City of Kelowna
Air Quality Committees
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Air Quality Committees

Central Okanagan Regional Air Quality Committee  

The City also participates in the Regional Air Quality Committee formed in January 1998. The group is comprised of politicians, including two City of Kelowna councilors and several Regional District representatives. The committee’s initial focus is to provide all its members with the same level of understanding and background information on Okanagan Valley air quality. The terms of reference for the Committee include communication as an initial focus. Increasing public awareness and understanding of local air quality issues with an emphasis on personal activities and their impacts or benefits is a key issue. The Committee anticipates providing political backing for the O.A.Q.T.S.C. towards implementation of an Airshed Management Plan (Shepherd, 1998, pers. comm.).

Terms of Reference

Scope of Committee

The Committee is charged with the development and implementation of an Air Quality Management Plan for the Regional District of the Central Okanagan subject to Regional Board approval.

Public and Expert Input:

Public input will be invited on appropriate issues relevant to the development of the Air Quality Management Plan. Technical, professional or expert input on specific issues will be sought directly with the appropriate individuals, groups, or organizations capable of providing it.

Air Quality Plan Development Process:

  1. Determine the existing state and projected trends for the air quality in the Central Okanagan area.
  2. Determine the potential health effects related to the state and projected trends of air quality in the Central Okanagan area.
  3. Develop air quality management goals. Determination that the necessary authorities can be co-ordinated or put in place to meet air quality management goals.
  4. Determine the additional data requirements and research needs necessary to develop the air quality management plan including the identification of potential funding sources and undertake to secure such.
  5. Draft the Air Quality Management Plan and prepare implementation strategies to attain the air quality goals.
  6. Submit the draft plan and implementation strategies for review and approval of affected agencies.
  7. Finalize the plan and co-ordinate the implementation.

General Objectives of the Committee:

  1. Facilitate an open process of communication on regional air quality management issues among private sector, government (municipal, provincial, federal and international), non-government public interest groups and the general public.
  2. Establish an on-going opportunity for stakeholders to keep up to date and informed on Central Okanagan air quality management progress and on air quality initiatives being developed or implemented.
  3. Provide a forum for consultation partners and stakeholders to present proposed new initiatives for the purpose of review, discussion and reporting back to constituent groups.
  4. Provide advice and feedback among consultation partners. Agency staff and stakeholders on air quality management priorities and concerns.

Issues to deal with:

  • Automobile Emissions
  • Burning Regulation
  • Education (public awareness)
  • Co-ordination with other groups and organizations (Approved by the Regional Board on July 13, 1998)

Other Committees

Okanagan Air Quality Technical Steering Committee(1995)