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Policing services for the City of Kelowna are provided by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The RCMP has proudly served Canadian communities for more than 125 years establishing a reputation as one of the most respected police forces in the world.

The RCMP is a national, federal, provincial and municipal policing body which is separately accountable to the public at each of these levels through existing legislation and agreements with contracting partners. The RCMP currently provides community policing services to the populations of eight provinces, two territories, 200 municipalities, and 52 First Nations communities.


The City of Kelowna Detachment of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police was established in 1950 when the RCMP absorbed the British Columbia Provincial Police.

The BCPP had been providing police services to the province since the 1800's. Kelowna received its first Provincial Constable in 1905, the same year it was incorporated as a city.


RCMP policing services are maintained 24 hours a day. Service delivery is based on the Community Policing concept which emphasizes community partnerships to maintain "safe streets and safe homes."

In addition to the main police office situated downtown, three Community Policing Offices are in operation in the Mission, Rutland and Glenmore neighbourhoods. The success of Community Policing in Kelowna can be attributed, in part, to the more than two hundred highly skilled and trained community volunteers. Our extremely active volunteers assist with the Community Policing Offices and associated crime prevention initiatives.

Community Policing

Volunteers organize Citizen Patrols that act as the extended eyes and ears of the police. Trained volunteers patrol in cars, providing a watch dog service that gives the police a head start on any suspicious activities.

The Neighbourhood Watch program is designed to teach residents how to protect their homes, mark their property and increase their awareness of neighbourhood activities.

Speed Watch, the Subpoena Service Program, Victim/Witness Services and the Auxiliary Constable Program are additional community policing initiatives that rely on volunteers.

Kelowna Youth and Family Services is a counselling program aimed at young offenders and at-risk youth. This highly acclaimed program, which helps as many as five hundred families a year, recently received a 92 percent approval rating from its participants.

For more information:

Contact the Kelowna Detachment of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police at (250) 762-3300.