City of Kelowna
Reduced Speed Road Permit
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Reduced Speed Road Permit

Companies operating vehicles with more than three axles must obtain a REDUCED SPEED ROAD PERMIT when using reduced speed roads.

The permit may require the use of traffic control persons or pilot vehicles, at the discretion of City Transportation staff. Permits are free of charge.

Reduced Speed Road Permit Application Form

The permit application form can be downloaded, completed and then faxed to: 862-3349. Permit application forms may also be obtained from Works and Utilities staff on the fourth floor of City Hall, 1435 Water Street.

Currently only that section of McCulloch Road through the KLO Creek Canyon is designated a Reduced Speed Road. A reduced speed of 30 km./hr. is in effect from 200 metres east of Field Road to approximately 1200 metres east of Field Road.