City of Kelowna
Tree Removal Permit
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Tree Removal Permit

The purpose of Tree Protection Bylaw No. 8041 is to identify and protect specific trees within environmentally sensitive areas. These include all coniferous and deciduous trees with a diameter greater than 150mm (6 inches) measured 1 metre above ground level. Trees to be protected are those located within a “Natural Environment / Hazardous Condition Development Permit Area” as defined by the Official Community Plan (OCP) which are:

(a) within the Riparian Management area of a stream corridor (generally between 5 and 30 metres from the edge of a stream, pond, lake, or wetland) and/or
(b) on a hillside with a slope of 30% or greater.

The bylaw outlines the permit application procedures and stipulates that any tree removed under the provisions of this bylaw must be replaced with two trees within one growing season.

A Tree Removal Permit is not required for the removal or pruning of a dead, diseased or damaged tree (however approval in writing from the Director of Planning and Corporate Services is necessary).

A Tree Removal Permit is also not necessary for the emergency removal of a dangerous or hazardous tree (however the Planning Department must be notified).

A Tree Removal Permit may be waived if it is processed in conjunction with a current development application, such as a subdivision or Development Permit.

Tree Bylaw Information Bulletin

Tree Protection Bylaw No. 8041

Tree Cutting Permit Application

For more information contact the Current Planning Manager.