City of Kelowna
Department Goals and Objectives
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Positively influence, encourage and develop consistently strong and decisive leadership and teamwork throughout the City by actively facilitating the development of programs, policies, and procedures in order to:

  • Attract and retain superior quality staff in all levels of the organization;
  • Promote effective and efficient utilization of the City’s human resources;
  • Establish and maintain a stable and positive employer/employee and union/management relationship;
  • Promote and develop succession planning;
  • Promote safety and reduce the human and economic hardships which result from accidents/injuries;
  • Deliver compensation and benefits programs that balance Corporate and employee needs;
  • Provide training and development opportunities which will allow staff to meet personal needs and goals within, and consistent with corporate goals and objectives.



  1. Effectively manage WCB and Health Benefit claims to maintain and reduce premium costs for the taxpayer of Kelowna.


  1. Continue to improve the quality of hires to the City through more efficient pre-screening and screening methods.
  2. Conduct a review of succession planning possibilities and establish a succession planning model for individual departments.


  1. Continue to meet with each City department at least once a year and on an on-going basis.
  2. Heighten awareness of local government job opportunities through partnerships with educational and outside agencies in the region.


  1. Effectively liaise with external organizations such as OUC, UBC, vocational colleges and technical schools to ensure a future supply of candidates for City of Kelowna employment opportunities.
  2. Work with CUPE to expand summer student program to include Co-op placements.


  1. Finalize implementation of the WestPro Benefits Administration System with Payroll, IS and Human Resources.
  2. Provide recruitment information to internal and external applicants via the City’s intranet and extranet services.
  3. Create e-form solutions to existing HR paper based forms.


  1. Provide corporate training through the supervisor training program to continue to improve quality of service to the public.
  2. Complete an employee satisfaction survey.
  3. Develop an Action Plan to address demographic trends and the impacts on the organization, both internally and externally.
  4. Work with Department Directors to identify Human Resources policies that require review. Develop an implementation plan to address the issues.