw No. 8504

Soil Deposit Permit Application

For more information contact the Current Planning Manager.