City of Kelowna
Traffic and Transportation Engineering
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Traffic and Transportation Engineering

Traffic and Transportation Engineering staff plan, design and operate the City’s roadway system to best serve the public’s current and future transportation needs. Activities can be broadly classified into two sub-areas: Transportation Planning and Traffic Operations. 

Transportation PlanningTraffic

Staff continually monitor and analyze travel patterns in the city. Data is gathered and used to refine the city’s transportation model, which assists in identifying future road network needs and assessing various transportation projects and development proposals. A 20-year major road servicing plan which identifies and prioritizes network needs, and the associated funding mechanisms, is managed and updated every five years. Section staff also periodically monitor parking activity within the urban areas of the City and parking management plans are developed and updated to ensure that the supply of public parking is carefully balanced with the demand.

Neighbourhood Traffic Management

Traffic Operations 

Section staff ensures the safe and efficient movement of people and goods on the road network. This includes the operation and maintenance of the City's traffic control signal network, establishing traffic control sign and pavement marking requirements, establishing traffic control regulations and safety needs, and undertaking traffic data collection to monitor system performance.

(NOTE: Traffic control signals on Highways 97 and 33 are the responsibility of the Ministry of Transportation and Highways. Call 768-7954 for the MoTH Westbank office)