City of Kelowna
Department Goals and Objectives
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Recreation, Parks and Cultural Services

Department Goals

To fulfill the City of Kelowna’s mandate to provide comprehensive recreational services; broad access to parks and recreational facilities; opportunities for cultural enrichment; and well planned, maintained and operated civic facilities and operated parks.

Current Year Strategic Objectives

See Divisional Summaries for Civic Properties, Culture, Parks and Recreation Divisions.

Crowds in front of the Aquatic building, Regatta Day 1910.

Civic Properties

Department Goals

Civic Properties is responsible for the administration and supervision of Property Services: the scheduling of routine and non-routine building and facility maintenance; the collection of data, preparation of estimates, supervision and coordination of design; tendering and construction activities as required for the capital program; the supervision and coordination of maintenance and service contracts; the administration of civic leases and concessions; the maintenance of corporate inventory of vacant holding lands; the supervision and maintenance of corporate inventory of office equipment and furnishings; the maintenance of public parking lots and parking structures; the administration of security services contracts; the operation and maintenance of marine facilities.

Civic Properties Division has overall responsibility for asset preservation strategies for all buildings and facilities, which includes roof maintenance programs, building management systems, HVAC, electrical systems and structural maintenance. The preparation and administration of structural and building repair reserve supplemental budget requests and capital program submissions for all buildings and facilities is with the Civic Properties Division.

Civic Properties provides Transit System facilities maintenance support; supervises Trade Services provided to all City Departments (signage, painting, carpentry); provides support services (signage, crowd control equipment, seating) for community celebrations, including operation and maintenance of the City’s parade float.

The implementation of policies and recommendations of the Official Community Plan and the Recreation Facility and Parkland Development Master Plan as they relate to Civic Properties Division.

The development of public and private partnerships as appropriate for maximizing existing resources and minimizing demand for general taxation.

The review of data collected by the Citizens Survey 2004 and preparation of supplemental and capital submissions as appropriate to address inputs received.

Civic Properties continues to focus on effective maintenance programs for City facilities, with emphasis on timely response; investigates energy efficient design and implementation in City facilities where economically feasible; reviews opportunities for additional new revenue sources and coordinates the extensive program of capital and supplemental projects.

Current Year Strategic Objectives


1. Civic Property’s goal of maintaining energy efficiency wherever possible has identified the need for more readily available information pertaining to utility consumption. A review of currently available information will follow with the development of a new system for tracking statistics.

2. In 2004, a review of furniture and equipment purchases and maintenance procedures was begun which included the review of other municipalities’ procedures. The purpose is to develop a more efficient method for tracking inventory, which will aid in distribution and will establish a standard for capital and operating purchases as well as simplify the subsequent years’ capital submission.

3. Develop design for the new aquatic facility at the Capital News Centre.

4. Replace lacrosse box at PRC.

5. Complete phase II renovations to City Hall, fourth and main floors.

6. Complete renovations at the Doyle Ave RCMP Detachment.

7. Replace City Hall Council audio equipment.

8. Complete PRC Natatorium structural repairs.

9. Complete shower room renovation for Memorial Arena.

10. Complete City Park Waterpark upgrades.

11. Theatre orchestra pit renovations.

12. Complete Phase I of Military Museum upgrades and begin Phase II.

13. Begin Memorial Arena interior improvements Phase II.


1. Renegotiation of leases for Kelowna Marina and other concession leases as they come due.

2. Establishment of a lease for the City Park Pavilion, Hot Sands Concession and the Barefoot Bar Concession.

3. Completion of a lease with CORD to allow the Central Okanagan Search and Rescue to use the Ellison Firehall.

4. The Tripartite agreement between the Grand, the City and the Strata units for the Lagoon maintenance broke down prior to 2003. Months of legal reviews have left the agreement unenforceable and in 2005, a new maintenance agreement will be established and presented to the group.

Research & Development  

1. To establish and implement a process for evaluating performance indicators/measurements to simplify the budget preparation process.

