City of Kelowna
Emergency Preparedness For Pets
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Emergency Preparedness For Pets

dogIf you are forced to leave your home it’s important to remember to take your pet(s) with you. Leaving pets behind, even if you try to make a safe place for them, is not the best option. Unfortunately most emergency shelters can’t accept pets, except for service animals such as dogs for the visually impaired, so you must plan ahead.

Start with relatives or friends outside your area, boarding kennels and vet clinics who could shelter your animals during an emergency. Some motels and campgrounds allow pets too.

Once you have compiled a list remember to put a copy in your grab and go pack. While you’re at it include pet supplies (leash, portable kennel, food, and water).

If you have advance warning of a possible disaster or severe storm, keep your pets inside with you so you won’t have to look for them if you are forced to leave your home.

Make sure your pets are wearing collars and identification tags.

For more information on emergency preparedness
contact the Fire Department.