City of Kelowna
Water Efficiency
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Water Efficiency

Given Kelowna’s semi-arid climate and growing population, water-use efficiency is an important issue.

In the mid 1990’s the City embarked on a project to install, maintain and read water meters in the 11,500 homes served by the City’s water utility. Residential metering went into effect in the fall of 1998. Water use by the utility’s 1,700 industrial, commercial and institutional customers is also metered.

In addition a comprehensive 'Get Water Smart' information program was developed at this time to promote water conservation by all City customers. get water smart

The combination of metering and education is expected to save at least $10 million in infrastructure costs over the next ten years, costs which would be born by the water and wastewater utilities as well as the development community.

For more information on the Get Water Smart program click on the Water Smart logo.

For more information contact:
Neal Klassen, Water Smart Coordinator, (250)868-3339
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