Cultural Services

Department Goals 

To enrich the artistic and cultural life of our community through the direct provision of cultural services, the contract relationships with other agencies, and the providing of leadership to cultural development initiatives.

To promote Kelowna as the Cultural Capital of Canada through a wide range of events and community development projects.

To promote the Cultural District through implementation of the Cultural District marketing plan including enhancement of tourism partnerships.

To increase the number of festivals in the Cultural District and nurture existing festivals by providing funding support.

To enhance our combined cultural product through co-operative planning and communication.

To increase communication, collaboration and build bridges between arts organizations, cultural services and multicultural organizations in our city.

To effectively manage the Kelowna Community Theatre.

Current Year Strategic Objectives


1. In partnership with Civic Properties and our Cultural District stakeholders, host a workshop to identify the capital requirements for our civic facilities for the next decade and beyond.


1. Build bridges, increase communication and collaboration between arts organizations, cultural services and multi-cultural organizations.

2. Complete work with the Kelowna Museum and the Kelowna Art Gallery on management/lease agreements.

3. Work with the Kelowna Art Gallery, Kelowna Museums, Rotary Centre for the Arts and Sunshine Theatre Company to implement their Capacity Building projects.

4. Work with Kelowna Arts Foundation on a strategic planning initiative.


1. Complete the Cultural Capital of Canada programming and put legacies into place.

2. Create the second annual "Life and Arts Festival" and co-ordinate the Centennial celebrations in May 2005.

3. Complete four major public art projects in 2005.

4. Complete a strategic plan for cultural services and cultural development.

Research & Development

1. Continue a multi-level cultural development program to enhance the Cultural District plan, arts and cultural festivals and appropriate tourism products.

2. Implement a new business planning model for the Kelowna Community Theatre.

3. Complete the third and final phase of a Performance Measurement project to ensure that our marketing goals are being met.


Department Goals 

The Parks Division is dedicated to achieving the following goals:

  • making Kelowna the most beautiful City of it’s size in Canada
  • making Kelowna the City of Choice for the quality and variety of our outdoor spaces, amenities and activities
  • to enhance park program opportunities that cater to a wide range of interests, demographic groups, socio-economic groups and levels of ability
  • promoting community development by enhancing community input and participation so that parks remain the focal point of neighbourhood activity, pride and personal interaction
  • enhancing the ability of our parks to respond to and sustain a variety of outdoor events and festivals
  • enhancing our beach assets by making them more attractive, accessible, safer and more user friendly
  • expanding our linear park system to link communities and provide safe and enjoyable recreational use of our trails
  • enhancing the environmental health of our community through effective and efficient urban forestry and integrated pest management practices
  • commitment to providing professional Death Care service to the community at Kelowna Memorial Park Cemetery through product research and development, excellent customer service, effective operations, and long–term management of the Perpetual Care Fund to achieve self-sufficiency.
  • increasing the efficiency of our operations through enhanced coordination with other Divisions and Departments
  • to continually strive for innovation in acquiring, planning, constructing, maintaining & operating parks in an efficient, timely and cost effective manner
  • continued growth in building strong, community based partnerships that will add value to existing services
  • providing a stimulating environment where staff can enhance skills to meet community needs effectively
  • maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction as measured by the City of Kelowna’s Citizen Survey
  • to continually undertake research to explore and evaluate more efficient ways of improving the quality of life in our community and how we provide it


The active and leisure opportunities provided by parks are an essential service that has many social, health, and economic benefits. Other benefits include enhanced personal fitness, health and balanced human development. Our green infrastructure ensures a healthier natural environment that is essential to our ecological survival. Other beneficial aspects of parks include educational opportunities, cultural opportunities and stimulating events and activities. Access and enjoyment of our park system is free to all, bringing equal opportunities to all residents from all walks of life. These benefits are the building blocks in developing a strong and healthy community and civic pride. They result in reduced health care, social services and policing/judicial costs while generating significant economic activity and enhanced tourism.

