City of Kelowna
Planning and Corporate Services
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Planning and Corporate Services

DirectorKelowna from above
Ron Mattiussi

Kelowna has been identified as the fastest growing municipality over 100,000 people in British Columbia. Good planning is critical for Kelowna to develop as a sustainable and livable community. While Kelowna’s boundaries encompass 101 square miles of the beautiful Okanagan Valley, steep hillsides, Okanagan Lake and our agricultural land base all pose unique challenges.

Planning and Corporate Services oversees growth management through Strategic, Special Projects and Current Planning by providing guidance to Council and Committees. The Department handles preparation of the Official Community Plan as well as individual neighbourhood and sector plans. The department oversees all development including the construction and demolition of buildings, subdivision approval and the institution of special designations such as Heritage Conservation areas.

For information on Current Development Applications click here. You will need to know the street name fronting each property in question.

Communication plays a vital role in community planning and the department takes an active role in ensuring meaningful dialogue takes place with residents, businesses, other municipalities and agencies.

The department oversees;



Information Services

The Information Services section is responsible for:

  • delivering integrated information systems to the employees of the City to assist them in their day to day business processes,
  • the selection, implementation and support of software and hardware to meet the business needs of the City,
  • developing and implementing an overall strategy for maintaining the City’s investment in computing software and hardware,
  • training City staff in the basic use of standard desktop products, and
  • the provision of operational support for computer operations and G.I.S.