City of Kelowna
Water Rates
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City Of Kelowna Water Rates

Effective April 16, 2005


Monthly Flat Rate Charge:  $6.25

Variable Monthly Consumption Charge:

            First 30 cubic metres:  $0.225 per cubic metre

            Next 95 cubic metres:  $0.32 per cubic metre

            Balance:  $0.42 per cubic metre

Monthly Water Quality Enhancement Levy:  $1.32


A combined monthly flat rate charge applies plus a consumption charge of $0.140 per cubic metre, for all metered commercial users.

Meter Size

Monthly Flat Charge

5/8" (15 mm)

$ 10.16

¾" (20 mm)

$ 15.52

1" (25 mm)

$ 20.86

1½" (37 mm)

$ 45.99

2" (50 mm)

$ 74.50

3" (75 mm)

$ 171.55

4" (100 mm)

$ 283.74

6" (150 mm)

$ 609.45

8" (200 mm)

$ 737.75

Beaver Lake Industrial Area

A combined monthly flat rate charge, plus a consumption charge of $0.14 per cubic metre, applies as follows for all metered users for the lots in the Beaver Lake Industrial Area which are specifically Lots 1 to 28 inclusive, Section 2, Township 20, O.D.Y.D., Plan KAP57943:

Meter Size

Monthly Flat Charge

5/8" (15 mm)

$ 10.16

¾" (20 mm)

$ 15.52

1" (25 mm)

$ 20.86

1½" (37 mm)

$ 45.99

2" (50 mm)

$ 74.50

3" (75 mm)

$ 171.55

4" (100 mm)

$ 283.74

6" (150 mm)

$ 609.45

8" (200 mm)

$ 737.75

Irrigation Users

For irrigation users on unmetered consumption, a flat rate of $100.00 per acre per year shall be charged with no charge for turn-on or turn-off.

Agricultural Users

A flat rate of $42.00 per acre per year shall be charged for parcels of land designated as agricultural land by the British Columbia Assessment Authority.

Multi-Family Residential – Metered

A combined monthly flat rate charge, plus a consumption charge of $0.163 per cubic metre, applies as follows for all metered multi-family residential users:

Meter Size

Monthly Flat Charge

5/8" (15 mm)

$ 7.84

¾” (20 mm)

$ 7.84

1" (25 mm)

$ 16.10

1½" (37 mm)

$ 35.50

2" (50 mm)

$ 57.50

3" (75 mm)

$ 158.34

4" (100 mm)

$ 267.46

6" (150 mm)

$ 573.46

8" (200 mm)

$ 716.00

The Water Manager will estimate the consumption and service size for billing purposes where no meter has been installed.

Bulk Water Users

A consumption charge of $0.140 per cubic metre applies.