Current Year Strategic Objectives 


  1. Create custom reports to meet specific Park Division needs.
  2. Investigate different revenue opportunities and services at the Cemetery.
  3. Continue to review existing operations and seek other forms of funding alternatives for service delivery.
  4. Review maintenance contracts to improve service levels and ensure cost efficiencies.
  5. Review in-house programs and procedures to improve service levels and cost efficiencies.

Human Resources

  1. Continue improving operation efficiencies from input supplied by staff.
  2. Continue to train staff in horticulture, customer service and safety to enhance productivity and quality.
  3. To investigate different opportunities aimed at improving our ability to service the public.
  4. Increase management training and effectiveness on existing systems (TRM, PeopleSoft, etc).

Products and Services

  1. Completion of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
  2. Completion of the City of Kelowna Linear Park Plan.
  3. (Budget sensitive) completion of Bellevue Creek and Gopher Creek Linear Park Plans.
  4. Enhance public safety and security in our parks and natural areas.
  5. Enhance public awareness in the benefits of civic beautification and liveable city initiatives.
  6. Construction of two artificial turf sport fields at Mission Recreation Park.
  7. Construction of Quilchena Park.
  8. Trail and parking improvements in Knox Mountain Parks.
  9. Continue to improve water quality at beach sites that is impaired by the abundance of waterfowl.
  10. Continued improvement to ensuring public safety at beaches and beach access to parks.
  11. Continued development of the Integrated Pest Management Plan.
  12. Continue collecting tree inventory information, to serve as the foundation for developing an Urban Forestry Management Plan.


  • Implement a Park Host Program for beaches and waterfront parks.
  • Develop a Parks brochure outlining the locations of parks and the benefits to the community.


  1. Enhance public involvement in shaping the future of our park system.
  2. Develop and accomplish a Cemetery Heritage Program to celebrate the Kelowna Centennial by "Marking Our Past" … a Partnership project with the Okanagan Heritage Society and the Kelowna Genealogy Society.
  3. Promote partnerships focused on community need and reducing the reliance on taxation.

Research & Development

  1. Continue to work with Olds College to test new methods of environmentally friendly pest control.
  2. Research better products and methods of turf management/irrigation.
  3. Research the feasibility of developing a Botanical Garden to promote tourism, garden recreation, public education, and civic beautification.

Recreation Services

Department Goals 


Through excellence and innovation in recreation and leisure we are inspired by the changing needs and diversity of our community to create essential opportunities for health, growth and community development.


We will meet the changing needs of our community through excellence and innovation in recreation, leisure and sport development to create essential opportunities for an active community through:  

  • Enhancing personal growth health and well-being.
  • Delivering safe, accessible and fun leisure opportunities.
  • Developing a sense of spirit and pride in ourselves and our community.
  • Promoting healthy lifestyles utilizing our resources effectively.

Support and facilitate the development of all individuals in the City of Kelowna through the provision of a wide variety of programs reflecting the needs of the community.

Enhance participation and education, which increase the overall well being, spirit, and pride of Kelowna citizens.

Enhance the physical, social, emotional, and cultural development of families.

Encourage leisure opportunities throughout Kelowna that are available and accessible to all citizens, recognizing that leisure is very important in the lives of seniors, the disadvantaged and persons with a disability.

Maintain professional and motivated staff to deliver recreation services to Kelowna residents.

Facilitate and lead an integrated sport community that promotes networking, collaboration and participation in the management of facilities and spaces.

Implement the policies, recommendations and strategies of the Official Community Plan for Leisure Services and the Recreation Facility & Parkland Development Masterplan.

Enhance Community Development aspects by supporting and expanding involvement from the community in Parks and Recreation systems.

Current Year Strategic Objectives 


  1. Complete and plan for the implementation of a Parkinson Recreation Centre business plan.
  2. Complete specific ‘Reserve funding’ requirements for Arena, sportsfields and Stadiums.
  3. Provide the opportunity for excess revenues to be directed back to the program area performing well financially.

Human Resources

  1. Increase training and educational opportunities for staff to build on teamwork and morale.
  2. Increase exposure to other Rec. Services through conferences, seminars, workshops, job shadow opportunities, site visits, & exchange with other municipalities.
  3. Create individualized training plans for staff.
  4. Implement flexible work schedule for coordinators.
  5. Review and revise "Contract Instructor" policy procedure and training requirements.

Products & Services

  1. Plan and implement strategies, programs, marketing and support for the 2005 Centennial Celebrations in honour of Kelowna’s 100th anniversary
  2. Implement post event reports for all events receiving a SEDG grants.
  3. Create and maintain partnerships with sport organizations to support and improve opportunities and customer services.
  4. Implement Sportsfield Strategic Plan working in conjunction with the Sportsfield & Stadium advisory committees.
  5. Refine the Pac Sport goals and objectives.
  6. Provide leadership to the Outdoor Events Committee and application process.


  1. Re-create the web site in order to focus substantial marketing resources through the internet utilizing the Iron point software.
  2. Complete a major review of the Parks and Leisure Guide brochure, to better determine the methods of marketing the totality of our recreation and sport delivery systems.
  3. Re-focus the broad array of Recreation Kelowna products and services utilizing an Active Communities approach.
  4. Refine an annual marketing strategy to provide a coordinated approach that includes branding for Recreation Kelowna & Sport Kelowna, to enhance and promote the image.


  1. Provide support services for the United Nations – NGO – Irene Network.
  2. Develop a comprehensive "Active Communities" Strategy and plan to include strategic alliances with Health authorities, physical fitness groups, sports groups, service clubs and others who have an interest in Healthy Active Lifestyles.
  3. Improve existing partnerships with Volunteer Kelowna, Terry Fox Run, and Rainbows of Opportunities, Ministry of Children and Family Development.
  4. Expand soccer schools and camps through an enhanced partnership with Okanagan Regional Training Centre (ORTC) for soccer schools.
  5. Complete a "Capacity Analysis" of local sport associations in order to improve their ability to create their own individual group plans.
  6. Create a partnership with School District #23 regarding sportsfield management and standards.
  7. Position Kelowna, to qualify for funds from 2010 Olympic Live Sites Grants.
  8. Strengthen advisory groups – Arena Advisory committee, Sport Field Advisory Committee, Apple Bowl Consortium.
  9. Establish a Youth Ambassador Program in partnership with Kelowna Community Resources, the Kiwanis Clubs of Kelowna, the Centennial Committee and School District #23.
  10. Re-Affirm and strengthen the SportKelowna partnership model.


  1. Research and acquire information on technological changes, opportunities and products related to recreation services and facilities.
  2. Establish a mentor system (1 on 1 training) – identify who can mentor for different software (create new list) Arena/Stadium staff to get ‘In House’ training on CLASS and Outlook.
  3. Restructure the ‘shared directory’ for Recreation Kelowna computer filing system.
  4. Create a comprehensive Recreation facility manual to include floor plans, capacities, uses, photographs, mapping, hours of operation and rental procedures for use in marketing and operations.

Research & Development

  1. Restructure and implement a comprehensive system to gather and analyze Recreation statistical data.
  2. Continue to work as part of a team to establish plans for Recreation and Sport facilities and services at the Mission Recreation Park.
  3. Prepare a Seniors Facility and Community Services Plan based on population growth and demographic trends that addresses programming, staff levels, facility development and customer service.
  4. Complete the research for artificial turf sportsfields at Mission Recreation Park and Parkinson Recreation Centre.
  5. Provide research opportunities for selected Recreation staff.
  6. Evaluate existing facilities to determine if community needs are met in terms of operational, functional and program effectiveness. This process includes trend analysis, public input surveys and is completed on an annual basis for budget review.
  7. Research development and expansion option for the Parkinson Recreation Centre’s entire site.

Men and women curling on Bankhead Pond, 1905.